Pre-listening Whilst-listening Selecting and Organizing Contents


2. Formulating the Indicators

After determining the competency standard and the basic competence of the materials design, the writer formulated the learning objectives in every meeting. In this study, the learning objectives, which were stated as indicators, are presented in Table 4.3. The indicators are attached in Appendix F. Table 4.3 The Sample of the Indicators Unit Topics Indicators 1 Family At the end of the lesson, the students are able to: ƒ Identify the words they heard ƒ Identify the meaning of the words they heard ƒ Identify the specific information ƒ Identify the main idea ƒ Identify the expression of introduction and greeting ƒ Pronounce the expression of introduction and greeting correctly ƒ Respond to introduction and greeting appropriately

3. Selecting and Organizing Contents

In this study, the subject contents were determined based on the results of diagnosis of needs, competency standard, basic competence, and topics as well as the indicators. Each unit of the materials consisted of three sections. The three sections were Pre-listening, Whilst-listening and Post-listening. Further discussions of each section were as follows.

a. Pre-listening

The purpose of this section was activating students’ background knowledge, which led them to come up with the topic that will be discussed. This activity was very important since this activity provided support to the learners in their attempts PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 60 to deal with a series of complex tasks. This section consisted of brainstorming; calling out words or phrases to be written down on the board or OHP, mind- mapping; writing down words or drawing simple picture in a web, discussion; discussing similar or related issues based on prompt questions or pictures, or questions; drawing up some questions to ask about the topic.

b. Whilst-listening

This section provided the students with a series of listening activities containing dialogues and monologues related to the topics discussed. This section was aimed at enhancing the students’ listening ability. The listening activity was taken from DVD and VCD films, film clips or recordings. This section contained two sub-sections, namely Film Time, Language Focus and Language Exercise andor Exercises. Film Time was the main sub-section where the students watched the film and practiced the listening skills as well as improved their vocabulary mastery. The students were asked to watch the film and do the viewing sheet or answer the questions. Language Focus and Language Exercise sub-section contained useful expressions and exercises for the students to respond to meaning in formal and sustained transactional to get things done and interpersonal socializing conversations accurately, fluently, in acceptable ways using spoken language variety in daily life contexts. Exercises sub-section contained exercises for the students to understand meaning in short functional text and monologue in the form of reports, narrative, and analytical exposition in daily life contexts.

c. Post-listening