The Results of the Interview with the English Teachers The Results of the Pre-design Questionnaire Distributed to the Students

53 interviewing two English teachers of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta. Afterward, the writer distributed the pre-design questionnaire to the eleventh grade students of Language Department of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta. There are two sections in this step; that is, the results of the interview with the English teachers and the results of the pre-design questionnaire distributed to the eleventh grade students of Language Department.

a. The Results of the Interview with the English Teachers

Before distributing the pre-design questionnaire, the writer conducted the preliminary study by interviewing the English teachers of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta. The interview guideline consisted of eighteen questions. It is attached in Appendix B. From the interview, the teachers provided valuable information that the students had difficulties with listening course; the students could not catch the speaker’s utterances, were not familiar with the expressions used in the recordings, and lacked vocabulary mastery. The teacher also stated their opinion regarding language learning through content. They said that the students had never involved in selecting the theme or the topic of the lesson and they thought that students would be more interested to learn with their own theme or topic selection. In addition, the students were burdened to learn grammar more than the communicative skills. Therefore, learning language through content was a good solution that offers the students to learn the communicative skills. They were also interested in the use of films as the listening media besides cassettes. According to them, while watching the films, the students were not only listening but also being aware of the situation where the conversation took place. 54

b. The Results of the Pre-design Questionnaire Distributed to the Students

The writer distributed the pre-design questionnaire to the eleventh grade students of Language Department. Fifteen questions consisted of ten semi- structured questions and five closed-ended questions. The results of the pre-design questionnaire are attached in Appendix C. Based on the results of the pre-design questionnaire, some information was revealed. It is stated that twenty students learned English for 8 years, seven students stated for 7 years, four students stated for 6 years and three students stated for 5 years. Regarding English courses taken outside the school, sixteen students stated that they had ever taken English course outside the school and ten students stated that they had never taken English course outside the school. On the topic of the students’ opinion about their listening abilities, three students stated that they were good at listening, seventeen students stated adequate and six students stated bad. Regarding the students’ opinion on English course, thirteen students stated that listening was difficult, twelve students stated sufficient , and one student stated easy. Furthermore, the students stated the factors that make listening difficult. It is stated by sixteen students that the factor was too fast pronunciation , thirteen students stated limited vocabulary, eleven students stated lack of exercises, and eight students stated that they were able to understand the meaning but could not understand the message or the idea . Moreover, six students stated that they could not visualize the words in the recording , could not concentrate and the materials delivery was too fast, and one student stated that the teacher rarely taught listening and it was an uninteresting subject . PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 55 In addition, thirteen students stated that listening was sometimes boring, six students stated they were not bored, four students stated it was and three students were abstained. According to the students, listening was boring because of some factors. Ten students stated the listening materials were too difficult, seven students stated monotonous materials and uninteresting topics, and five students stated that the teacher taught monotonously. Relating to the themes preferred by the students, they were given some themes to be chosen. The students proposed six themes. They were Personal Relationship, Culture, Biography, History, Caring for Animals, and Technology and Science . Concerning the media used by the teacher in listening, fourteen students stated that the teacher used pictures, thirteen students stated cassettes, five students stated video, and two students stated books. Seventeen students stated that the teacher taught listening lesson by playing cassettes, fifteen students stated playing video , and twelve students stated reading texts or dictation. Furthermore, the students had never been played films in listening course. Twenty students stated that the use of films in listening was interesting, two students stated it was boring and four students stated it was too long and wasting time. In addition, twenty-one students agreed with the use of films in listening and five students disagreed. Techniques in teaching listening were also very important to create an enjoyable and effective teaching learning activity. It is stated by thirteen students that the teacher employed pair work technique, twelve students stated lecture, ten students stated games, eight students stated role-play, five students stated group PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 56 work , and four students stated discussion. The results of the pre-design questionnaire also revealed about the students’ preferences in techniques used to learn listening. Sixteen students stated that they preferred role-play, eleven students stated that they preferred games, eleven students preferred group work, twelve students stated that they preferred pair work, nine students preferred discussion , and one student preferred lecture.

B. Materials Development