Types of Cooperative Learning

They provide broad questions to challenge thinking, they prepare students for the tasks they will carry out; they assist students with the learning tasks, and they give few commands, imposing les disciplinary control. c. The role of instructional material Material plays an important role in creating the opportunities for students to work cooperatively. The same material can be used for other types of lessons but variations are required in how materials are used. For example, if students are working in groups, each might have one set material, or each group might have different sets of materials, or each group member might need a copy of text to read and refer to. Materials may be especially designed for cooperative language learning such as commercially sold jigsaw and information-gap activities, modified from existing materials, or borrowed from other disciplines. The writer concludes from the above explanation that cooperative learning is not having students sit side by side at the same table to talk with each other as they do their individual assignments. Cooperative learning is much more than being physically near other students, discussing material with other students, helping other students, or sharing material among students. Cooperative learning situation create positive interdependence and improving their interpersonal skills. Besides, before the teacher applying the cooperative learning in the classroom, teachers consider to tell to their students the principles of cooperative learning, so both teachers and students understand what they are going to do. The roles of teachers and learners are different in cooperative learning than they were traditional classroom, and the instructional material play role in creating cooperative learning too.

C. Teaching Vocabulary by Using Cooperative Learning

Vocabulary is something to deliver in the oral or written communication. And vocabulary is not easy to be increased without a proper way of how to build it up. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. Cooperative learning can motivate students to memorize vocabulary easily and also happily. Teaching vocabulary by using cooperative learning is not only as an effective tool for bringing out students from the monotonous or boring situations in learning process, but also for developing students’ vocabulary. In my hypothesis, teaching vocabulary adjective by using cooperative learning at eight grade students of MTs. Al- Ishlah is an alternative teaching aid because almost the students like work together to understand for the lesson. By cooperative learning students practice to use vocabulary to try small group learning skill and adapt with other students. To apply cooperative learning in teaching learning process, the teacher has to do as follows: 1. Present and explain the goal of the cooperative learning strategy and the material clearly. Before the student get the teaching learning process, make sure that the students know exactly what to do before they are divided into groups. The teacher simply explains what cooperative learning is, why they are doing cooperative work and what they are supposed to do. After that the teacher explain about vocabulary of adjective using objects, questions, model of dialogue, and explain about rule of adjective and then practice it in written and oral. 2. Make small group based on the heterogeneous class Make a group based on their grade in the class; for each group contains the smart, adequate and less smart students, each group contain five students. Students do help one another, because the kind of work they have to do

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