The Expressive Function Speech Functions of Code Switching

M : The Hunger Games movie is quite good. I like the character played by Jennifer Lawrence. N : Ah, the one who played as Katniss Everdeen. Yeah, I like her as well. She seemed so natural. L : Hai seru banget kayanya. Lagi ngomongin apa? M : Eh dari mana aja? Kita nungguin kamu. N : Kamu udah nonton Hunger Games belum? The dialogue above shows a conversation between two people who firstly spoke in English. Both of M and N can speak and understand English. However, a third person who does not speak English comes and joins the conversation. The three of them are close friends, and therefore they do not want to exclude the other from the conversation. In order to include the third person into the conversation, they use code switching to Indonesian, so the third person can understand about what they are talking about.

c. The Expressive Function

The expressive function tends to stress self-identity or feeling. It suggests that those who code switch want to express their emotion or feeling. The emotion and feeling can be in the form of happiness, sadness, anger, etc. The following monologue is an example of a person who uses code switching to express his feeling. He can speak Javanese, Indonesian, and English. Ah kalo tau bakal kuis dadakan mending tadi ga usah masuk sekalian. Asyemm tenan… mau dapet berapa coba nilainya? Bodo ah. Whatever will be, will be. The monologue above explains about the feeling of a person who just has a sudden quiz. He speaks in Indonesian and then uses code switching to Javanese and followed by English. The Javanese words ‘asyemm tenan’ is an expression of showing the feeling of anger. It is the same of English words ‘damn it’. Therefore, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the English words ‘whatever will be, will be’ refers to the feeling of giving up. It means that he will accept whatever his result is. Another example of the expressive function is explained in the following illustration. It is illustrated the situation in an English Department class when they are discussing about case study implemented in a research. So, I found this research, randomly. I just want to make sure that you understand about what case study is. I will read the title of the research and you should mention what is or are wrong from this. First, ‘A Case Study of Bilingualism in English Department Students’. From the title, it is stated that the research will use case study. But in the Research Method, she wrote that she will use questionnaire to get the data, and she will distribute it only once. Lha terus piye carane case study? Here, the lecturer uses code switching from English to her native language, Javanese. It shows her emotion clearly when she mixes her native language and English. She speaks like that because she thinks that she has explained the material about case study well, therefore some of the students still do not understand about it.

d. The Phatic Function