Passive Verbs in Bahasa Indonesia.

there are some verbs cannot be passives. Here are some common ones : happen, occur, become, exist, go, arrive, fall, die.

3.1.1 The Use of Passive Verbs.

Passive verbs are often used in writing, whether in writing business letter or documents, academic prose or paper, and in constructing article or news etc, rather than in conversation. In this kind of writing the human actoragentsubject is not important. So, the passive voice is useful : it reduces the importance of the agent noun phrase by putting it in a by-phrase or not mentioning at all. The main focus of the sentence is the passive verb, not the subject. In writing news, the using of passive verbs in passive voice is to make the agent less prominent Biber, 2002 : 168. It is because often the main focus of the news is not the subject but the event or action that involves a person or institution.

3.2 Passive Verbs in Bahasa Indonesia.

Alwi and friends 2003 : 130 state that “Verba aktif transitif yang berprefiks meng-, baik dalam kombinasinya dengan prefiks lain maupun tidak, dapat diubah menjadi bentuk pasif dengan mengganti prefiks meng- dengan prefiks di-.” In Bahasa Indonesia, active verbs with prefiks meng- can be changed into passive form by changing the prefiks meng- into prefiks di-. Examples : 1. Tuti memakai baju baru malam ini. Tuti is wearing a new dress tonight. 2. Baju baru dipakai oleh Tuti malam ini. A new dress is being worn by Tuti tonight. Universitas Sumatera Utara Alwi and friends 2003 : 130 also state that “Verba yang berprefiks ter- pada umumnya erat berkaitan dengan verba yang berprefiks di-. Pembentukan dengan ter- juga produktif karena pada umumnya verba transitif yang berprefiks meng- bisa diubah menjadi verba dengan ter-. Usually, active verb with prefiks meng- can also be changed into passive form by changing prefiks meng- with prefiks ter-. Examples : membawa dibawa terbawa 1. Ayah membawa koran itu ke kantor tadi pagi. Father brought that newspaper to his office this morning. 2. Koran itu dibawa oleh ayah ke kantor tadi pagi. That newspaper was brought by father to his office this morning. 3. Koran itu terbawa oleh ayah ke kantor tadi pagi. That newspaper was brought by father to his office this morning. Ada tiga jenis kata kerja pasif. Kata kerja pasif diri pertama, kedua dan ketiga. Kata kerja pasif diri pertama ialah kata kerja pasif yang berimbuhan ku-. Contohnya: kuangkat, kuatasi, kuberikan, kupercepat, kupelajari, dan kupersilakan. Kata kerja pasif diri kedua ialah yang berimbuhan ka-. Contohnya: kauangkat, kauatasi, kauberikan, kaupercepat, kaupelajari, dan kaupersilakan. Kata kerja pasif diri ketiga ialah yang berimbuhan di-. Contohnya: diangkat, diatasi, diberikan, dipercepat, dipelajari, dan dipersilakan. There are three types of passive verbs in Bahasa Indonesia, they are first, second, and third pronoun passive verb. First pronoun passive verb is using prefiks ku-. Second pronoun passive verb is using prefiks ka-. And the third pronoun passive verbs is using prefiks di-. Universitas Sumatera Utara


4.1 Research Method.

In this analysis the library research method is used. As quoted from Nawawi 1993:30 “Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan dengan cara menghimpun data dari berbagai literature baik di perpustakaan maupun tempat-tempat lain”. Library research is done by collecting the data from any kinds of source in the library or any other places. All the information about passive verbs from linguistic books, internet, dictionary and any other source is used.

4.2 Data Collecting Method.

The source of the data is the novel Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and its translation. The original novel consists of 36 chapters and 607 pages while its translation also consists of 36 chapters and 999 pages. In collecting the data written method is used. The data are sentences that contain passive verbs in the novel and its translation. All the data that can be collected are 712 data of passive verbs. Purposive sampling method is used in taking the sample for the data analysis of passive verbs. Arikunto in his book Prosedur Penelitian 2006 : 139 states that “sample bertujuan atau purposive sample dilakukan dengan cara mengambil subjek bukan didasarkan atas strata, random atau daerah tetapi didasarkan atas adanya tujuan tertentu. Teknik ini biasanya dilakukan karena beberapa pertimbangan, misalnya alasan keterbatasan waktu, tenaga, dan dana sehingga tidak dapat mengambil sample yang besar dan jauh”. Universitas Sumatera Utara