Classification A (Readable)

1. Classification A (Readable)

There are 17 data of Dian Vita Ellyati’s simile translations (33,33% of the total data) are considered readable. Three examples of the readable data will be

explained as follows: Example 1:

Baju kaosnya telah berkali – kali ditambal, sehingga menyerupai layar kapal yang dipenuhi tambalan yang makin memudar karena

matahari. 04/TL/A/13

It has been previously explained that the simile of the sentence is intended to describe the old man’s clothes appearance. Specifically, the simile compares the old man’s shirt and the sail of his boat. The old man’s shirt and the sail of his

boat are similar because both of them have been patched a lot of times.

The translation of this simile is assessed readable. All words and terms contained in the simile are simple and understandable. The sentence which contains this simile can be easily understood by only once reading. According to the previous explanation, the translation of this simile is classified as a less

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translation. Therefore, the translation of this simile is classified as a readable translation. Example 2:

Ia tidak bisa melihat hijaunya pantai saat ini melainkan hanya

puncak bukit biru yang berwarna agak keputih – putihan seakan –

akan bertopikan salju dan awan yang nampak seperti gunung salju yang tinggi di atasnya .

15/TL/A/37 The context of situation of the sentence above is when the old man enjoys

the panorama of the scenery around him on the first day of his long journey. The author wants to describe the beauty of a blue hill. The top of the blue hill looks white as if it is covered with snow.

The translation of this simile is also considered readable because all words and terms are familiar and understandable. It shows that the term “snow” which is

translated into “salju” has no effect on the readability of the sentence. It is because the term “salju” is already very familiar in Indonesian even though it does not

really exist in the target society. Besides, the description of the blue hill which is “snow-capped” is also readably translated into “bertopikan salju”. Therefore, the

translation of this simile is classified as a readable translation. Example 3:

Hiu itu datang bagaikan seekor babi menerobos, andaikan seekor babi memiliki mulut selebar itu sehingga kau bisa memasukkan kepalamu ke dalamnya .


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old man’s big fish which is lashed beside his boat. The simile is intended to describe the way the shark comes through which is similar to the way a pig does.

In this case, the translation of this simile is also readable. It is because all word and terms contained in the simile are simple and understandable. According to the previous explanation, the translation of this simile is actually classified as an accurate and acceptable translation. This fact may contribute to the readability of the translation. Therefore, the translation of this simile is classified as a readable translation.

Meanwhile, there are 24 data of Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat’s simile translations (47,06% of the total data) are considered readable. Three examples of the readable data will be explained as follows: Example 1:

Tali itu tampak seperti coretan berpendar di air yang keluar lurus dari bahunya .

17/TL/B/52 It has been explained previously that the context of situation of the

sentence is after the old man has caught the big fish. He lashes it beside his boat using a line. The simile describes the line which is used to lash the fish. It looks similar to a phosphorescent streak.

In this case, Yuni’s translation is much better than Dian’s. Dian’s translation is considered unreadable because it has to be read several times in

order to understand it. Moreover, Dian uses the term “kilat fosforensi” in her translation which is not familiar in the target society. On the other hand, Yuni uses

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a more familiar term “coretan berpendar” which is easier to understand than “kilat fosforensi”. Due to these reasons, the translation of this simile can be

classified as a readable translation. Example 2:

Dia melihat ke langit dan melihat awan cumulus berwarna putih berbentuk seperti tumpukan es krim, dan jauh di atasnya ada sayap tipis awan cirrus di ketinggian langit bulan September .

21/TL/A/67 According to the previous explanation, the context of situation of the sentence is about the description of the sky in the middle of th e old man’s long

journey. At that time, he sees some white cumulus which looks like friendly piles of ice cream.

Similar to the previous example, the translation of this simile is also readable. Yuni has chosen better dictions than Dian. She uses the diction “tumpukan” which is paired to “es krim”. The diction “tumpukan es krim” in the image of the simile seems more natural than Dian’s diction “onggokan es krim” which is considered very awkward. Besides, Yuni’s decision to reduce the adjective word “friendly” in her translation is correct since it will be inappropriate if it is paired to “plies of ice cream” in Indonesian. In fact, her translation becomes readable. It is different from Dian who keeps and translates the word “friendly” into “ramah” which makes her translation unreadable.

Example 3: Dia berbentuk seperti ikan todak, kecuali rahangnya yang besar

yang tertutup rapat sekarang saat dia berenang cepat , tepat di bawah permukaan dengan sirip punggung yang tinggi membelah air tanpa bergoyang .

38/TL/B/109 – 110

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sentence is when the first hungry shark comes to attack the old man’s big fish which is lashed beside his boat. The simile above is intended to compare the

physical appearance of the shark to the physical appearance of a sword fish.

The translation of this simile is also considered readable. The sentence is actually simple and understandable. However, there is a suggestion for Yuni in using the special term “ikan todak”. In this case, Dian’s diction “ikan pedang” seems more familiar even though the term “ikan todak” is the same as “ikan pedang ” which means a sword fish. However, it is okay if Yuni uses the term “ikan todak” because her translation is still considered readable.