Taba’s Model Instructional Design Models


In this chapter, the writer reviews the basic theories underlying this study and discusses the framework of this study. This chapter is divided into two main parts; those are theoretical description and theoretical framework.

A. Theoretical Description

This section discusses the instructional design models, Content-based Instruction CBI, and the theory of teaching listening.

1. Instructional Design Models

In this study, two models of instructional design are discussed; that is, Taba and Kemp’s models.

a. Taba’s Model

Taba’s instructional model is systematic and has a significant organizing power. It emphasizes the formulation of behavioral objectives by providing a clear concept of the outcome. Thus, content and method in this design are well organized and the result is evaluated. Taba’s instructional model has seven steps. 1 Diagnosis of Need This step is conducted to analyze the students’ problems, conditions and difficulties in learning English specifically listening. This step consists of illustrating and analyzing the collected data to design the appropriate listening 9 PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 10 materials for the eleventh grade students of Language Program of SMU BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta. 2 Formulation of Objectives In this step the specific objective is formulated from the general objectives of the school and from the results of diagnosis of needs. 3 Selection of Content In this step, selecting content carefully is needed. Things to be consider is the central topic and its aspects, the specific facts and details which will be applied to develop the central topic. 4 Organizing of Content The content needs to be arranged so that the topics and the ideas are in a sequential order according to a feasible learning sequence; from the unknown to the known, from the concrete to the abstract, from the easy to the difficult. 5 Selection of Learning Experiences After the content is organized, it is time to plan the learning experiences or learning activities. The achievement of the formulated objectives depends on the type of learning experiences which are employed in this study. 6 Organizing of Learning Experiences After selecting the learning experiences, it is necessary to organize the learning experiences. The most important requirement for the organization of learning experiences is that they follow a sequence that encourages continuous and accumulative learning. 11 7 Determination of what to evaluate and of the ways and means of doing it This step consists of the determination the elements that will be evaluated, the techniques used in gathering the data for the evaluation and the evaluation devices. By determining the appropriate aspects and the means to evaluate, it is possible to develop a suitable set of designed materials in this study.

b. Kemp’s Instructional Model