The effects of the techniques on the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy, readability, and acceptability

2. The effects of the techniques on the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy, readability, and acceptability

As what has been explained, Dian and Yuni use the same five kinds of techniques to translate the similes. However, they apply the techniques in different data even though some data are similarly translated using the techniques. Therefore, the accuracy, acceptability, and readability levels of the simile translations are also different. They are as follows:

a. The accuracy of the translation of the similes

This part discusses the effects of the techniques applied by both translators on the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy. They are as follows:

Table 9 The Comparative Table of the Effects of the Techniques Applied on the Accuracy of the Simile Translations


Translation Techniques

Dian Vita Ellyati

Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat


Level of Accuracy

Percentage Total

Level of Accuracy

Percentage 1 Keeping the

image of the simile of the source language

8 Less Accurate


6 Less Accurate

14,29% 2 Using other

image which is familiar in the target language

3 Accurate


2 Less Accurate


4 Less Accurate


3 Translating the simile by addition

Less Accurate


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the simile by reduction

1 Accurate


3 Less Accurate

75% 5 Translating

the simile without comparison

5 Less Accurate


2 Less Accurate

Table 9 clearly describes the effects of the techniques applied by Dian Vita Ellyati and Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat on the accuracy of the translation of the similes. It can be seen that both of them mostly use the technique of keeping the image of the simile of the source language to translate the similes found in the novel. Dian uses the technique to translate 33 similes or 64,71% of the total 51 data. The technique application can create 25 accurate simile translations (75,76%) and only 8 less accurate simile translations (24,24%). Besides, Yuni uses the technique to translate 42 similes or 82,36% of the total 51 data. The technique application can create 36 accurate simile translations (85,71%) and only 6 less accurate simile translations (14,29%).

Dian translates the other 18 similes are translated using the other four techniques. She uses the technique of using other image which is familiar in the target language to translate 7 similes or 13,73% of the total 51 data. As it can be seen, 3 similes (42,86%) are translated accurately while 4 similes (57,14%) are translated less accurately using this technique. She also uses the technique of translating the simile by addition to translate 4 similes or 7,84% of the total data. One simile (25%) is translated accurately while three similes (75%) are translated less accurately using the technique. The fourth technique, the technique of translating the simile by reduction, is applied to translate only 1 simile or 1,96%

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Dian tries to keep all information contained in the similes with no reduction. However, when she has to reduce something, it is only done to make her translation more acceptable or readable without decreasing the accuracy level of it. The other 6 similes or 11,76% of the total data are translated using the technique of translating the simile without comparison. However, Dian inappropriately applies this technique. It can be seen that five similes (83,33%) are considered less accurate while one simile (16,67%) is translated inaccurately using this technique. It is because she fails to convey the points of similarities of the similes.

Besides, Yuni translates the other 9 similes are translated using the other four techniques. She uses the technique of using other image which is familiar in the target language to translate 2 similes or 3,92% of the total 51 data. However, they are considered 100% less accurate. She also uses the technique of translating the simile by addition to translate only 1 simile or 1,96% of the total data. The translation result using this technique is 100% accurate. Four similes or 7,84% of the total data are translated using the technique of translating the simile by reduction. One simile (25%) is translated accurately while three similes (75%) are translated less accurately using the technique. It is because she reduces the crucial parts of the similes. Besides, the technique of translating the simile without comparison is applied to translate 2 similes or 3,92% of the total data and the translation results are considered 100% accurate. It is because she is able to convey the points of similarities of the similes.

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can be seen that Dian has been able to translate 30 similes (58,82%) accurately while she translates only 20 similes (39,22%) less accurately and 1 simile translation (1,96%) is considered inaccurate. Besides, Yuni has been able to translate 38 similes (74,51%) accurately while she translates only 13 similes (25,49%) les s accurately. In additions, none of Yuni’s translations is considered inaccurate. Moreover, the average scores of the assessments toward Dian’s and Yuni’s simile translations in terms of accuracy are 2,57 and 2,76. Therefore, it can

be said that Dian’s and Yuni’s simile translations are accurate since they can convey the meanings of the similes accurately in the target language with no

distortion of their meanings.

b. The acceptability of the translation of the similes

This part discusses the effects of the techniques applied by both translators on the quality of the translation in terms of acceptability. They are as follows:

Table 10 The Comparative Table of the Effects of the Techniques Applied on the Acceptability of the Simile Translations


Translation Techniques

Dian Vita Ellyati

Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat


Level of Acceptability



Level of Acceptability


1 Keeping the image of the simile of the source language

5 Less Acceptable


8 Less Acceptable


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image which is familiar in the target language

3 Translating the simile by addition

3 Less Acceptable


4 Translating the simile by reduction

Less Acceptable

50% 5 Translating

the simile without comparison

5 Less Acceptable


1 Less Acceptable


Table 10 above can clearly show the effects of the techniques applied by Dian Vita Ellyati and Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat on the acceptability of the translation of the similes. As what has been discussed previously, both of them use the technique of keeping the image of the simile of the source language to translate most similes found in the novel. Dian translates 33 similes or 64,71% of the total 51 data. The technique application creates 28 acceptable simile translations ( 84,85 %) and 5 less acceptable simile translations (15,15%). Besides, Yuni translates 42 similes or 82,36% of the total 51 data. The technique application creates 34 acceptable simile translations (80,95%) and 8 less acceptable simile translations (19,05%).

It has been discussed that Dian translates the other 18 similes using the other four techniques. She uses the technique of using other image which is familiar in the target language to translate 7 similes or 13,73% of the total 51 data and they are 100% acceptable. The application of the technique of translating the

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simile translation (25%) while three simile translations (75%) are considered less acceptable. It implies that the additions inserted in the simile translations are inappropriate or break the using rules of Indonesian. Similar to the application of the technique of using other image which is familiar in the target language, the application of the technique of translating the simile by reduction to one simile or 1,96% of the total data can create a 100% acceptable translation. It is because the reduction which is intended to make the simile translation more acceptable is appropriately done. The last one, the application of the technique of translating the simile without comparison to the other 6 similes or 11,76% of the total data creates one acceptable simile translation (16,67%) while 5 simile translations (83,33%) are considered less acceptable. It is because some parts of the simile translations break the using rules of Indonesian especially the inappropriate pronouns contained in translations.

It has also been discussed that Yuni translates the other 9 similes using the other four techniques. She uses the technique of using other image which is familiar in the target language to translate 2 similes or 3,92% of the total 51 data and they are 100% acceptable. The application of the technique of translating the simile by addition to only 1 simile or 1,96% of the total data can also create a 100% acceptable translation. Besides, the application of the technique of translating the simile by reduction to four similes or 7,84% of the total data creates 2 acceptable simile translations (50%) and 2 less acceptable simile translations (50%). It is caused by some parts of the simile translations which

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contained in translations. The application of the technique of translating the simile without comparison to the other two similes or 3,92% of the total data also creates one acceptable translation (50%) and one less acceptable simile translation (50%). It is also caused by some parts of the simile translation which break the using rules of Indonesian especially the inappropriate pronouns contained in it.

Over all, both Dian and Yuni have translated most similes acceptably. It can be seen that Dian can translate 38 similes (74,51%) acceptably while only 13 simile translations (25,49%) are considered less acceptable. Besides, Yuni can translate 40 similes (78,43%) acceptably while only 11 simile translations (21,57%) are considered less acceptable. None of their transaltions are assessed unacceptable. Moreover, the averages score of the assessments toward Dian’s and Yuni’s simile translations in terms of acceptability are 2,76 and 2,78. Therefore, it can be said that Dian’s and Yuni’s simile translations are acceptable since mostly their simile translations sound natural, use familiar target words, and follow the using rules of the target language.

c. The readability of the translation of the similes

This part discusses the effects of the techniques applied by both translators on the quality of the translation in terms of readability. They are as follows:

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The Comparative Table of the Effects of the Techniques Applied on the Readability of the Simile Translations


Translation Techniques

Dian Vita Ellyati

Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat


Level of Readability

Percentage Total

Level of Readability

Percentage 1 Keeping

the image of the simile of the source language

20 Less Readable


22 Less Readable

2 Using other image which is familiar in the target language

2 Readable


2 Less Readable

4 100% Readable Less 57,14% 1 Unreadable


3 Translating the simile by addition

2 Readable


1 Less Readable

1 100% Less Readable

4 Translating the simile by reduction

1 Readable


3 Readable 75% 1 Less


25% 5 Translating

the simile without comparison

1 Less Readable


Less Readable

Table 11 above can clearly describe the effects of the techniques applied by Dian Vita Ellyati and Yuni Kristianingsih Pramudhaningrat on the readability of the translation of the similes. As what has been discussed previously, both of them use the technique of keeping the image of the simile of the source language to translate most similes found in the novel. Dian translates 33 similes or 64,71% of the total 51 data and the technique application can create 11 readable simile

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using this technique while 2 simile translations ( 6,06 %) are considered unreadable. Besides, Yuni translates 42 similes or 82,36% of the total 51 data. The technique application can create 20 readable simile translations (47,62%). However, 22 similes (52,38%) are translated less readably using this technique. It implies that the application of this technique is not yet appropriate since the less readable simile translations are more than the readable ones.

It has been discussed that Dian translates the other 18 similes using the other four techniques. The application of the technique of using other image which is familiar in the target language to translate 7 similes or 13,73% of the total 51 data creates 2 readable simile translations (28,57%), 4 less readable simile translations (57,14%), and 1 unreadable simile translation (14,29%). Besides, the application of the technique of translating the simile by addition to 4 similes or 7,84% of the total data can create 2 readable simile translations (50%) while 1 simile translation (25%) is considered less readable and the other (25%) is assessed unreadable. On the other hand, one simile or 1,96% of the total data which is translated using the technique of translating the simile by reduction is 100% readable. Meanwhile, the application of the technique of translating the simile without comparison to the other 6 similes or 11,76% of the total data can create 1 readable simile translation (16,67%), 1 less readable simile translation (16,67%), and four simile translations (66,66%) are considered unreadable. The raters say that Dian does not give clear explanations about the special terms contained in the similes. This condition makes her simile translations less

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they are assessed unreadable. It has also been discussed that Yuni translates the other 9 similes using the other four techniques. According to this table, the application of the technique of using other image which is familiar in the target language to 2 similes or 3,92% of the total creates 100% less readable translations. The same result can be seen in the application of the technique of translating the simile by addition to only one simile or 1,96% of the total data which also creates a 100% less readable translation. Besides, the application of the technique of translating the simile by reduction to 4 similes or 7,84% of the total data can create 3 readable translations (75%) while 1 simile translation (25%) is considered less readable. On the other hand, the application of the technique of translating the simile without comparison to the other two similes or 3,92% of the total data creates one readable simile translation (50%) while the other simile translation (50%) is considered less readable. The raters also say that Yuni does not give clear explanations about the special terms contained in the similes. This condition makes her simile translations less readable. However, none of her simile translations is assessed unreadable.

Over all, Dian and Yuni have not been able to translate most similes found in the novel readably. It can be seen that Dian only translates 17 similes (33,33%) readably while 26 similes (50,98%) are less readably translated and the other eight simile translations (15,69%) are considered unreadable. Besides, Yuni only translates 24 similes (47,06%) readably while 27 simile translations (52,94%) are

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unreadable. Moreover, the average scores of the assessments toward Dian’s and Yuni’s simile translations in terms of readability are only 2,21 and 2,48. Therefore, it can be said that Dian’s and Yuni’s simile translations are less

readable because there is no clear explanation about the special terms contained in the similes and the raters have to read the simile translations several times in order to understand them. This research finding is d ifferent from Mayasari’s research since the result of the analysis upon the readability level of the simile translations show that they are readable.

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