The techniques used to translate the similes

1. The techniques used to translate the similes

Different from Mayasari ’s research which shows that the translator uses all of the six techniques composed by Newmark, Larson, and Blight, it can be seen that Dian Vita Ellyati and Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat use five techniques from the six techniques composed by Newmark, Larson, and Blight as cited in Mayasari (2007) which are also in line with the translation techniques stated in metaphors-in-spanish-translation.htmthat They are as follows:

1. Keeping the image of the simile of the source language. Dian uses this technique to translate 34 similes found in the novel or 66,67% of the total data while Yuni uses this technique to translate 42 similes found in the novel or 82,36% of the total data. Besides, there are the same 28 data translated using this technique by both translators.

2. Using other image which is familiar in the target language. Dian uses this technique to translate 7 similes found in the novel or 13,73% of the total data while Yuni uses this technique to translate 2 similes found in the novel or 3,92% of the total data. There is no same datum translated using this technique by both translators.

3. Translating the simile by addition. Dian uses this technique to translate 4 similes found in the novel or 7,84% of the total data while Yuni uses this

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data. There is also no same datum translated using this technique by both translators.

4. Translating the simile by reduction. Dian uses this technique to translate only

1 simile found in the novel or 1,96% of the total data while Yuni uses this technique to translate 4 similes found in the novel or 7,84% of the total data. There is one same datum translated using this technique by both translators.

5. Translating the simile without comparison. Dian uses this technique to translate 5 similes found in the novel or 9,80% of the total data while Yuni uses this technique to translate 2 similes found in the novel or 3,92% of the total data. There is also no same datum translated using this technique by both translators.

From the data above, it can be seen that Dian Vita Ellyati translates 34 similes or 66,67% of the total data using the technique of keeping the image of the simile of the source language. Besides, Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat also uses the same technique to translate 42 similes or 82,36% of the total data. Similar to the findings of this research, Mayasari also finds out that the translator mostly uses the technique of keeping the image of the simile of the source language. Therefore, it shows that both translators tend to use the technique of keeping the image of the simile of the source language to translate most similes found in the novel (more than a half of the total data). It implies that they probably try to translate the similes as accurately as possible. It is because when they apply this technique, the image of the source language is kept originally. Not only the image

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kept as originally as possible when they apply this technique.