Translation Method Translation I Class

6 crucial problems that might occur in translating. It is expected that by learning from their problems, students will be more careful in translating and encouraged to optimize the use of translation methods Also, by knowing which part of students’ difficulties in translating, lecturers would find it easier to teach them based on their needs and weaknesses. Hopefully, by exposing the students to some various types of problems and methods in translation to keep in mind, the ELESP students can be more careful in doing their translation tasks.

F. Definitions of Terms

It is important to define some terms used in this study to avoid misunderstanding and to lead readers to a better understanding on the topic being discussed. The terms are as follows.

1. Translation

According to Larson 1984, p. 3, translation is the transfer of meaning in the source language text into the target text; this is done by replacing the form of the first language by the form of the second language. Translation means rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text. In this research, translation represents the students’ process in how the students do the task of rendering the meaning. In other word, the task of what is called ‘translation process’. The students in the Translation I class work on translating Indonesian text as the SLT into English as the SLT. 7

2. Method

In this research, Purwati 2010 states that there are many procedures or methods in translation. She adds that a procedure is the act or manner of proceeding in any action or process. In the Mcquarie Dictionary 1982 as quoted by Purwati 2010 explains that “a method is a way to doing something, especially in accordance with a definite plan”. In this study, method is the way the Translation I class students do something in their process of translating. The method is dealing with how the students create a certain plan to work on their translation task.

3. Translation I Class

The next term is Translation I Class; Translation I Class refers to a class or course offered in the fifth semester by ELESP of Sanata Dharma University. Translation is designed to introduce knowledge of the definition, principles, problems, and process of translation. The students are exposed to the hands-on experiences of translating various types of text types. Some concepts dealing with translation are also introduced, such as cultural transfer, naturalization, coherence, unity, and flow Panduan Akademik Program Studi PBI, 2011. In this research, Translation I Class is the class where the students do the process of translation under the guidance of the lecturer. Panduan Akademik Program Studi PBI additionally stated that the ELESP students are to identify syntactic, semantic, and pragmatic problems in translating letters, news, editorials, leaflets, abstracts, and journals. 8