Classification B (Less Accurate)

2. Classification B (Less Accurate)

Dian Vita Ellyati translates 20 similes (39,22% of the total data) less accurately. Three examples of the less accurate data will be explained as follows:

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The sail was patched with flour sacks and, furled; it looked like the flag of permanent defeat. 01/SL/9 Layar itu ditambal dengan karung tepung, dan dalam keadaan tergulung nampak seperti bendera kalah perang.

01/TL/A/3 It has been explained previously that the context of situation of the sentence above is the description of the appearance of the old man’s boat.

Specifically, the sentence is about the description of the sail of the boat. The simile is intended to compare “the sail” and “the flag of permanent defeat”. It shows that the sail has the same bad and poor appearance or condition as a flag of permanent defeat.

In this case, the image of the simile “the flag of permanent defeat” is changed and translated into a different image that is “bendera kalah perang”. It is

different from the original image that must be translated into “bendera kekalahan abadi ” because “bendera kalah perang” in English is “the flag of war defeat”. Besides, it can also be seen that the adjective word “permanent” is not conveyed in the target language. Therefore, the translation of this simile is classified as a less accurate translation. Example 2:

His shirt had been patched so many times that it was like the sail

and the patches were faded to many different shades by the sun.


Baju kaosnya telah berkali – kali ditambal, sehingga menyerupai layar kapal yang dipenuhi tambalan yang makin memudar karena

matahari. 04/TL/A/13

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intended to describe the old man’s clothes appearance. The topic of the simile is the old man’s shirt which is compared to his sail. The point of similarity between “his shirt” and “the sail” is that both of them have been patched a lot of times.

The translation of this simile is less accurate. In this datum, it can be seen that Dian gives additional information to the topic and the image of the simile. The topic “his shirt” should be translated into “bajunya”. However, she gives an additional word “kaos” so that the translation becomes “baju kaosnya”. Besides, she also gives additional information to the image of the simile. The image “the sail” which should be translated into “layar kapal” is translated into “layar kapal yang dipenuhi tambalan yang makin memudar karena matahari ”. The additional information of the image is derived from the second clause that is “the patches were faded to many different shades by the sun”. In fact, the additions are not necessary. Therefore, the translation of this simile is classified as a less accurate translation. Example 3:

In the night sharks hit the carcass as someone might pick up crumbs from the table.


Dalam gelap malam hiu – hiu menyerang bangkai seperti

seseorang menjumput remah – remah dari atas meja. 51/TL/A/124

It has been explained previously that the context of situation of the sentence above is when the old man has sailed back to his harbor with his mysterious and huge fish. However, the big fish has become a carcass due to the

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to continue attacking and eating the carcass. The simile of the sentence compares the way the sharks hit the carcass which is similar to the way someone picks up crumbs from the table.

In this case, Dian cannot keep the expressive style of the original simile. It can be seen from the image “someone might pick up crumbs from the table” which is translated into “seseorang menjumput remah – remah dari atas meja”.

The action verb “pick up” is less expressively translated into “menjumput”. The diction “menjumput” is the way someone takes something from the table gently

and slowly. It is not suitable to represent the way the sharks attack the carcass which is rude and fast. Besides, Yuni translates this simile better. It is because she translates it into “seseorang menyikat tandas remah – remah makanan dari meja”. The diction “menyikat” is much more expressive than “menjumput”.

On the other hand, Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat translates only 13 similes (25,49% of the total data) less accurately. Three examples of the less accurate data will be explained as follows: Example 1:

He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them as he loved the boy.

05/SL/27 Sekarang dia hanya bermimpi mengenai tempat – tempat dan singa -

singa di pantai . Hewan – hewan itu bermain seperti kucing –

kucing kecil di pasir dan dia mencintai mereka seperti dia mencintai anak lelaki itu .


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sentence above is when the old man sleeps before he goes to do his long journey alone in the sea. At the night, he dreams about places and the lions on the beach. The simile of the sentence is intended to describe the way lions play which looks like the way young cats do in the dusk.

The translation of the simile is less accurate because Yuni changes the original image of the simile. The image “young cats in the dusk” which should be

translated into “kucing – kucing kecil di senja hari” is translated into “kucing – kucing kecil di pasir ”. It can be seen that the adverb of time “in the dusk” or “di senja hari ” is changed into an adverb of place “di pasir”. Therefore, the translation of this simile is categorized as a less accurate translation. Example 2:

He was very fond of flying fish as they were his principal friends

on the ocean. 06/SL/32

Dia sangat suka ikan terbang seakan - akan merekalah sahabat -

sahabatnya di laut. 06/TL/B/31

According to the previous explanation, the context of situation of the sentence above is when the old man hears trembling sounds of some flying fish in an early morning. The trembling sounds come from the flying fish which swim and pass his boat. At that time, he is interested to look down to the water to see the flying fish more clearly. He feels happy to see the way they swim and always considers them as his principal friends in the sea.

In this case, the translation of the simile is less accurate. It is because there is some deleted information in the image of the simile. The simile “he was very

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fond of flying fish as they were his principal friends on the ocean” is translated into “dia sangat suka ikan terbang seakan - akan merekalah sahabat - sahabatnya di laut ”. It can be seen that Yuni reduces the adjective word “principal” in the image “his principal friends on the ocean”. In fact, the image should be translated into “sahabat – sahabat utamanya di laut”. Due to the reduction of the adjective word “principal”, it can be said that the translation of this simile is categorized as

a less accurate translation. Example 3: So he hooked a patch of yellow Gulf weed with the gaff as they

passed and shook it so that the small shrimps that were in it fell onto the planking of the skiff. There were more than a dozen of them and they jumped and kicked like sand fleas.

36/SL/108 Jadi , dia mengait sepotong rumput teluk yang kuning dengan tombak

saat mereka lewat dan mengguncang - guncangnya sehingga udang – udang kecil yang berada di sana jatuh ke atas papan perahu. Ada lebih dari selusin jumlahnya dan mereka melompat - lompat seperti kutu pasir.

36/TL/B/107 It has also been previously explained that the context of situation of the sentence above is when the old man looks for some food to eat in the middle of

the sea. At that time, he is successful to catch a lot of small shrimps. The small shrimps are loaded to his boat. They fall onto the planking of the skiff. The simile compares the way the small shrimps jump and kick which looks similar to the way the sand fleas do.

It is different from Dian who has been able to translate the simile accurately; Yuni translates the simile less accurately. The reason of the assessment is also similar to the previous example. There is some deleted

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information in the translation of the simile. The simile “they jumped and kicked like sand fleas” is only translated into “mereka melompat - lompat seperti kutu pasir ”. It can be seen that she reduces the action verb “kicked”. The action verb “kicked” which should be translated into “menendang - nendang” cannot be found

in the target language. Owing to this reason, the translation of the simile can be classified as a less accurate translation.