The Purpose of Policy on Islamic Education in School.

35 schools is to apply the education in “tafaqquh fiddin” in developing student potential to become human good morals, belief and obedience to Allah. 26

C. The Purpose of Policy on Islamic Education in School.

Before we discuss about the aim Islamic education, it is better to explain what is the meaning of national education system? The system is all components which are interrelated. Then, the national education is the education which is implemented by nation or state that is accordance with national aspiration. The national education is based on culture of Indonesian nation in Pancasila and UU 1945. 27 It means, the national education system is all components in education which is implemented by a nation or state and consisted of component, as the following: a. National education which reflect an educational philosophy in a nation. b. The quality of education is directed to balance the developments among taught, manners, ability and skills. c. An educational process is to help the growth and development of personality aspects in accordance with the aim of national education. Which are supported by factors educators, method, facilities and environment factors. 28 The function of the national education is to develop capability and increase the quality of life even prestige of human to embody the national aim. National education system is to develop human capability in life of Indonesian nation and develop human being, namely human integrated as persons belief, pious to one and only God and be good manners, 26 Departemen Agama RI, Laporan Tahunan…, p. 3. 27 M. Ali Hasan dan Mukti Ali, Kapita Selekta Pendidikan Islam Jakarta: Pedoman Ilmu Jaya, 2003, p. 33. 28 Lembaga Penelitian IAIN Jakarta, Islam dan Pendidikan Nasional, dalam Rumusan Hasil Seminar “Islam dan Pendidikan Nasional” IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta tanggal 25-27 April 1993, p. 7. 36 knowledgeable and skills, physical healthy and spiritual healthy, be good personality and felt in responsibility even be social, and nation. 29 In national education system that Islamic education is one of compulsory subject in elementary and high school. The expectation is learners able to integrate the Islamic education which general instructional. Then, the schools in dynamic of national education, Islamic education is already as importance one to play in strata of social of Indonesian people since colonization period. But Islamic education wasn’t a compulsory subject in public schools. Related to this condition, according to Haidar Du alay” the freedom era is to put basic of Islamic education in public schools”. 30 In this aspect, researcher looked some period that happened in educational policy for Islamic education. First, Islamic education as an instructional in public schools but it isn’t obligatory. Second, researcher looked that Islamic education got attention so it has been required instructional in public schools; Islamic education was strength by national policy. All policies was been correction to develop Islamic education in national education system. As a result, Islamic education has been success although not in limited line of national education yet. Beside on the result of successful Islamic education, there has wrong paradigm about Islamic education at the school. Its mean moral crisis or expectation in order to have the experience which implementation values of Islamic doctrine is not all aspect success. The regulation of Islamic education is mastery of subject matters or cognitive domain only. Whereas, importance to develop affective domain. Social condition and moral crisis after reform has given orientation that importance Islamic education in functional position. In all of aspects Islamic education are able to control behavior of learner. Being a nation prestige, learners are able to develop potency in receiving heritage of nation values for their daily life. In Indonesian definition is human integrated. 29 M. Ali Hasan dan Mukti Ali, Kapita Selekta…, p. 33. 30 Haidar Dualay, Si stem Pendidikan…, p. 150. 37 After reform era, there are three issues that have been focus agenda of national education building. About moral crisis, religious attitude and appreciate human right. 1. Religious Education in Improving the Nation Morality Islamic educational aim is to build personality that has good manner in front of Allah, in social and environment. As one of the education process is school. Likes mandated in regulation no. 202003 section 3, the content is national education has an expectation to develop oneself mind of the life of nation, being social in prestige human even has expectation to build human belief, being moral, and knowledgeable. Like was mandated by UU No. 20 2003 article 3, as the content is the national education which has the expectation to develop the capability nation life, become a person prestigious and then has the aim to be human faithful, the noble of character even has knowledge. The regulation in directly has the expectation for religious education to control even build nation morality so then reaching the quality as integrated human. Furthermore, moral massage of the regulation is already to identify that Islamic education is strategic area to build nation morality. As the totality of integrated human, idealism and the faithful strength are the result of education which expected to national continuity of life for the nation and state. The importance of Islamic is to respond to the student development in every level of education, likes in elementary or basic school and secondary school. Moral ability in elementary and secondary school as generally has respected as a child that moral ability like under explanation: Firstly, less discipline its mean, learner needs supervisor in all activities of their learning and applied. Secondly, free, creative, critic and reality. They are as child brave to argue, pessimistic and easy to change. 38 In accordance with explanations above, researcher will say that the relevance of interaction and correlation between nation education and Islamic education. 2. Islamic education to Appreciate Human Right Every student has right to get Islamic education and has been taught by educator that has religion. This statement identified that implementation of Islamic education in public schools as a reflection to appreciate human right. Government policy is in scope values of human right. It meant the government has given a policy that is in accordance with situation. 3. Islamic education in School to Implant Religious Pluralism Tolerance and appreciation a religion is one of Moslem roles or attitude of Moslem to the other believer which difference belief. In the last time, moral education of the five basics principles of the nation which was implanting the tolerance to the other religion and given chances them in worship. 39