Status Hukum Edward Snowden Dalam Pencarian Suaka Pada Negara Lain



A. Status Hukum Edward Snowden Dalam Pencarian Suaka Pada Negara Lain

Edward Snowden adalah seorang ahli komputer dari Amerika Serikat. Snowden terkenal karena membocorkan dokumen rahasia Amerika Serikat kepada dunia internasional. Snowden lahir pada 21 Juni 1983. Snowden adalah mantan system administrator untuk Central Intelligence Agency CIA dan counterintelligence trainer at the Defense Intelligence Agency DIA, Snowden kemudian bekerja untuk Dell sebagai contractor untuk U.S. National Security Agency facilities di Amerika Serikat dan didalam NSA outpost di Jepang. Maret 2013, Snowden bergabung dengan consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton dan bekerja sebagai infrastructure analyst inside the NSA center di Hawaii 42 42 Edward Snowden, diakses dari http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiEdward_Snowden . Snowden menjadi pemberitaan hangat di dunia internasional semenjak membocorkan rahasia pemerintah Amerika Serikat terkait beberapa program pemerintah Amerika Serikat yang menurutnya membahayakan dunia, seperti pemerintah Amerika Serikat yang bisa dengan mudah mengetahui gerak-gerik warganya, serta beberapa rahasia terkait spy di beberapa negara. Snowden melakukan pembocoran tersebut di Hong Kong. Hal ini menjadi perbincangan internasional, warta berita dunia pun menjadikan Snowden bahasan utamanya, berikut beberapa berita yang terkait dengan kasus Snowden ini: 1. DEMOCRACYNOW These programs don’t make us more safe. They hurt our economy. They hurt our country. They limit our ability to speak and think and to live and be creative, to have relationships, to associate freely. And they’re going—this doesn’t make us more safe; it makes us less safe, puts us at risk of coming into conflict with our own government. And there’s a far cry between legal programs, legitimate spying, legitimate law enforcement, where it’s targeted, it’s based on reasonable suspicion and individualized suspicion and warranted action, and sort of dragnet mass surveillance that puts entire populations under sort of an eye that sees everything, even when it’s not needed 43 2. THE GUARDIAN . Dalam situs DEMOCRACYNOW Snowden berkata Program-program pemerintah Amerika Serikat ini tidak membuat kita lebih aman. Mereka menyakiti perekonomian kita. Mereka menyakiti negara kita. Mereka membatasi kemampuan kita untuk berbicara dan berpikir dan hidup dan menjadi kreatif, memiliki hubungan, untuk berserikat secara bebas. Dan mereka akan - hal ini tidak membuat kita lebih aman ; itu membuat kita kurang aman, menempatkan kita pada risiko datang ke dalam konflik dengan pemerintah kita sendiri. Dan ada jauh berbeda antara program hukum , mata-mata yang sah , penegakan hukum yang sah, di mana itu ditargetkan, hal ini didasarkan pada kecurigaan dan kecurigaan individual dan dijamin tindakan, dan semacam jaring pengawasan massa yang menempatkan seluruh populasi di bawah semacam mata yang melihat segala sesuat, bahkan ketika itu tidak diperlukan. On May 20, he boarded a flight to Hong Kong, where he has remained ever since. He chose the city because they have a spirited commitment to free speech and the right of 43 Edward Snowden Speaks Out Againnst NSA, diakses dari http:www.democracynow.org20131014edward_snowden_speaks_out_against_nsa political dissent, and because he believed that it was one of the few places in the world that both could and would resist the dictates of the US government. 44 3. THE TELEGRAPH Diberitakan bahwa Snowden terbang ke Hong Kong pada 20 Mei dan sudah memikirkan segala resiko yang akan ia tanggung. Namun, Snowden tidak takut karena merasa dia melakukan hal yang benar. A former technical worker at the CIA and Americas National Security Agency has revealed himself as the whistleblower behind leaks about secret US government surveillance programmes. 45 4. DAILY MAIL Seorang mantan pekerja teknis di Badan Keamanan Nasional Amerika CIA dan telah mengungkapkan dirinya sebagai whistleblower di belakang kebocoran tentang rahasia AS program pengawasan pemerintah. “If Edward Snowden did in fact leak the NSA data as he claims, the United States government must prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law and begin extradition proceedings at the earliest date, King said in a written statement. The United States must make it clear that no country should be granting this individual asylum. This is a matter of extraordinary consequence to American intelligence” 46 44 http:www.theguardian.comworld2013jun09edward-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-surveillance 45 Edward-Snowden-speaks-out.html 46 surveillance-scheme-reveals-himself.html Jika Edward Snowden ternyata memang membocorkan data NSA seperti yang ia klaim , pemerintah Amerika Serikat harus menuntut dia untuk sepenuhnya proses hukum dan memulai proses ekstradisi sejak awal, kata King dalam sebuah pernyataan tertulis. Amerika Serikat harus membuat jelas bahwa tidak ada negara harus memberikan suaka individu ini. Ini adalah masalah konsekuensi yang luar biasa untuk intelijen Amerik . 5. Vanity Fair It had all begun some six months earlier, the way the best spy thrillers do, with a whisper in an exotic locale. This time, as befits the defining espionage story of our age, the whisper was first typed into a computer and sent to an expatriate American columnist and former lawyer living in a greenery-shrouded villa in Rio de Janeiro, then to a provocative documentary-film maker at her apartment in Berlin, and last to a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist in his office in downtown Manhattan. The columnist, a 47-year-old named Glenn Greenwald, ignored that strange first overture. Greenwald had transformed himself into a crusader in the fight against aggressive government surveillance. His columns and blog posts for Salon, and for a British newspaper, The Guardian, had won him a devoted following among a broad coalition of civil-rights and privacy activists. That first e-mail, one of many that had popped onto his laptop on the morning of December 1, 2012, was cryptic. The anonymous sender, saying he had information Greenwald might be interested in, asked for his public encryption key a so-called P.G.P. key, so they could have a secure online discussion. Greenwald didn’t have a P.G.P. key and wasn’t going to the trouble of getting one for so vague a promise. 47 6. Situs ini 48 Snowden seems relaxed and upbeat as we drink Cokes and tear away at a giant room- service pepperoni pizza. His 31st birthday is a few days away. Snowden still holds out hope that he will someday be allowed to return to the US. “I told the government I’d volunteer for melakukan pembicaraan yang cukup menarik dengan Snowden dan cukup lebar. Snowden dijelaskan sangat santai dalam wawancara walau dirinya dikejar Amerika Serikat. 47 http:www.vanityfair.comnewspolitics201405edward-snowden-politics-interview 48 http:www.wired.com201408edward-snowden prison, as long as it served the right purpose,” he says. “I care more about the country than what happens to me. But we can’t allow the law to become a political weapon or agree to scare people away from standing up for their rights, no matter how good the deal. I’m not going to be part of that.” Snowden berkata pada pemerintah bahwa dia secara sukarela akan masuk penjara namun dengan tujuan yang baik. Snowden berisukukuh dia melakukan hal yang baik. Meanwhile, Snowden will continue to haunt the US, the unpredictable impact of his actions resonating at home and around the world. The documents themselves, however, are out of his control. Snowden no longer has access to them; he says he didn’t bring them with him to Russia. Copies are now in the hands of several news organizations, including: First Look Media, set up by journalist Glenn Greenwald and American documentary filmmaker Laura Poitras, the two original recipients of the documents; The Guardian newspaper, which also received copies before the British government pressured it into transferring physical custody but not ownership to The New York Times; and Barton Gellman, a writer for The Washington Post. It’s highly unlikely that the current custodians will ever return the documents to the NSA. That has left US officials in something like a state of impotent expectation, waiting for the next round of revelations, the next diplomatic upheaval, a fresh dose of humiliation. Snowden tells me it doesn’t have to be like this. He says that he actually intended the government to have a good idea about what exactly he stole. Before he made off with the documents, he tried to leave a trail of digital bread crumbs so investigators could determine which documents he copied and took and which he just “touched.” That way, he hoped, the agency would see that his motive was whistle-blowing and not spying for a foreign government. It would also give the government time to prepare for leaks in the future, allowing it to change code words, revise operational plans, and take other steps to mitigate damage. But he believes the NSA’s audit missed those clues and simply reported the total number of documents he touched—1.7 million. Snowden says he actually took far fewer. “I figured they would have a hard time,” he says. “I didn’t figure they would be completely incapable.” Asked to comment on Snowden’s claims, NSA spokesperson Vanee Vines would say only, “If Mr. Snowden wants to discuss his activities, that conversation should be held with the US Department of Justice. He needs to return to the United States to face the charges against him.” Snowden speculates that the government fears that the documents contain material that’s deeply damaging—secrets the custodians have yet to find. “I think they think there’s a smoking gun in there that would be the death of them all politically,” Snowden says. “The fact that the government’s investigation failed—that they don’t know what was taken and that they keep throwing out these ridiculous huge numbers—implies to me that somewhere in their damage assessment they must have seen something that was like, ‘Holy shit.’ And they think it’s still out there.” Yet it is very likely that no one knows precisely what is in the mammoth haul of documents—not the NSA, not the custodians, not even Snowden himself. He would not say exactly how he gathered them, but others in the intelligence community have speculated that he simply used a web crawler, a program that can search for and copy all documents containing particular keywords or combinations of keywords. Sesuai dengan kebiasaan internasional yang berlaku, Snowden berhak untuk meminta Suaka kepada negara yang ditujunya, hanya status Snowden sebagai pencari suaka tergantung kepada negara yang memberikan suaka kepada Snowden dengan segala pertimbangan. Negara pemberi juga memiliki kewenangan penuh terhadap pemberian suaka sehingga Amerika Serikat juga seharusnya nya menghormatinya. Negara yang memberikan suaka terhadap Snowden adalah Rusia. Rusia memberikan suaka politik sementara kepada Edward Snowden pada 1 Agustus 2013 dalam jangka waktu 1 tahun yang berakhir 31 Juli 2014. Pada pasal 1 paragraf 3 deklarasi tentang suaka territorial 1967 secara tegas menyatakan bahwa penilaian alasan – alasan bagi pemberi suaka diserahkan kepada negara pemberi suaka: “it shall rest with the state granting asylum to evaluate the grounds for the grant of asylum” Kemudian Rusia memberikan Snowden status penduduk tetap Rusia 49 “owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country … or is unwilling to return to it” , “Snowden saat ini sudah bebas melakukan perjalanan di Rusia, bahkan bisa pergi keluar negeri, tapi hanya dalam waktu tidak lebih dari tiga bulan atau sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Jika ia melanggar, status penduduk tetap miliknya bisa dicabut,” ujar Kucherena pengacara Snowden. Di Rusia Snowden mendapatkan pengamanan swasta dan bekerja seperti biasa sesuai dengan keahliannya. Dari penjelasan di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa Snowden merupakan pencari suaka bukan pengungsi. 50 49 http:indonesia.rbth.compolitics20140810snowden_dapatkan_status_penduduk_tetap_rusia_24699.html 50 U.N. Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees Dan kemudian ditambahkan: “any person with respect to whom there are serious reasons for considering that … he has committed a serious non-political crime outside the country of refuge prior to his admission to that country as a refugee” 51

B. Status Negara Amerika Serikat AS Dalam Hal Meminta Ekstradisi Atas