Stubborn Dependent The Description of Phoebe

29 283 She also expresses her love to her smaller friend in her school by saying love to him. “‘I like you,’ Phoebe would announce, enveloping a smaller child.” p. 283 Phoebe also loves animals. Her mother knows that Phoebe loves animals when they have a party and there is a cat in the party. Phoebe wants have a pet. She pretends the cat as her friend by giving it her affection. “Phoebe ran up, holding the tint kitten, a ball of pale orange, in her arms.” p. 286 When the cat in a danger, Phoebe tries to help it. She does not care about her health because she wants save the cat from the danger. “Avery” She squatted down beside the girl, touched her wet shoulder. “Where’s Phoebe?” “She went to get the cat,” Avery said, pointing into the pipe. “It went there.” p. 301 While Phoebe is cold and she was trembling, she still does not want lose her cat. “My cat,’ she said, her voice high, determined, and Caroline felt the squirming beneath Phoebe’s shit, heard the small mewing. ‘It’s my cat.’ ” p. 301

c. Stubborn

As a single daughter that her need is always completed by her step-mother, Phoebe grows to be a stubborn. “Phoebe having tantrum and stubborn deviant, Phoebe dressing herself that morning, so proud.” 208 Her step-mother has given what Phoebe wants. If her step-mother does not give what she wants, she will be angry to her like when Phoebe asks her step-mother to have a cat but her step- mother rejects her. Phoebe still insists to ask her mother permission to have a cat. “I want a cat,” Phoebe insisted. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 30 “Later.” “A cat,” Phoebe said. “Damn it.” The palm of Caroline’s hand came down flat on the counter, startling them both. “Don’t talk to me anymore about cat. Do you hear?” “Sit on the porch,” Phoebe said, sullen now. “Watch the rain.” p. 298 Phoebe does not ask her step-mother reason why she does not allow her to take care of the cat. In the other hand, her step-mother has a good reason. Her step-mother does not allow Phoebe to take care of the cat because Phoebe as a problem with her lungs. She suffers Down syndrome that brings croup as her inherit diseases, so if Phoebe take care of a cat her mother afraid about her diseases. While Phoebe does not care about that, the most important for her is she can get what she wants. Phoebe’s stubborn also can be shown when she decides to marry Robert. Her step-mother has rejected what she wants, but she does not care, Phoebe still wants to marry Robert. “‘No. Me and Robert, we’re getting married.’ ” p. 440 While her step-mother has explained many things about the risk of marriage, Phoebe does not think about that. She only wants to marry Robert, her boyfriend. “‘I love Robert,’ Phoebe insisted. “Robert loves me.’ ” p. 441 She does not consider to her step-mother consideration about marriage.

d. Dependent

Caroline Gill, Phoebe’s step-mother, has accustomed to fulfill Phoebe’s need since Phoebe was child. She is the woman who takes care of Phoebe since Phoebe was born until now so that she knows Phoebe’s need. Caroline knows Phoebe’s development in detail and she also knows Phoebe’s ability. As a mother PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 31 who raises Phoebe, she still thinks that Phoebe is dependent to others. She does not allow Phoebe to marry Robert because she thinks about Phoebe’s future. Caroline thinks that Phoebe still need her parents to take care of them. “Caroline shook her head. “I just can’t imagine her out in the world. And she certainly can’t get married, Al. What if she did get pregnant? I’m not ready to raise another child, and that’s what it would mean.’ ” p.442 Phoebe still cannot complete what she needs. Therefore, Caroline does not allow Phoebe to have her own apartment. Caroline does not sure that Phoebe can live by herself. She still needs others help. “‘But Al, even if Phoebe moves out, she’ll never be completely independent.’ ” p. 443 For example, Phoebe cannot take care of herself from stranger. She looks like a child who always trusts everybody she meets. One day when she meets Mike in a bus, she trusts that Mike is a good friend for her while she does not know Mike’s background. She asks Caroline’s permission to go with Mike to a place that she also does not know. This fact makes Caroline to be anxious. She cannot let Phoebe go by herself using a bus anymore. Caroline has to accompany Phoebe to go to her work place to make sure that Phoebe is safe in the way. “For the next two days, Caroline took the bus with Phoebe to and from her job, but Mike never showed up.” p. 447 Phoebe’s incident in a bus is just a little example that Phoebe still dependent to others. Caroline cannot let her go because she also thinks about Phoebe’s salary. A people who want to be independent outside have to complete their need by themselves. While Phoebe looks cannot complete what she needs PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 32 because her salary is not enough for her to stand-alone outside. “The incident in the bust just was one concern. Phoebe didn’t earn enough to live on, and the simply could not stay by herself, not even for a weekend.” p. 448

e. Innocent