Imagery Interpretations Spatial Data Analysis and Spatial modeling


2.5 Biological Indicator

Biological indicators are species used to monitor the health of an environment or ecosystem. They are any biological species or group of species whose function, population, or status can be used to determine ecosystem or environmental integrity. An example of such a group is the copepods and other small water crustaceans present in many water bodies. Such organisms are monitored for changes biochemical, physiological, or behavioral that may indicate a problem within their ecosystem. Bioindicator can tell us about the cumulative effects of different pollutants in the ecosystem and about how long a problem may have been present, which physical and chemical testing cannot http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiBioindicator. Bird’s data point that recorded during 2003-2004 in Timor-Leste by Colin Trainor including those that recording within national park could be used also as indicator of the ecosystem that existed. Information on each GPS points are included the habitat types such as forests and woodland, river estuary, beach and lake. This task carried out by using Spatial Analysis to maps the distribution of those species.

2.6 Imagery Interpretations

A valuable tool in the identification and characterization existed ecosystems and related land cover types are remote sensor technologies. These technologies measures and store the characteristics of variables of interest or related surrogate variables in a permanent record. They allow the collection of data over large areas in a relative short period as compared to 100 field sampling of the ecosystem. A goal of the use of imagery is to provide better information on land covers as they are base to delineate the real-time features as part of ecosystems. It is desirable to utilize aerial photo and remote sensor data in combination with GIS technology to address these ecosystems and facilitate analyses. In particular, people wish to work on: a better methods of collecting field data with in-situ and remote sensor measurements; and b integration of sensor data of varying resolutions for input into Geographic Information Systems Lyon, 2005. 10 Field et al., 1990; Jensen et al., 1992; Lunette and Balogh, 1999 Lyon, 2005, emphasized that of the wetland ecosystems and the exposure of stressors on wetlands or adjacent ecosystems can best be met by an analysis of multiple sources of remote and in situ sensor data, GIS Databases, and models of wetland and water resource characteristics. Monitoring experiments require good quality data for initialization of the system and real-time delivery of data.

2.7 Spatial Data Analysis and Spatial modeling

Spatial data analytical techniques and spatial models can perform functions which, in the main, current GIS lack, but which are important for the sorts of question that decision makers in private and public organizations are interested in. Manfred M. Fischer et al. 1996. A model is an abstraction or simplification of reality Odum 1975; Jeffers 1978; Duerr et al. 1979. When models are applied to the environment, it is anticipated that insights about the physical, biological or socio-economic system may be derived. Models may also allow prediction and simulation of future conditions, both in space and in time. The reason to build models is to understand, and ultimately manage, a sustainable system.

2.8 Previous Study