Theatre 1886

Theatre 1886

In New York, Daniel Frohman* hires David Belasco* to direct at the Lyceum* theatre where they will build up a terrific company.

1885-6 - This year Ibsen* continues his use of symbolism* in another play, Rosmersholm*. 1886 In the U.S. this year there is violence in Chicago. The whole thing grows out of labor's

drive for an eight-hour work day. On May 4th there is a demonstration staged by anarchists* in Haymarket Square* that attracts about 1,500 people. The police attempts to disperse the crowd (this happens a lot in Chicago). At this point a bomb explodes and the whole thing turns into a riot. Eleven people are killed (seven police and four workers) and more than 100 others are wounded. This whole anarchist* business is getting really bad press and eight anarchists* are tried. Even though there is no evidence to tie them to the bombing they are convicted of inciting to violence. Four are hanged, one commits suicide and the rest serve seven years before they are eventually pardoned. That labor organization, Knights of Labor*, is also blamed for the riot, even though they had nothing to do with it. They are a little radical and their influence will shrink from here on.

Samuel Gompers*' labor organization becomes the American Federation of Labor* this year and he becomes its president. He will keep trying to tone down, or oust, the radical and Samuel Gompers*' labor organization becomes the American Federation of Labor* this year and he becomes its president. He will keep trying to tone down, or oust, the radical and

Meanwhile, Anarchists* are becoming a greater problem all over. This year Emma Goldman* (1869-1940), a Russian anarchist*, emigrates to America. She will be followed, next year, by

a fellow countryman, Alexander Berkman* (1870?-1936). Together they will publish Mother Earth. She will be imprisoned (and eventually kicked out of the country) for inciting to riot, advocating birth control and pacifism. He will be considerably more violent.

On the good side, the last rivet is driven and President Grover Cleveland* dedicates the French gift of the Statue of Liberty* Enlightening the World as a symbol of freedom in New York Harbor.

The Apache Indian leader, Geronimo* (1829-1909), surrenders. Also in America, one of those capitalists, Andrew Mellon* (1855-1937), takes over his

father's banking firm and starts expanding. He will become one of the major players in the country's industrial expansion.

Nietzsche* comes out with his Beyond Good and Evil*. Germany is in the African territory business, too, and this year they establish the German

protectorate of Togoland (in western Africa, the historic region of Togoland is now partly in the eastern part of what is now Ghana and partly the Republic of Tonga).

Yes, they are still trying to dig that Panama canal and this year de Lesseps* visits Panama to cheer them on, despite a terrific death-rate (three out of four who go in the hospital die). They have a huge celebration to welcome the old man (de Lesseps* is 80) but things don't look good.