Omission Word Spelling Punctuation

• Capitalized names of specific persons, place, or things proper noun • Capitalize abbreviations or acronym ATM, USA, Ph.D • Capitalize title that precedes a person’s name, but not those that follow Professor John Smith, the professor. 43 • Capitalize the first word of every sentence and pronoun I. However, in some cases, some students did not put any capital letters in the beginning of the sentence and in proper noun because they do not certain to their own writing, and they are still doubt in giving capital letter.

6. Omission Word

Omission errors are characteristic by absence of an item that must appear in a well-formed utterance. Omission can occurs in morphology. Learners often leave out the third person singular morpheme –s, the plural marker-s and the past tense inflection –ed, a learner could say, for example” a strange happen to me yesterday”. 44 The students sometimes added some useless word in the sentence in their writing that had better be omitted. For example “I went to a post office and then I sent….” It should be “I went to 43 Leo Filkenstein, Jr, Pocket Book of Technical Writing for Engineers and Scientists Boston; McGraw–Hill, 2000, p. 204 44 Nskala Lengo, What is an Error, English Teaching Forum, July 1995.Vol.XXXIII, p. 22 post office and sent…..”. It is caused by their lack of knowledge and exercise in writing.

7. Spelling

Spelling is how to write a word correctly. For instance; wildt, senter, coupel, etc. they should be wild, center, couple, etc. spelling problems can be overcomed only through practice and if the students need more practice, they should arrange practice session with a friend. 45

8. Punctuation

Punctuation is the practice of system of inserting various marks in written text in order to aid interpretation. 46 Here are the kinds of punctuations in the sentence such as period [.], coma [ , ], semicolon [; ], colon [: ], hyphen [ - ], etc. and most of students misused the punctuation, eg, ‘ when I saw you for the first time. I was very surprised” heshe used period instead of coma. In this punctuation case, the students made errors because they do not pay attention in writing, whereas punctuation is important to make the meaning clear. They did not realize that written English is different from spoken English. Gesture, tones, and stressing can make the 45 Hullon Willis, op. cit.,p.237 46 Sylvia Chacker Edmund Weiner, The Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, New York;Oxford University Press, 1989, p. 324 meaning clear in spoken language but only punctuation can make the meaning clear.

9. Tense