The Development of Islamic Education

19 people who can live on its feet, serve God and devotion to the nation and homeland, and even fellow human beings . 25 The aim of Islamic education is completed by the act No. 202003, it explained that importance of aspect in educational nation namely; to guard in God obedient that he is one, good manners, healthy, science, intellect, creative, and to be citizen democratic even responsibility. 26 Finally, the aim of national education in Islamic education is to become people who are religious and obedient people which must apply the order of religion. Secondly, human moralists, good manners, have a strong commitment in life. Third, being healthful people in soul. Fourth, being knowledgeable human. Fifth , someone’s who has capability to actualize the knowledge in daily life. Sixth is creatively human. Seventh become an independent people by dynamic and optimistic attitude. Eight, attention for the nation and state, has spirit of democratic and high responsibility to bring a people into expended ideal. The researcher takes the understanding that the aim of Islamic education in according with national education is to become a human religious, nation and social.

E. The Development of Islamic Education

1. The Understanding of Islamic Education Development. Development of Islamic education is not only placing the knowledge aspect or intellectual aspects of students, but how religious education can touch the level of values and attitudes. It means the evaluation is not only to develop religious insight, but to develop the attitude and religious spirit of student which can be practiced in daily. In spite of that, according to Ichlasul Amal, Islamic education is one of the main supporters of the national education system to improve the 25 Mahmud Yunus, Metode Khusus…, p. 13. 26 Fuaduddin dan Cik Hasan Bisri, Dinamika Pemikiran Islam di Perguruan Tinggi, Ciputat: Logos Wacana Ilmu, 2002, Cet. II, p. 57-58. 20 Indonesian quality. There is balancing between the advance of IPTEK and IMTAQ to conduct intellectual Moslems who have a sense of responsibility and hereafter. The Advance of science and technology has to integrate with religious dimension or on the contrary. Islamic education is not only about education as knowledge, but also education is personality. Even that, Islamic education was able to develop comprehension; the attitude of believer of religion is in accordance with religious knowledge. 27 The development of Islamic education is also an effort to implant ideal values or Islamic and national values in accordance with the ideal of national education. 2. The Aim of Islamic Education Development. The aim of Islamic education development is to solve the problems which faced in implementation of Islamic education. Islamic education had not gotten proportional allocation yet. The development is one of an effort to increase the quality of Islamic education. Likes mentioned by Directorate General of Islamic Education, Department of Religious Affairs: a. Islam is taught more to sap when Islam is full of values that must be practiced. . b. Islamic is only emphasized at formal relationship between human and his God. c. Lack of development of rationality. d. The experience of the implementation of the religion is less emphasized. e. Sense the environment to growth Islamic values this is less supported. f. Religious teaching methods, lack of a development. g. Measure the success of religious education is still a formality. 27 Ahmad Habibullah dkk, Kajian Peraturan Perundang-undangan Pendidikan Agama pada Sekolah Jakarta: Pena Citrasatria, 2008, Cet I, p. 63. 21 h. Religious education is still not being the basis for progress and success of other subjects. Islamic education is not being foundation of student in daily behavior. 28 Besides that, the aim of Islamic education is an effort to reach the function of Islamic education at public schools. Therefore the functions of Islamic education, namely: a. Development function to improve student’s belief and obedience to Allah SWT which has been implant in family environment. The school functioned to continue what he got of the education at home, with guidance, teaching, exercise by optimal in accordance with their growth. b. Distribution function to contribute the students who have specials talent in religion aspect in order that the talent could be growth optimally, even they can be utilized for themselves or the others people. c. Correction function to evaluate student’s mistake, lack and weakness in belief, meaningful and his experiences of Islamic doctrine in daily life. d. Prevention function to adapt the student with his environment or from foreign culture which can danger to him and hamper student’s development to become human integrated. 29 Islamic education is to become the student knowledgeable, comprehension and applying Islamic doctrine. In the other meaning that Islamic education is to make people who have capability in intellectual, spiritual, social and emotional. 30 Later in the Islamic concept that the primary function of a school is as a medium for the realization of educational objectives based on creed and laws of thought to realize servitude to God and the Oneness of Gods 28 Abdul Madjid dan Dian Andayani, Pendidikan Agama…, p. 135. 29 Departemen Agama RI, Petunjuk Pelaksanaan …, p. 51. 30 Cerdas spiritual bermakna mampu beraktualisasi diri dengan hati untuk menumbuhkan ketaqwaan dan memperkuat keimanan. Cerdas intelektual bermakna mampu mengaktualisasi untuk olah pikir guna memperoleh kompetensi dan kemandirian dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, kreatif, inovatif, kritis dan imajinatif. Cerdas emosional, olah rasa untuk mampu memahami dan menghayati ajaran agama. Cerdas sosial mampu menjunjung nilai HAM, beraktualisasi melalui interaksi sosial pergaulan sesama teman, guna merasakan empati, simpati, menjunjung tinggi HAM serta menghargai keragaman.Abdurrahman An Nahlawi, Pendidikan Islam di Rumah, Sekolah dan Masyarakat, Jakarta: Gema Insani, 1995, Cet I, H. 150. 22 attitude and develop any talent or potential as human beings, so human nature to avoid distortion. 31

F. The School as Institution to Implement Islamic Education