Semantic Translation Methods that the Students Tend to Use During the Translating Process

59 that noun is translated into noun, two nouns into two nouns, and so on p. 6. Although the translated sentence has a similar grammatical construction as the source language sentence and might sound awkward to some target language readers, it was still understandable and it did not deform the original meaning. The researcher did not say that applying literal method was a bad choice to use in the process of translating a source language text. This method could be appropriately used as long as the translation result was able to be comprehended. However, as Ghazala 1995 argued, literal translation sometimes “ignores the target language completely, making it subject to the source language wholly and entirely” p. 5. It meant that a translator who mostly uses this method had a high possibility to ignore the target language aspects, such as grammar and context.

2. Semantic Translation

Based on the identified semantic translation method in students’ translation works, it was obtained that there were 4 students out of 12 applied this method. The researcher found out that only a few students were able to translate the text semantically. This method was different from the previous method, literal translation. It differred in the way it reproduces the contextual meaning of the original source language text. Here is the first example of semantic translation method. Original Source Language Text Increasingly however, the humanitarian community is recognising the need to know more about what men and boys face in crisis situation. 60 Paper 12 Paper 7 In this translation case, the researcher provided two examples of the way two students who worked on Paper 12 and Paper 7 translated the orginal sentence. The two examples showed a comparison between the semantically and literally translated sentences. The student in charge of Paper 12 used some Indonesian dictions which were not literally found in the original sentence, such as menyadari and akan pentingnya. Moreover, this student tried to change the grammatical construction of the sentence about what men and boys face in crisis situation which becomes situasi krisis yang dihadapi oleh pria dan laki- laki. The translated sentence showed that it had been converted from active to passive sentence. Meanwhile, the student who worked on Paper 7 tend to faithfully translate every noun existed in the original sentence as well as follow its grammatical construction. As stated by Newmark 1988, semantic translation “takes more account on the beautiful and natural sounds of the source language text” p. 46. Additionally, Newmark 1988 explained that semantic translation is uncompromising and dogmatic p. 46. It meant that semantic translation is more flexible, in which it sometimes disobeys the original grammatical construction. Namun, komunitas kemanusiaan semakin menyadari benar akan pentingnya mengetahui situasi krisis yang dihadapi oleh pria dan laki-laki. Bagaimanapun juga, lembaga kemanusiaan sedang mengenali kebutuhan untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut apa yang pria dan anak laki-laki hadapi dalam keadaan genting. 61 The student who worked on Paper 12 made several changes on the lexical words and the grammatical construction as well. Although what this student did was not preserving the degree of grammatical and lexical words in the translation, he or she tried to become flexible and be more empathic to the original sentence so that the target reader would be easier to comprehend it. In contrast to the student who worked on Paper 12, the student working on Paper 7 did not really consider the natural sounds of the original sentence. Based on the research data, the researcher found out several students’ who tried to translate semantically, but unfortunately what they did was deviating the original meaning instead of making it more natural. Here is the second example of semantic translation method. Original Source Language Text Paper 11 This example showed that the translator tried to treat the lexical words in the sentence differently by adding and omitting some words. The student in charge of Paper 11 stated menghadapi beberapa perbedaan sosial whereas it was incorrect due to the intended meaning, which is facing different expectations. In most societies, being a woman or a girl, man or boy means facing different expectations due to socially assigned roles which we learn as we grow up. It is about who has power to make decisions and who controls resources. Kebanyakan masyarakat, menjadi seorang wanita atau perempuan, seorang pria atau laki-laki berarti harus menghadapi beberapa perbedaan sosial yang dipelajari seiring dengan bertambahnya kedewasaan kita. Kedewasaan itu sendiri mempengaruhi kita dalam membuat keputusan dan mengatur sumber penghasilan yang ada. 62 Moreover, this student also had a misconception about the word it in the sentence It is about who has power to make decisions and who controls resources. The word it in the sentence actually referred to socially assigned roles. However, student referred it into kedewasaan. The student’s intention to translate the sentences naturally was observed, that was by flexibly adding and omitting the lexical words. However, a translator should be aware of the aspects related to the context of the source language text. As stated by Molina and Albir 2002, “contextual categories introduce all extra-textual elements related to the context of the SLT and the translation production” p. 498. It could be noticed that a translator should not only have the ability to translate a text beautifully or naturally, but he or she should also be able to comprehend what the text was about contextually so that there would be no misconception in the intended meaning.

3. Word for Word Translation