Population Density Social Economic Factors

24 class breaks that best group similar values and maximize the differences between classes. The features are divided into classes whose boundaries are set where there are relatively big jumps in the data values ArcMap ESRI Tutorial. Raster layers of each social economic criterion such population density and Household Forests Activities in the zonation scheme analysis done through weighted overlay of referred layers. Population Density

Population pressure is the social factors that might affects conservation areas. A high population number are would give high pressure to conservation areas. During field work data updated, indicated that 12.716 peoples are lived within national park areas. All six villages covered within national park are categorized as rural villages. Statistics data processed has produced a population density map for six villages of area study. Furthermore analysis is the density population attributes have been normalized within new values range from 0-1 Low-High. Normalized weight values thence to re-evaluate in classes within scale 1 to 5 by 1 based on ArcMap Natural Break Jenks. Classes generated are based on natural groupings inherent in the data. ArcMap identifies break points by picking the class breaks that best group similar values and maximize the differences between classes. The features are divided into classes whose boundaries are set where there are relatively big jumps in the data values. Population density in Com is 29.51personkm 2 and Muapitine is 27.41personkm 2 and placed both villages at ‘higher’ and ‘high’ pressure to conservation areas. It occurred because in the areas with high people would require more land expansion for agriculture. Lore I and Tutuala, both villages have rank as village with ‘medium’ pressure to conservation areas. Mehara and Bauro are villages with ‘lower’ and ‘low’ population pressure to conservation areas. Average population density within national park area is 20.92personkm 2 See Table 9 and Figure 8. 25 Table 9 Population distribution and density per village Village Area km 2 HH 1 No Pop 2 Pop Den 3 Score Pressure Mehara 189.91 454 2,063 10.86 1 Very Low Bauro 98.94 518 1,750 17.69 2 Low Lore I 133.26 640 2,722 20.43 3 Medium Tutuala 119.19 625 2,342 19.65 3 Medium Muapitine 75.97 408 2,082 27.41 4 High Com 59.53 354 1,757 29.51 5 Very High Total 676.80 2,999 12,716 20.92 Notes:1 households, 2 Number of Population, 3 Population Density Figure 8 Spatial distribution population densities per village Household Forest Activities