Fragile Loving The Description of Phoebe

27 character, therefore the theory of juxtaposition also will be used to describe the characters in the novel.

1. The Description of Phoebe

In order to analyze Phoebe’s character, the researcher uses Murphy method which is character as seen by another. In the novel, Phoebe is described:

a. Fragile

Phoebe is born as a doctor’s daughter who suffers Down syndrome. Down syndrome is inherited syndrome who is suffered by people because of trisomy. A people who suffer Down syndrome usually have some problem with their health. “A mongoloid. Do you know what that means? And the doctor, dutiful, had recited the symptoms he’d memorized from the text: flaccid muscle tone, delayed growth and mental development, possible heart complications, early death.” p. 21 Phoebe also has an inherited disease that is a croup that often happens in the night. “Her breathing was light and rapid, her small heart beat so quickly ... This was croup, a text book case.” p. 114 Beside, she also often gets croup when she is shock or there is something that make her has bad feeling. One day when a bee stung her hand, she was also getting a croup. “But Phoebe’s sobs were giving way to a wheezing like a croup she’d suffered as a child.” p. 215 Because of her syndrome, Phoebe looks fragile. Caroline has to take care of her carefully so that she will safe. This fact also makes Caroline worried about her, she worried about Phoebe’s future if she is fragile. “Caroline watched, PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 worried at how vulnerable her daughter seemed, how exposed to the world that swirled so mysteriously in the darkness behind her.” p. 321

b. Loving

Love cannot be avoided in our life because every human beings has to have love in their life. It can be love to our parents, big family, friends, or animals. There are no boundaries for someone to express their love. They can express their love to others freely. Not only normal people who can feel love and express their love. An abnormal people also can feel and express their love to others. Phoebe as an abnormal person also has love to others. She is a child who is full of love. “Caroline thought again of Phoebe, such a loving quicksilver child.” p. 207 Phoebe often expresses her love to her step-mother, Caroline. Phoebe’s love is showed to her step-mother by giving her more affection. Phoebe often does a simple thing that shows her love to her step-mother and that simple thing is very meaningful for her step-mother. “Phoebe, putting her soft arms around Caroline’s neck for no reason at all and saying, I love you, Mom.” p. 312 Phoebe’s also knows Caroline’s feeling when her step-mother feels happy or sad. “Or Phoebe’s soft small hand suddenly on her knee, at a moment when Caroline was pensive or distracted, absorbed by the world and its concerns. You okay, Mom? She would say, or simply, I love you. Phoebe, riding on Al’s shoulders in the evening light, Phoebe hugging everyone she met.” p. 208 Phoebe not only shows her love to her family but also to her friend. Her love is showed to Tim when they are confirmed as the member of the church. “She wrapped her arms around him, kissing him exuberantly on the cheek.” p. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 29 283 She also expresses her love to her smaller friend in her school by saying love to him. “‘I like you,’ Phoebe would announce, enveloping a smaller child.” p. 283 Phoebe also loves animals. Her mother knows that Phoebe loves animals when they have a party and there is a cat in the party. Phoebe wants have a pet. She pretends the cat as her friend by giving it her affection. “Phoebe ran up, holding the tint kitten, a ball of pale orange, in her arms.” p. 286 When the cat in a danger, Phoebe tries to help it. She does not care about her health because she wants save the cat from the danger. “Avery” She squatted down beside the girl, touched her wet shoulder. “Where’s Phoebe?” “She went to get the cat,” Avery said, pointing into the pipe. “It went there.” p. 301 While Phoebe is cold and she was trembling, she still does not want lose her cat. “My cat,’ she said, her voice high, determined, and Caroline felt the squirming beneath Phoebe’s shit, heard the small mewing. ‘It’s my cat.’ ” p. 301

c. Stubborn