Background of Study INTRODUCTION

examples: 1 “Sakura puts an apple on the table”. When it translated into Indonesian the sentence becomes “Sakura menaruh sebuah apel diatas meja”. 2 “Caroline comes on Wednesdays”. When it translated into Indonesian the sentenc e becomes “Caroline datang pada hari rabu”. Both examples contain preposition on in the sentence but when they are translated into Indonesian those prepositions have different translations. It means the translation of preposition on in the example above can result in some different translation forms. From the case above, it can be seen that one English preposition has many translations in Indonesian. Thus, it is very interesting to analyze the function and translation equivalent of English preposition. Meanwhile, in this study three of English prepositions, such as: at, on and by are discussed. Those prepositions are chosen in this study since they are commonly used in daily conversation and can be found in various texts.

1.2 Problems of Study

There are two problems that occur in this study based on the background above: 1. What are the functions of English preposition at, on, and by found in the novel The Fault in Our Stars by John Green? 2. What are the translation equivalents of English preposition at, on and by in Indonesian based on novel The Fault in Our Stars by John Green?

1.3 Aims of Study

In relation to the problems that occurred in the process of translating, there are some aims of this study, such as: General: 1. As final paper skripsi to obtain the S1 degree in English Department Faculty of Arts Udayana University. 2. To make the readers more understand about English language preposition e.g. at, on, and by. Specific: 1. To identify the functions of English language preposition at, on and by in Indonesian. 2. To analyze the translation equivalents of English language preposition at, on, and by in Indonesian.

1.4 Scope of Discussion

The discussion in this study was only focused on identifying the functions and analyzing the equivalences English preposition at, on, and by that are found in the John Green’s novel The Fault in Our Stars. The tree diagrams of prepositional phrase were also added in this study, in order to add information which still has relation with prepositions.