Problems of Study INTRODUCTION

1.3 Aims of Study

In relation to the problems that occurred in the process of translating, there are some aims of this study, such as: General: 1. As final paper skripsi to obtain the S1 degree in English Department Faculty of Arts Udayana University. 2. To make the readers more understand about English language preposition e.g. at, on, and by. Specific: 1. To identify the functions of English language preposition at, on and by in Indonesian. 2. To analyze the translation equivalents of English language preposition at, on, and by in Indonesian.

1.4 Scope of Discussion

The discussion in this study was only focused on identifying the functions and analyzing the equivalences English preposition at, on, and by that are found in the John Green’s novel The Fault in Our Stars. The tree diagrams of prepositional phrase were also added in this study, in order to add information which still has relation with prepositions.

1.5 Research Methods

1.5.1 Data Source

The data of this study were focused on English prepositions at, on and by, which were taken from a novel entitled “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green 2012 and translated by Ingrid Dwijani Nimpoeno 2014. This novel was chosen as the source data because of some reasons: First, it has fascinating storyline about two teenage cancer patients. Second, John Green as the author was considered to be one of the greatest authors in the world. Third, the novel was becoming a New York bestselling novel and it eventually adapted into a film. Besides, there were many English language prepositions at, on and by found in this novel.

1.5.2 Methods and Techniques of Collecting Data

The data of this study were collected by using library research. Meanwhile, the techniques of the data were done by several steps. Reading and comparing both English and Indonesian novel is the first step. The second step is finding out the sentences that contain the preposition at, on and by. After that, those prepositions were marked, underlined and retyped based on both English and Indonesian translation of The Fault in Our Stars novel.

1.5.3 Methods and Techniques of Analyzing Data

The collected data were analyzed by using qualitative method. They were described in detail based on theories to the topic of discussion. The selected data were identified and analyzed to determine the functions and their translation of