Related Studies Conceptual Framework

The subjects of this study are eight grade students of junior high school. They are teenagers around eleven to fifteen years old. To teach English as a foreign language especially reading fluency, it is necessary to describe the characteristics of junior high school students. The characteristics presented by some experts are as follows: a. Curious Teenagers are naturally curious. They want to gain competence, find out how the things work, control over themselves and do what they can see from others. They do not merely observe the world around them Hadfield: 2005: 13. Teenagers have full of questions. They are still concerned with their own life. They are curious about new things around them Harmer: 2007: 87. The activity of learning should fulfill the curiousity needs of students. b. Enjoy both intellectual and manipulative activities In language learning process, students mostly require using their intellegence quation. However students love doing activities that allow for creativity, independence and higher order thinking when they are learning Todeva: 2010. According to Salyers 2008, one of the characteristics of young adolescent learners is to enjoy intellectual and manipulative activities which prefers active involvement of learning. The teenage learners like the activity which improves their cognitive with exciting way of learning.

B. Related Studies

There are several studies related to reading fluency activities and running text multimedia. Those researches can be the consideration to make more innovation in reading fluency teaching process. The first research conducted by Basaran 1999 about improving reading fluency. He conducts several methods to improve redaing fluency such as repeated reading, auditory modeling and direct instruction of reading fluency. The finding mentions that auditory modeling is the best method in enhancing reading fluency because of giving the perfect sample to read. It can be concluded that creating an auditory modeling in reading fluency activities is an appropriate way. Multimedia running text is a ind of auditory modeling supported by rolling text. Secondly, the rolling text or running text research can be found in Widawati 2012 research. In daily activities, rolling text can be found in the minilyrics of song. It is an universal name of rolling text of lyrics adjusted by the voice of the song. It can easily be found in playstore. According to Widawati, minilyrics of the song can significantly improve pronunciation which is the main aspects of reading fluency especially in accuracy. Moreover, According to Huckabae 2013, running text multimedia affect fluency score of reading. The multimedia effect c hildren‟s verbal memory which has a direct link to fluency.

C. Conceptual Framework

STUDENT’S PROBLEM: Being insecure to speak up And read aloud GOAL Reading Fluency a. Based on the preleminary observation in SMPN 1 Jogonalan, Klaten, it is found that the students have a strong fear for reading aloud and have poor reading proficiency especially in reading fluency. They feel insecure of speaking up because the have less exposure and minium role model of reading fluency. To assist the poor reading fluency or even just reading orally, it is necessary to have an appropriate media for scaffolding these issues. The students should be given more exposures and role model. The teacher exposures the way of pronouncing the passage by using multimedia running text and the role model by pronunciation guide or auditory model. The problem exposed, focuses on accuracy, rate and prosody rather than comprehension. More Exposure Pronunciation Guiding Reading Aloud Multimedia Running Text Learning and Practicing Passing It Well Fluency


This chapter covers the following sections: type of the research, setting of the research, subject of the research, instruments of the research, data collection techniques, data analysis techniques, validity and reliability and the steps of the research.

A. Type of the Research

The type of the study was action research because it tried to find and to apply some actions for improving reading fluency through multimedia running texts. Burns 1999: 30 stated that action research was the application of fact finding to practical problem solving in a social situation with a view to improve the quality of action in it, involving collaboration and co-operation of researchers, practitioners, and laymen. The researcher and the other research team members collaboratively found obstacles and weaknesses of the reading fluency learning process, identified some problems, and planned and implemented the proposed actions. After that, the researcher made a reflection and discussion related to the implemented actions. The structural research was adapted from the model proposed by Kemmis and Mc Taggart 2010 that action research occured through a dynamic and complementary process, which consisted of four essential steps: planning, action, observation, and reflection.

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