Kinds of Vocabulary The Vocabulary

2. Content Words on the other hand, can be added at any times as new scientific advances to make new words and communication about new inventions necessary. 15 Example: I have two apples a sign of meaning The apple is pretty From the kinds of vocabulary mentioned above, the writer concludes that there are many kinds of vocabulary such as: Active and Passive vocabulary, and Function words, content Words, Substitute Words and words of negative or affirmative distribution.

3. Vocabulary of Adjectives

In many languages the forms of modifiers are extremely difficult; they elaborate systems of endings connect modifiers with expressions they modify. In English many modifiers are phrases or clauses, marked by function words, and single –word modifiers have lost most of their endings. Before the writer discussed vocabulary adjectives; the writer advisable gives to know definition of adjective. According to Paul R oberts “Adjective is a word that modifiers a noun or pronoun.” 16 Marcella Frank says „the adjective is a modifier that has the grammatical property of comparison. It is often identified by special derivational endings or by special adverbial modifiers that precede it. It most usual position is before the noun it modifies, but it fills other positions as well. 17 15 Charles C.Fries, as quoted by Mary Finnochiaro and Micheal Bonomo., “ The Foreign Language learner : A Guide for Teacher”,New York: Regent Publishing Company, inc,1973p.86 16 Paul Roberts, Understanding Grammar, New York; Haper Row publishers,1954, p.91 17 Marcela Frank, Modern English, New Jersey:Prentice-Hall,Inc,1972, p.109 According to Marcella Frank, adjective modifies a noun or pronoun. 1. Adjective modifying a noun a The small boy b The boy is small. Boy Boy is small The Small The 2. Adjective modifying a pronoun a Everybody else b He is small. Everybody He is small Else According to Evelyn and Robert M,Vago, a good way to decide if a word is an adjective is to see if it can be placed between the and a noun. But it doesn’t mean that it is the only place where an adjective can occur; it’s just a way to test a word to see if it’s an adjective. Here are some sentences where the adjective is in a different place. In each case, the adjective is underlined. a He is a tall boy b My best friend loves chocolate cake c The house had a low roof d Large cars are harder to drive than small cars. 18 18 Evelyn and Robert M,Vago, English Grammar Understanding the Basics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.2010,p.59 A number of adjectives, all used in the phrase the boy are listed below. The adjectives are underlined: a the brilliant boy b the embarrassed boy c the blonde boy d the hungry boy e the delightful boy 19 There are five main criteria used in identifying an adjective, but not all adjectives meet all the criteria. They are: a Adjectives occur after forms of to be : it’s soft. b They occur after articles and before nouns: an every basis. c They occur after intensifiers, such as very, rather, so, extremely: very elusive. d They occur in the comparative and superlative form: more useful. e They occur before-ly to form adverbs: secure- securely. 20 The following table shows the example of the form adjectives Table 1. The use of Adjective a The form of Adjective Singular Plural an old man a nice room Old men Nice rooms 19 Ibid….58 20 Scott Thornbury, About Language task for teachers of EnglishCambridge: Cambridge University Press.1997 , p.110 b The position of Adjective 1 Adjectives come before noun Example: - a young man - new shoes - a nice girl - empty boxes 2 Adjectives come after verb An adjective comes after the verb be, look, appear, seem, feel, taste, smell, sound to describe the subject of a sentence. Example: - He is young - The soup smells good - She looks nice 3 Certain adjectives asleep, alone, alive, awake, afraid, ill, well come after a verb, but they do not come before noun Example: He is asleep or He is a sleeping man c Order of Adjective 1 When we use two or more adjectives in a sentence, and the adjective is telling opinion nice, beautiful normally they comes before adjectives telling facts sunny, blue Example: a nice sunny day 2 When two or more adjectives telling about facts, they come before a noun. Example: a a large wooden box b a tall thin man c a white plastic shopping bag

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