The Definition of Errors Analysis The Objective of Errors Analysis

known about them”. 15 In addition to the teaching materials or method applied as an external aspect of the teachers, their internal aspect or the personal ability and competence are quite influencing or determining.

B. Error Analysis

1. The Definition of Errors Analysis

Making errors is human being and natural. In learning process, errors have been perceived as a device a learner uses in order to learn. Indeed human learning is fundamentally a process that involves the making of mistakes. Mistakes, misjudgment, miscalculation, and erroneous assumption form an important aspect of learning virtually any skill or acquiring information. 16 Meanwhile errors analysis based on Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate dictionary is ” the analysis, for practical but also potentially for scientific ends, of errors made by students learning another language”. 17 And in another explanation is also stated that errors analysis is “the examination of those errors committed by students in both the spoken and written medium”. 18 According to Harimurti Kridalaksana, error analysis is a technique to measure the progress of language learning by marking and classifying the errors committed by someone or group: 15 Hubburb, op. cit. p.140-143 16 Brown., op. cit.,p.216 17 Merriam Webster Dictionary, op. cit. p.117 18 Available at accessed on September 12 , 2008 Analisis kesilapan: Tehnik untuk mengukur kemajuan belajar bahasa dengan mencatat dan mengklasifikakan kesalahan-kesalahan yang dibuat oleh seseorang atau kelompok. 19 Those three definitions concerning with errors analysis are basically leading to the same or one understanding that is to criticize the errors made by the students learning a foreign language, and this is what the writer is conducting in his research paper.

2. The Objective of Errors Analysis

Errors Analysis is useful in second language learning because this will reveal to teachers, syllabus designers and textbook writers. They could design remedial exercises and focuses more attention on the trouble spots. 20 Yet, in this case the writer just would like to add that errors analysis as a tool is also useful for the researcher to find out information needed, since the study of error provides us with a picture of the linguistic development of a learner and may give us indications about the learning process. The writer also approves that errors can help us identify the cognitive strategies that the learner is using to process information through analyzing learner errors. 21 19 Harimurti Kridalaksana, Kamus Linguistik, Jakarta: Gramedia, 1982 p.11 20 Available at accessed on September 13 , 2008 21 Available at www.writing.berkeley.eduTESL-EJej22al.html accessed on September 13 , 2008

C. Writing