Teaching Listening Using Films Learners’ Problems in Listening

31 achieves awareness of pragmatics which is an essential component of communicative competence. 2 Audiotapes Audiotapes bring in communication in action though without visualization. Students can only imagine the actual setting of the conversation when the illustration of the background situation is given. The audiotapes can be made in the original format such as news, advertisement, and school announcement. In this study, the use of films is important since the purpose of this study is to design a set of supplementary listening materials using films and SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta has supported facilities for the teaching learning activities. Furthermore, the use of audiotapes will be considered as the follow-up activities so that students can practice English listening skills well.

f. Teaching Listening Using Films

Ur 1996: 105 said that students should learn to perform successfully in real- life listening situations is the objective of listening comprehension practice in the classroom. Students are expected to understand the utterances using natural speech of speaking, proper diction, and pronunciation so that whenever they listen to English conversation, they will be able to understand it. Besides, they can respond to the daily conversation well. Moreover, the teacher’s role is important to create such supporting situation with the intention that the students experience real-life conversations. Learning English by use of films compensates for all the inadequacies in the EFL learning experience by bringing language to life. It is a PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 refreshing learning experience for students who need to take a break from rote learning of endless English vocabulary and drill practices, and replace it with something realistic, a dimension that is missing in textbook-oriented teaching.

g. Learners’ Problems in Listening

According to Ur 1996: 112, students meet some problems in listening. Those problems are: 1. The students have problems with sound The students rarely listen to foreign speech and used to dealing with written exercise. This causes them to acquire limited information about correct pronunciation. 2. The students have to understand every word Students think that while listening they have to understand every single word in order to understand the whole information. This wrong perception will make them tired and confused easily. To manage this situation, teacher should explain to the students that they do not need to pay attention to the whole text, but they have to search the important information. 3. The students cannot understand fast and natural native speech The students tend to ask the teacher to speak slowly and repeat the information if they cannot catch the idea or the message of the information. In other words, students cannot understand natural native speech. On the contrary, teacher has to speak in native speech in order to give the students listening exposure. However, this will make them become used to the fast and natural speech. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33 4. The students need to hear things more than once Students tend to ask repetition when listening the particular information, whereas listening occurs only once in real-life situation. 5. The students find it difficult to keep up Students feel overloaded with the received information. They cannot follow and understand the information given. Goh 2000: 59 added some problems experienced by the students related to the different phase of listening comprehension. There are three phases in listening comprehension, that is, perception, parsing, and utilization. Problems experienced at the perception stage have mainly to do with recognizing sounds as distinct words or groups of words. Perception problems also include difficulties with attention. Parsing problems include various difficulties with developing a coherent mental representation of words heard. In the utilization stage, some learners have difficulty with understanding the intended message of the speaker. Difficulties also arise at this stage when the listener is unable to process the text further due to either a lack of prior knowledge or inappropriate application of prior knowledge. Goh 2000: 60 identified five most common problems related to the three different phases. They are: 1. Quickly forget what is heard One of the most common problems is that, although listeners can understand what is said when they heard it, they will forget it as soon as they begin listening to another part of the message. 34 2. Do not recognize words they know Although some words sound familiar, listeners are unable to recall their meanings immediately. Consequently, they are unable to process the message using those words. 3. Understand words but not the intended message They are unable to gain the full meaning of the message even though they have understood the literal meaning of the words. 4. Neglect the next part when thinking about meaning The listeners miss the next part of a text when they stop to think about unfamiliar words or the interpretation of a segment of text. 5. Unable to form a mental representation from words heard Listener fails to derive a reasonable mental representation of the input by connecting the words they heard. These difficulties will be considered in designing supplementary listening materials for the eleventh grade students of Language Department of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta.

B. Theoretical Framework

The framework of this study will be further discussed in this section. This study focuses on designing a set of listening supplementary materials using films for the eleventh grade students of Language Department of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta. There are some steps involved in the process of designing a set of listening supplementary materials. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI