The Technique of Collecting Data The Technique of Data Analysis

g. Determining Standard Error Mean of Difference Mean of variable X and Mean of Variable Y, with formula: √ + Standard error of difference mean of variable X and mean of variable Y Sum of squared standard error mean of variable X Sum of squared standard error mean of variable Y h. Determining t- table in significant level 5 and 1 with df. Degree of freedom Number of student experiment class Number of students controlled class 3 3 Anas Sudjono, PengantarStatistikPendidikan, Jakarta: PT Raja GrafindoPersada, 2008, p. 315. 37


A. Data of the Students’ Achievement in Teaching Vocabulary of

Adjectives by Using Cooperative Learning 1. Description of Data The data of students’ achievement divided into two kinds, namely the data in experiment class and the data in control class, which were gained from pre- test and post- test that were applied in both of class. The test was arranged in an instruments paper for pre- test and post- test. The result of the test is presented on the table below: Table 2. The Test Result of Experiment Class Students Pre- Test Score Post-Test score Gained Score 1 62 72 10 2 66 80 14 3 46 76 30 4 38 78 40 5 56 74 18 6 54 78 24 7 68 84 16 8 68 80 12 9 52 78 26 10 78 84 6 11 60 75 15 12 52 74 22 13 60 72 12 14 60 78 18 15 32 74 42 16 44 72 28 17 52 74 22 18 68 77 9 19 54 84 30 20 50 76 26 From the table above, it can be clarified that, in pre- test there were one student who got score 32, one student who got score 38, one student who got score 44, one student who got score 46, one students who got score 50, three students who got score 52, two students who got score 54, one student who got score 56, three students who got score 60, one student who got score 62, one student who got score 66, three students who got score 68, only one student who got score 78 and there wasn ’t any student who didn’t get a gained score. In post- test their scores were higher than in the pre- test. It can be seen in the table above that the highest score in post- test was 84 and there werethree students who got it. There was five students who got 72 the lowest score. Table3. The Result of Control Class No Pre- test Post-test Gained Score 1 56 66 10 2 38 56 18 3 34 42 8 4 26 60 34 5 36 54 18 6 46 66 20 7 50 66 16 8 42 60 18 9 38 66 28 10 42 66 24 11 32 62 30 12 32 64 32 13 22 54 32 14 26 58 32 15 28 62 34 16 54 76 22 17 32 68 36 18 18 52 34 19 40 70 30 20 46 74 28 The table II above informs that in control class, there were one student who got 18, one studentwho got score22, two students who got score 26, one student who got score 28, three students who got score 32, one students who got score 36, two student who got score 38, one student who got score 40, two students who got score 42, two students who got score 46, one student who got score 50, one students who got score 54, and only one student who got 56. In post- test, their scores were higher than pre- test. It can be seen that the highest score in post- test was 76only one student who got it and the lowest score was 42. From the table presented above the writer can conclude the experiment class learning vocabulary of adjectives by using cooperative learning got the higher score than the control class without cooperative learning technique when they learnt vocabulary adjectives. As mentioned before, that in analyzing the data from the result of pre- test and post- test, the writer used statistic calculation of the t- test formula with the degree of significance 5 and 1 . To know the result of the experiment, the writer calculate the result of post-test of both classes, where variable X is the result of the experiment class through teaching vocabulary of adjectives by using cooperative learning and variable Y is the result of the controlled class through teaching vocabulary adjectives without using cooperative learning. Table 4 Individual Pre-test and Post- test Score of the Students in Experiment Class No Pre- test 1 Post- test 2 D= 1 - 2 D² 1 62 72 -10 100 2 66 80 -14 196 3 46 76 -30 900 4 38 78 -40 1600 5 56 74 -18 324 6 54 78 -24 576 7 68 84 -16 256 8 68 80 -12 144 9 52 78 -26 676 10 78 84 -6 36 11 60 75 -15 225 12 52 74 -22 484 13 60 72 -12 144 14 60 78 -18 324 15 32 74 -42 1764 16 44 72 -28 784 17 52 74 -22 484 18 68 77 -9 81 19 54 84 -30 900 20 50 76 -26 676 = 1120 =1540 D = - 420 D² = 10674 M =56 M = 77 Note: No : Amount of students given the test : The result of Pre- test of Experiment Class : The result of Post-test of Experiment Class D : The difference score between pre-test and post-test

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