Classification B (Less Readable)

2. Classification B (Less Readable)

Most similes in the novel which have been translated by Dian Vita Ellyati are less readable. There are 26 data (50,98% of the total data) classified as less readable translations. Three examples of the less readable data will be explained as follows: Example 1:

Layar itu ditambal dengan karung tepung, dan dalam keadaan tergulung nampak seperti bendera kalah perang.

01/TL/A/3 It has been previously explained that the context of situation of the

sentence above is the description of the appearance of the old man’s boat. Specifically, the sentence is about the description of the sail of the boat. The simile is intended to describe the sail which has the same bad poor appearance or condition as a flag of permanent defeat.

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the sentence which makes the translation confusing and ambiguous. The ambiguity in the sentence is “layar itu ditambal dengan karung tepung, dan dalam keadaan tergulung…” It bears a question which one is furled; the sail or the flour sack. Therefore, the translation of this simile is classified as a less readable translation. Example 2:

Si bocah telah memberinya dua ekor tuna kecil yang segar, atau

albakora yang tergantung pada dua tali terdalam seperti bandul

dan, selain itu, ia masih punya seekor tengek 5 besar dan seekor kuwe-kuning 6 yang telah digunakan sebelumnya, tetapi masih dalam kondisi baik, serta sarden segar yang menguarkan aroma sedap dan menunjukkan penampilan yang memikat .

10/TL/A/27 The context of situation of the sentence above is before the old man goes to sail alone in the sea. At that time, the boy prepares some stuff which will be

much needed during the old man’s long journey in the sea. After everything is well prepared and given to him, the old man begins his challenging journey.

The translation of this simile is also less readable. It is because there are a lot of special terms such as “albakora”, “tengek”, and “kuwe-kuning”. The explanation o f “tengek” and “kuwe-kuning” which is printed as the footnote of the page is still confusing. Moreover, there is no explanation of “albakora”. Due to the reasons above, the translation of this simile is classified as a less readable

translation. Example 3:

Garis – garis lebih lebar dari daripada tangan manusia dengan jemari terbuka dan mata ikan itu terlihat terpisah sebagai cermin

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prosesi. 34/TL/A/99

The context of situation of the sentence above is when the old man can clearly notice the physical appearance of the big fish which he has caught. The simile is intended to describe the fish’s eyes which are as detached as a saint in a

procession. The translation of this simile is also classified as a less readable translation. It is actually understandable however there is a confusing part. The confusing part is the topic of the simile “mata ikan itu” which is compared to the image “seorang santo dalam suatu prosesi”. The comparison between the fish’s

eyes and a saint in a procession sounds inappropriate and awkward because they have no correlation. Due to the reasons above, the translation of this simile is classified as a less readable translation.

In fact, Yuni has translated more similes less readably. There are 27 data (52,94% of the total data) are less readable. Three examples of the less readable data will be explained as follows: Example 1:

Layar itu telah bertambal karung – karung tepung dan dalam keadaan tergulung seperti itu tampak seperti bendera kekalahan

abadi. 01/TL/B/8

It has been explained previously that the context of situation of the sentence above is the description of the appearance of the sail of the old man’s boat. The simile is intended to compare “the sail” and “the flag of permanent

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defeat”. It shows that the sail has the same bad and poor appearance or condition as a flag of permanent defeat.

Similar to Dian, Yuni has translated this simile less acceptably. It is because the sentence needs to be read several times in order to understand it. Yuni’s dictions are considered more complicated than Dian’s, especially in the term “bendera kekalahan abadi” which means a flag of permanent defeat. Dian’s term “bendera kalah perang” which means a flag of war defeat sounds simpler

and more understandable. Owing to these reasons, the translation of this simile is considered less readable. Example 2:

Garis – garis itu lebih lebar dari dari tangan seorang lelaki dengan jari - jari terbentang dan mata ikan itu tampak tak acuh seperti cermin - cermin di sebuah periskop atau seperti orang suci dalam sebuah upacara .

33/TL/B/105 – 106 According to the previous explanation, the context of situation of the

sentence above is when the old man can clearly notice the physical appearance of the big fish which he has caught. The simile is intended to describe the fish’s eyes which are as detached as the mirrors in a periscope.

In this case, the translation of this simile is also less readable. It has to be read several times in order to understand it well. Besides, there is a confusing part in the sentence. It is the words “tak acuh” in the simile of the sentence. The word is considered confusing because t here is no correlation between “tak acuh” and a periscope in the target language. Therefore, the translation of this simile is classified a less readable translation.

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Dia datang seperti babi, jika babi punya mulut sedemikian besar itu sehingga kepala orang bisa masuk di dalamnya .

50/TL/B/121 It has also been explained previously that the context of situation of the

simile is when a shark comes to attack the old man’s big fish which is lashed beside his boat. The simile is intended to describe the way the shark comes through which is similar to the way a pig does.

According to the previous explanation, Dian’s translation is considered readable because she uses simple and understandable dictions in her translation. In contrary, Yuni’s translation is assessed less readable because of some following

reasons. Firstly, it needs to be read several times in order to understand it. Secondly , the translation “dia datang seperti babi” creates an ambiguity whether the way the shark comes through or its physical appearance is similar to a pig. Besides, Dian’s translation “hiu itu datang bagaikan seekor babi menerobos” is considered better because it can clearly describe that the way the shark comes through is similar to the way a pig does. Therefore, the translation of this simile is classified as a less readable translation.