The Background of Study

D. The Purpose of Study

This general purpose of the research is to know whether teaching vocabulary by using cooperative learning is an effective technique to increase students’ interest in learning English.

E. The Significance of Study

The significance of this writing might be expected as follows: 1. English Teacher To be able to enrich the teachers about how to teach vocabulary adjective using Cooperative Learning. 2. The students To make process of vocabulary by using cooperative learning. 3. The further research To give new knowledge to the further researcher for better research of teaching and learning process. 6


A. The Vocabulary

One of the important language aspects in learning English is vocabulary. It is impossible to learn a language without mastering vocabulary. With sufficient vocabulary, we can communicate effectively. Vocabulary is the stock of words use in language. And in teaching English as a foreign language, vocabulary is the most important thing, because no matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of foreign language is mastered, without mastering wide vocabulary, communication in foreign language is imperfect. Good mastery of vocabulary is important for anyone who learns the language: it is used in Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing, besides Grammar. A learner of foreign language will speak fluently and accurately, write easily, or understand what she reads or hears if she enough vocabulary and has a capability of using it accurately. As Nasrun Mahmud stated in his book English for Muslim University students, A good vocabulary goes hand in hand with your ability to think logically and to learn easily and quickly. A good vocabulary and your ability to use words correctly and effectively can be your passport to worlds of interesting and exciting information. You can travel in the past, in the present, and in the future through the words you need or hear. You can learn to use words to help transport other to the world you have discovered. 1 From information above, the writer concludes that when someone learn English, the first this should be mastered is vocabulary. 1 Nasrun Mahmud, English For Muslim University Students,Jakarta:PT Swibakti Darma, 2005, p.25

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one the language components; it supports the teaching and learning of the four skills. In learning language, vocabulary plays a very important role. How can students understand what they listen, reads or writes if students do not understand any word? Vocabulary is very important in English teaching and learning. If the learner do not know the meaning of word, they will have difficulty in understanding what they see, read, and learn. Their vocabulary will increase if they read more word. This reason makes vocabulary imortant; a bad mastery of vocabulary will cause bad understanding of the text. Vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provides much of the basic for how well learners speak, listen, read and write. 2 According to A.S Hornby, Vocabulary is all the words that a person knows or uses, the words that people use when they talking about particular subject; and also a list of words with their meaning, especially in a book for learning a foreign language. 3 While Harimurti kridalaksana says, “kosakata adalah komponen bahasa yang memuat informasi tentang makna dan penggunaan kata dalam suatu bahasa.”vocabulary is a component of a language that maintains all information about meaning and using words in a language. 4 According to Merriam Webster’s ninth collegiate dictionary, vocabulary is: a A list or collection of word and often phrases, abbreviation inflectional form, etc. usually arranged as in alphabetical order and defined or otherwise identified as in a dictionary of glossary. 2 Jack C. Richard and Willy A.Renandya, ed, Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2002,p.255 3 A.S.Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learne’s Dictionary of International students , London;Oxford University Press,2000p.1506 4 Harimukti Kridalaksana, kamus Linguistik, jakarta; PT gramedia Pustaka utama, 1993 p.127

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