Responses to the Participants’ Evaluation The Presentation of the Designed Materials

65 for the eleventh grade students of Language Department. Furthermore, the materials enabled the students to improve the listening and the communicative skills 2 The time allocation should be added. The students needed more time to finish the tasks given. 3 Some of the fonts used in the materials were not readable. 4 The instructions in some tasks needed to be made simpler and clearer.

3. Revising the Materials

After obtaining the participants’ evaluation on the designed materials, the writer revised the materials. The revisions were made based on the feedback and suggestions of the participants. After revising the materials, the writer presented the final version of the listening materials.

a. Responses to the Participants’ Evaluation

Dealing with the results of the second part of the post-design questionnaire, the writer adopted some suggestions which were suitable in order to improve the designed materials. Then, the writer revised the designed materials based on the accepted feedback and suggestions. The revisions are as follows. 1 After having discussion with the three English teachers, the writer changed the time allocation of each meeting from 3x45 minutes into 4x45 minutes 180 minutes and 2x45 minutes into 3x45 minutes 135 minutes. The three English teachers stated that there were two meetings in a week, which consisted of 2x45 minutes and 3x45 minutes. 66 2 The writer changed some of the unreadable fonts so that the students could read the instructions and the materials clearer. 3 The instructions were made simpler and clearer so that the students could understand the instructions well.

b. The Presentation of the Designed Materials

After conducting some revisions and improvements on the designed materials, the writer presented the final version of the English supplementary listening materials. There were eight units developed in this materials design. The time allocation for each unit was revised into 4x45 minutes 180 minutes and 3x45 minutes 135 minutes since the previous time allocation 3x45 and 2x45 minutes was not enough to accomplish one unit. Furthermore, each unit has three sections, namely Pre-listening, Whilst-listening and Post-listening. The sample of the themes, the topics, the sections and sub-sections are presented in Table 4.5. The themes, the topics, the sections and the sub-sections of the designed materials are attached in Appendix G. The final version of the designed materials is attached in Appendix I. Table 4.5 The Sample of the Themes, the Topics, the Sections and the Sub-sections of the Designed Materials Units Themes Topics Sections and the sub-sections 1 Personal relationship Family A. Pre-listening B. Whilst-listening • Film time • Language focus Expression of introduction and greeting • Language exercise C. Post-listening • Games


This chapter consists of two sections namely conclusions and suggestions. The first section contains the conclusion of the study. The second section is the suggestions for the English teachers of Language Department of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta and future researchers.

A. Conclusions

The purpose of this study was to design English supplementary listening materials for the eleventh grade students of Language Department of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta. In this study, there were two questions to be answered: 1 how are English supplementary listening materials using films for the eleventh grade students of Language Department of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta designed? and 2 what do English supplementary listening materials using films for the eleventh grade students of Language Department of SMA BOPKRI 2 Yogyakarta look like? After completing the study, the writer concluded three points. First, in designing the materials, the writer adapted Taba and Kemp’s instructional design models and applied nine steps to answer the first question. The nine steps were 1 conducting diagnosis of needs; 2 formulating the competency standard, the basic competence and listing topics; 3 formulating the indicators; 4 listing the subject content that supports each objective; 5 selecting and organizing learning experiences; 6 designing the materials; 7 determining what to evaluate, the 67