Kemp’s Instructional Model

11 7 Determination of what to evaluate and of the ways and means of doing it This step consists of the determination the elements that will be evaluated, the techniques used in gathering the data for the evaluation and the evaluation devices. By determining the appropriate aspects and the means to evaluate, it is possible to develop a suitable set of designed materials in this study.

b. Kemp’s Instructional Model

The second instructional design model used in this study is Kemp’s model. Kemp 1977: 8 stated that there are three essential elements of instructional technology. They are: 1. What must be learned? Objectives 2. What procedures and resources will work best to reach desired learning levels? Method 3. How will we know the desired learning occurs? Evaluation In addition, Kemp’s model emphasizes the interdependence among the eight steps in the process, highlights the importance of the evaluation, and acknowledges more environmental factors in an educational setting, for example, the resources such as time, equipment, personnel, and materials and the support Kemp, 1985. In order to maintain the three essential elements, there are eight steps that must be accomplished in the design plan. The eight steps are: 1 Consider goals, list the topics, and state the general purposes for each topic 2 List the important characteristics of the students 3 Specify the learning objectives in terms of behavioral outcomes 4 List the subject content that supports each objective PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 12 5 Conduct a pre-assessment to know the students’ background of knowledge. 6 Choose some teaching-learning activities and resources 7 Determine some supports services such as budget, facilities, personnel, equipment, and schedule to implement the instructional plan 8 Evaluate the students’ achievements, the learning experiences and the program to do some revision and re-evaluation in the instructional plan that needs to be improved Goals, Topics, and General Purposes Learning Objectives Evaluation Teaching Learning Activities, Resources Pre- assessment Revise Subject content Support Service Learners Characteristics Figure 2.1 The Eight Steps of Kemp’s Instructional Design Plan Kemp, 1977: 9 13 The strength of Kemp’s model is that the design and the development process is a continuous cycle that requires constant planning, design, development and assessment to assure effective teaching learning activities. Furthermore, there is also an emphasis on the materials and objectives, as well as on the selection of learning materials. The eight steps of Kemp’s model can be seen in Figure 2.1.

2. Content-Based Instruction