Proverbs Formality vs. Informality


4. Proverbs

Proverbs were another fixed phrases added in a language to gain the aesthetic function. Just the same as collocations and idioms, proverbs had a special meanings that it cannot be translated literally into Indonesian. As Ghazala 1995 stated, “proverbs are special, fixed, unchanged phrases which have special, fixed, and unchanged meanings, just like idioms” p. 138. Since the type of the original source language text was formally descriptive, proverbs was not used to beautify the content of the text. In this section, the researcher did not find any proverbs which the author of the text used. Nevertheless, some problems on proverbs were found in an English language text, it would be a big problem for the students because proverbs had no straightforward, literal translation to their equivalents in Indonesia. Beside consulting some references, such as recommended dictionary of proverbs, Ghazala 1995 states that it needs “translating the sense or intended meaning of the proverb with extra care and full of concentration. Sometimes English collocations could be translated literally since they had the same direct meaning as Indonesian. Collocation like prevention is better than cure, for instance. It could be translated easily into Indonesian, of which it became mencegah lebih baik daripada mengobati. However, not all of them could be directly translated literally. Another example, such as don’t count your chickens before they are hatched, might lead a confusion to the students because there was no Indonesian collocation equivalent to this English collocation. Therefore, as Ghazala 1995 stated previously, students have to be 52 aware of the sense of the intended meaning, and then translate the proverbs although the grammatical structure is ignored.

5. Formality vs. Informality

When it came to the stylistic translation problems, especially in formality and informality, the researcher did not find any problems as it is described in the literature. Again, since the author of the original source language text used formal language to describe the content of the passage, the students tried to translate the text also in formal way. Here is the example of formality vs. Informality problems. Original Source Language Text 3 Paper 5 4 Based on the example given above, it had been clear that there was no indication of formality problem found in the sentence. The researcher also did not find one or two sentences in the original source language text which showed that the formality style of the language changes. However, Ghazala 1995 argued that “styles or tones of the language are sometimes crucial to the message, especially the two most important tones: formal and informal” p. 230. Therefore, the students needed to really comprehend what kind of text that he or she was going to translate in order to make them aware of the language style supposed to be used. For many people the term ‘gender’ invokes specific issues. Bagi kebanyakan orang istilah gender menimbulkan masalah-masalah khusus. 53

6. Style of Fronting