Problem Statement Goals and Objectives Scopes of Analysis

2 cover distribution and general wetlands distribution within the national park area. Terrain models such elevation and slopes generated based on height points of USGS SRTM data. Fieldwork and literature study enrich the basic data that required for designing the zoning system for the national park. Spatial distribution of threatened species of trees and bird generated based on previous study; this is done by conduct spatial analysis in the mapping processes. These ecological and biophysics data are used as criteria in the rapid assessment of high values conservation areas that occurred within the study area. The HCVAs identified are as basis in delineation of priority areas to be conserved. Priority conservation areas which have bio-centric functions then assigned as Core Area, while the anthropocentric assigned as buffer zones. It is important to note that a degradation and change of ecosystems are something that unavoidable, since human and nature are interacted each other. Socio-economic factors such population density and household forests activities considered as affecting factor to conservation priorities areas in processes of designing the zonation. As human well being is improved time to time, increasing population density, physical development such settlements are such factors that enforce on the loosing of biodiversity. Several points of recommendation have formulated based on ecological, physics and social economic factors were analyzed related to the management zoning system for NKSNP. Rest expectation that the model of zoning system that designed throughout of this research would contribute the national park authority in order to decide suitable development strategies for national park based on its zoning.

1.2 Problem Statement

As stated above that one of the challenge that facing by national park authority is the need of a management zoning. With the word zonation would used to define the different partitioning of the territory in areas; each area has different criteria. To this end, in supporting planning for management of the national park, a model of zonation absolutely need and must be designed. Throughout this study which based on ecosystem and community approach has 3 produced a zonation map and its management needed. The approach were done by integrated the Remote Sensing and GIS Technology application in the assessments of high values of conservation areas as ecological factors and population density and household forests products gathering, both as affecting factors that given pressure to conservation areas.

1.3 Goals and Objectives

The goal of this research is to design a model of zonation for Nino Konis Santana National Park NKSNP. To this end, research activities were focused on exploratory of four main aspects such as: 1. To assess the values of conservation areas 2. To evaluate the related socio-economic factors villagers dynamics to the natural resources 3. To assess the traditional land claimed by the community. 4. To design the better zonation of the NKSNP While, at least the objectives of the study is to get better management process, approach, as well as the management efficiency, effectiveness and results. For further hope, it is useful for reaching a better conservation actions and example through the national park best learnt.

1.4 Scopes of Analysis

Considered to the challenges in this study, data analysis just limited only several points such follows: 1. Biophysics factors focused on forested lands and wet lands of terrestrial park of NKSNP 2. Household forests activities analysis conducts by downscale NASS 2007 Lautem District to six villages within study area 3. Population density analyzed by explored the GPS Waypoints of TL Housing and Population Census 2004 with required field data updated 4. Rapid ground based survey for traditional land claim in a very short time period, this reduced the accuracy of the traditional land claim map produced 4 5. FSC Toolkit Landscape Level in considering to Timor-Leste Forestry Law Draft used to carried out a preliminary assessment the occurrence of high conservation values areas and delineated the priorities conservation areas

1.5 Outputs