Theatre Progresses

Theatre Progresses

1784 - Lewis Hallam, Jr.* brings a small company to the new American republic. In 1785, John Henry* (see above,) who has gone back to Jamacia for more actors from The American Company*, brings his new troupe to Philadelphia. The two (Hallam and Henry) join forces and call their united troupe "The Old American Company*" (since it is made up of a number of actors from the earlier The American Company*.) This troupe will become the foundation of New York theater where they settle in the John Street Theatre*.

In Germany, Iffland* comes out with his Crimes of Ambition* which finally brings him fame as a playwright. He is now the most influential member of the Mannheim company.

1784 In England Pitt's* India Act puts the East India Company under the control of the government.

The first hot air balloon ascent takes place in England.

A Scots millwright (Andrew Meikle) invents the threshing machine. Frederick VI* completes the abolishment of serfdom in Denmark. 1785 By this time, statistical analysis is growing in popularity. This year the French

philosopher, Marquis de Condorcet*, writes an essay, The application of mathematics to the theory of decision-making.* Statistics, probability and census-taking, all seem useful tools for rulers to plan and organize the regulation of their societies. The process of reducing people to nembers begins here.

1786 The earliest attempts at using gas for illuminating are taking place in England and Germany.

1786 - In Germany another state theatre is started in Berlin (Prussia.) This one will be very important. This year Frederick William II* replaces Frederick The Great* as the Prussian ruler. He wants to be a cultural leader (as well as the dominant political force,) so he establishes a subsidized state theatre troupe. The idea is that theatre is a cultural institution that can be used to unify Germany. Even towns that have troupes of their own are busy building theatre buildings. In the 1790s there will be more than seventy companies to move into these buildings.

1787 - Royall Tyler* (1757-1826) presents the first American comedy to be professionally produced, The Contrast*.

1787 - In Germany there is a new playwright who will become the most popular dramatist in the world. August Friedrich von Kotzebue* (1761-1819) gets his first success this year with Misanthropy and Repentance*. For the next ninety years his plays will make up one-quarter of the Burgtheater*'s performances (Vienna.) We will look at him more closely a little later.

1788 There are bread riots in France. Trouble is brewing. 1788 - In England, the use of spectacle is increasing and this year Robert Barker* (1739-

1806) shows off his invention of the panorama* at Edinburgh. His associate Robert Fulton* (1765-1815) [the guy who will invent the steamboat] will get a French patent for it and the 1806) shows off his invention of the panorama* at Edinburgh. His associate Robert Fulton* (1765-1815) [the guy who will invent the steamboat] will get a French patent for it and the

1789 The mutineers of the H.M.S. "Bounty" settle on Pitcairn Islands in the East Pacific. In England the first steam-driven cotton factory opens in Manchester.