The development of islamic education in public school after reform era




Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd.I (Bachelor of Arts) in Islamic Education


JONSON HARIANTO 105011000144







ii Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Jonson Harianto

Tempat, Tgl. Lahir : Tanjung Agung, 17 January,1987

NIM : 105011000144

Jurusan/prodi : Pendidikan Agama Islam

Judul Skripsi : The Development of Islamic Education in Public Schools after Reform Era.

Pembimbing : Dr. Muhammad Zuhdi, Ph.D, M.Ed.

Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya buat benar-benar hasil karya sendiri dan saya bertanggung jawab secara akademis atas apa yang saya tulis. Pernyataan ini dibuat sebagai salah satu syarat menempuh Ujian Munaqasah.

Jakarta, 04 Maret 2010 Mahasiswa Ybs.

Jonson harianto NIM. 105011000144




Presented to the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirement for the Degree of S.Pd.I (Bacelor of Arts) in Islamic


Oleh: Jonson Harianto


Approved by the Advisor:

Dr. Muhammad Zuhdi, Ph.D, M.Ed NIP. 19720704 199703 1 002








105011000144 was examined in the examination session of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers Training, Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta on 23 March 2010. The skripsi has been accepted and declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S.Pd.I (Bachelor of Arts) in Islamic Education in department of Islamic Education.

Jakarta, (24 March 2010) Examination Committee:

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... Secretary of Committee

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NIP : 19670328 200003 1 001 ... ... Examiner I

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(Study on the Objectives of Islamic Education in Elementary and Secondary Schools)

Islamic education is aware efforts to become human excel in spiritually, socially, and morally. In Indonesia Islamic education has the history which is usually develop to place Islamic education in school. Islamic education has the problems in implementation. Why the Islamic education is usually changes in regulation?

When after reform era, there are some regulations which organized on Islamic education in public school. Such as the act No 29/2003, and followed by the decree no 19/2005 and the latest law is number 55/2007 on religious education. Haw is the development of Islamic education after the all of those regulations. How is the aim in each level of education in accordance with regulations after reform era?

According to the background above, researcher analyzes by using library research and content analysis. This method is to know the description of the development Islamic education after reform era.

By this research, there are some expectations, such as to give the concept of developing of Islamic education in level of elementary school and secondary school. Give the benefits offering some ideas to develop Islamic education, such as Islamic education as school culture and the student can apply Islamic values through religious atmosphere.

Key words: Islamic education, development, the aim, Elementary and secondary schools, religious atmosphere and school culture.



Pengembangan Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Pasca Reformasi (Telaah Tujuan PAI pada Sekolah Dasar dan Menengah )

Pendidikan Islam merupakan usaha sadar untuk menjadikan manusia yang unggul spiritual, sosial, dan moral. Dalam perjalanan sejarahnya pendidikan agama Islam di Indonesia selalu menghadapi permasalahan. Ini yang mengakibatkan selalu ada perubahan dalam peraturan pendidikan agama Islam khususnya di sekolah.

Pasca reformasi, upaya pengembangan PAI masih tetap didukung oleh beberapa regulasi. Seperti penyempurnaan UUSPN No 2/1989 menjadi UUSPN No 20/2003, kemudian diikuti dengan standar pencapaian mutu dengan membuat standar kompetensi seperti yang disebutkan dalam PP No 19/2005. Selanjutnya PAI di sekolah diperkuat lagi dengan adanya PP No. 55/2007 tentang pendidikan agama dan keagamaan. Adanya beberapa kebijakan ini akan mendukung bagaimana perkembangan PAI di sekolah. Bagaimana rumusan tujuan pendidikan yang telah ditetapkan di setiap level pendidikan?

Kesemuanya itu menjadi bahan penelitian bagi peneliti. Sesuai dengan permasalahan dan data, peneliti menggunakan penelitian kepustakaan dan menggunakan analisis isi. Karena dalam penelitian ini ingin memberikan gambaran dan mendialogkan pengembangan PAI di sekolah pasca reformasi spesifiknya melihat tujuan PAI pada level sekolah dasar dan menengah sesuai yang telah diamanahkan UU dan peraturan pemerintah.

Key words: Pendidikan Agama Islam, pengembangan, tujuan, sekolah dasar dan menengah, suasana keagamaan dan budaya sekolah.



In the name of Allah, the benificient and the merciful

Assalamu’alaikum Wr.wb,

First of Allah, the researcher thanks to Allah SWT, Lord of the world who has been giving him a wonderful opportunity in finishing his “Skripsi”. Then peace and salutition to prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, the perfect leader around the world, and to his family, his close friends and followers.

Many people have a lot of contribution for the researcher in completing his “skripsi” for the requirement at degree of Strata 1. Therefore, the researcher would like to express his deepest gratitute to his beloved parents Hartoni and Dismiati and all families who always give prayer, motivation, love faith and support for him conducting the research. The researcher also would like to express his thanks and great gratitude to his advisor Mr. Dr. Muhammad Zuhdi, Ph.D, M.Ed for his valuable help, guidance, correction and suggestion for the researcher in finishing this “skripsi”.

His great and thanks gratitude also goes to: 1. The Dean of Tarbiya and Teachers’ Training.

2. The Head and Secretary of Islamic education department.

3. All Lecturers and staffs of Islamic Education Department who have given the experience, motivation, occasion, and opportunity to learn in Islamic education departement.

4. All officers of UIN library, Tarbiyah’s Library, who have given permission for using and lending their books in completing the reference.


viii prayer.

6. All beloved friends in Islamic education of 2005, all friends in billingual class such as Muh. El-moh, Fikri, Asep, Fauzi, Endah, Bambang, Umi, Pailin, Mira, Haseb and so on. Who always help and give the researcher motivation, support, times, real friendship and love.

7. All friends in rent house, Eko, Syahrul, Fuad, brother Fauzi, who give him motivation and inspiration.

8. All friends in organization, they are friends in HMI, PMII, IMM, KAMMI, POSTAR (LST), BEMJ PAI, BEM FITK, FLP, IKMS (Student South Sumatra Community) who has given him experience and motivation Finaly, the researcher recognize that his skripsi is far from perfect. Therefore, he would like to welcome in accepting critics and suggestion for accomplishing it become better. He hopes this skripsi can give the beneficient for all people who are interrested in.

May Allah, the all Mighty bless and give them more than what they have given to the researcher.

Jakarta, 23 March 2010







ABSTRAK ... vi






B. The Identification of Study ... 6

C. The Limitation and Formulation of Study ... 7

D. The Objectives of Study ... 7

E. The Significance of Study ... 8

F. The Method of Study ... 8


1. The Understanding of Objective ... 10

2. The Aim of Education ... 11

B. The Understanding of Islamic Education ... 13

C. The Bases of Islamic Education ... 15

D. The Aim of Islamic Education ... 17

E. The Development of Islamic Education ... 19

1. The Definition of Islamic Education Development ... 19



2. The implementation of Islamic Education in Public Schools 23


A. The History of Islamic Education in Regulation of Indonesia .... 26

B. Islamic Education in Transition and After Reform ... 31

C. The Purpose of Policy on Islamic Education in School ... 35


B. The Aim of Islamic Education at Junior High School ... 41

C. The Aim of Islamic Education at Senior High School ... 42

D. Creating the Religious Atmosphere at Public Schools ... 43

E. Islamic Education as School Culture ... 46

F. Discussing on Islamic Education ... 47


B. Recommendation... 50





Lampiran 2 The Governtment Regulation No. 19/2005 on National Standard Education





A. Background

In the moment when the reform was initiated, the Indonesian people expected to see changes almost in all aspect of their lives, including education sector. This is because education plays strategic and functional roles in making those changes happen. But, as Tilaar said, Indonesia education is always ruled by a system controlled by politicians, which formally known for their authoritarian approach.1 As a result, education created uncreative people, who can only think and act to satisfy a small group of elite. 2

The Indonesian education policy is known for its uniformity of ideal and identities. This is what we call “characteristic policy of education”. The curriculum, the teaching staff and school facilities are all decided by the national education authority. The existence of the centralistic policy that gives only little space for school to how their own initiative, resulted uncritical and less creative people.


H.A.R. Tilaar, Paradigma Baru Pendidikan Nasional, (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2004), Cet

II, p. 2.



The first achievement of education sector after was promoting the decentralized system. This was reflected by the act No. 22/1999 on regional autonomy. The act allowed the idea of regional autonomy to grow in free, democratic and atmosphere.

An achieving the goals of the national education we can’t neglect the important of Islamic education. One of the goals of education is to create human being that can integrate religious and national values in their daily life. Therefore, Islamic education constitutes the fundamental aspect of national education.

Since the creation on law 2/1989 Islamic education has been mandated as a compulsory subject in all levels of education in Indonesia. The act has guaranteed every student to receive Islamic education in school in accordance to their belief. It’s clearly started in chapter 16 in section 2 of their law number 28/1990.3

The latest education law, maintains the position of Islamic education in all level of schooling, it is reflected to the act No. 20/2003 on national education system. In chapter I article 1, the education was conscious and well-planed in creating learning environment and learning process so that the student will be able to develop their full potential for acquiring spiritual and religious strengths, develop self control, personality, intelligence, morals and noble character, and skill that one needs for student self, the community, the nation, and the state. 4 This article is indicated to maintain Islamic education as a part of the aim of national education.

In part 9 on religious education, article 30 section 2, that is “the religious education has the function to prepare students to become community members who understand and practice religious values…,”. 5


Adian Husaini, Menyoal Kembali Pendidikan Agama, Dalam situs ,Dikutip pada tanggal 3 Maret 2009.


Depdiknas, Undang-undang dan Peraturan Pemerintah tentang Pendidikan, p. 2



Some articles are indicated that Islamic education is still get strong position after reform era.

Then, from some articles above that national education and Islamic education have the aim to become integrated human. In the other concept, the integrated human was interpreted at three aspects. There are intellectual, spiritual and morals aspect.

In accordance with Hasan Langgulung (an expert on Islamic education) that good education is able to develop the three aspects of human development, i.e:

a. Intellectual development. b. Psychological development.

c. Spiritual and morals development.6

First, as human intellectual (human rational) can develop the knowledge, comprehension, analysis and critic. Secondly, as psychological human can develop in self to comprehend of Islamic values. Third, as spiritual and moral human can apply the values in behavior daily.

The school becomes a place to implement Islamic education. As formal education, the school had placed Islamic education as a compulsory subject and educational character for student. By the act No. 2/ 1989, it was strengthen the existence of Islamic education in public school in.7

After reform era, the importance of the school is still maintained by the act No 20/2003 and the decree No. 19/2005 on standard national education. In this regulation the school is still a place to implement Islamic education.


Hasan Langgulung, Asas-Asas Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Husna Baru, 2008),

cet.VI, Edisi Revisi, p. 31


Di samping memperbaharui sistem pendidikan di Indonesia, juga dimaksudkan untuk memperkuat eksistensi pendidikan agama (Islam) di sekolah sebagai kurikulum yang wajib diberlakukan secara nasional.

Undang undang ini memakan waktu sekitar 10 tahun sampai diundangkan. Itu dihitung dari mulai dibentuknya Komisi Pembaharuan Pendidikan Nasional (KPPN) tahun 1978 yang diketuai oleh Prof. Imam Santoso, almarhum Prof Harsja W. Bachtiar, Kabalitbang dikbud di tahun 1980an, pernah menyatakan bahwa UU no 2/1989 disiapkan untuk mengakomodasi perkembangan selama 50 tahun ke dean (1989-2039)


Furthermore, role of the school in implementation of Islamic education was reflected by the government decree that is the decree No. 55/2007 on religious education, there is mentioned “religious education (Islamic education) in school is the education to give the knowledge; construct the moral, personality, and student skill to apply religious doctrine. Then religious education had been implemented at least by subject in every level and kinds of education”.8

The school is one of the efforts to develop and revitalize Islamic education too. School has role which is not only as a place for teaching, but the schools is a place to transfer culture and build student character. Even the school has the objectives to become student who is able to comprehend religious doctrine even to reflect the values in daily life.

As quoted by Muhaimin that the school as a place of values education, curriculum content and learning activities will implicitly includes the transmission of values.9

Based on the explanations above, there are some view points, as the following; Islamic education had has strong foundation especially in formal education. Then Islamic education is placed as a part of the purpose of national education and it is played in dynamic change of community to inherit the national culture. Furthermore the school is a place to internalize Islamic values or transmit the value.

But in its implementation, the Islamic religious education is still not able to achieve the desired outcomes of educational objectives. National education hopes to be able to construct character and instill the values of Pancasila (the social, religion and environmental) has not fully implemented in the Islamic religious education. Religious education is still regarded as narrowly as teaching of religion in the vertical aspect of worship.


Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 55 Tahun 2007, Tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, Di kutip dalam situs http// 55 2007, Tanggal 3 Februari 2010 pukul 22.00 WIB. p. 2


Muhaimin, Rekonstruksi pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Rajawali Press, 2009), Edisi I, Cet.I, p.56


Furthermore, the formulation of the aim of Islamic education in all levels of education is still only to give student needs as citizen who has right to get Islamic education. It indicates Islamic education in public schools is a place to transfer of knowledge.

After the reform, Islamic education is still faced the problems, namely Islamic education is less relevance on social change, even the student less comprehend the religious values. Then the values can be applied in social environment. Like was mandated by the regulation that the Islamic education is a process to internalize religious values whether as individual or social.

Especially in public schools, the implementation of Islamic education is still in giving knowledge and less to emphasize in values and moral. As we known that Islamic education in school has the standard competency and Islamic education is reflected as educational character. But in implementation is till a few of student can apply the values in their life. Regulation mentions that the aim of Islamic education is still in accordance with student development in each level of education.

To answer the situations above, need to comprehend components of national education system, such as the aim of national education. There is the role of Islamic education to achieve the aim of national education.

As a part of component of national education system, reform the aim is the first step to develop national education especially Islamic education.

The aim of Islamic education is included in the national education philosophy which then translated into the national education goals. To borrow the term A. Saban Habaehan “Islamic education is not only for intellectualism ethic and forgot morals values. According to him, to reform Islamic education didn’t to revolute but there were three steps. First, reform the aim, the curriculum and methodology of Islamic education”.10

From all the statements above, researcher comprehended between reality and the concept of Islamic education which was performed in national


A. Salman Habaehan, “Reformasi Total Pendidikan Agama Islam”, Dalam Kompas, 19 Agustus 2002, dikutip tanggal 23 November 2009 di


education system. In accordance with the explanation above, there are some statements, namely problem between expectation and reality, concept and application. Back to the problems, so the researcher dialogue comprehension into a study on concept to describe as the development of Islamic education.

For this reason the researcher is interested to undertake a research on;

“THE DEVELOPMENT OF ISLAMIC EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS AFTER REFORM ERA (Study on the Objectives of Islamic Education at the Elementary and Secondary Schools)”.

B. The Identification of Study

From the statement above, researcher has identified the problems which are being interested in this study, as the following;

1. Not to achieve the expected results of the dynamic changes in the laws of Islamic Religious Education. There is imbalance between the expectation in regulation and the implementation on Islamic values in public school. 2. Islamic education is concerned with aspects of knowledge.

3. The school as a place to implement Islamic education is still face the problem, namely less comprehend Islamic values.

4. In implementation, the aim of Islamic education is not fully to achieve aspect of values or education for character.

5. Less development to the objectives of Islamic education in all level of education especially at the elementary and secondary school.

6. Islamic education in public schools is faced by the problems to internalize the values and then the student can apply in daily life.


C. The Limitation and Formulation of Study

The aim of Islamic education is to transform human being to excel spiritually, intellectually and socially. Then, Islamic education is not sufficient for Islamic education to be limited with cognitive instructional. Furthermore, Islamic education has to respond to social changes to achieve its goals and its own concept, it has to develop and change.

The researcher limits the problems to focus research agenda. First, this research will be limited at the regulations on Islamic education after reform era which is imbalance between regulation and implementation. Second, this research will be limited at the Islamic education in public schools which is only in teaching of the knowledge. Third, this research will be limited on the objectives of Islamic education at the basic or elementary and secondary school which have to clarify for the development of Islamic education. Furthermore, the researcher formulated on, “How is the development of Islamic education in the public schools after reform era (study on the objectives of Islamic education in elementary and secondary school)?”

Based on this formulation, the researcher makes into two questions for this research, as following:

1. How are the objectives of Islamic education in each level of education at elementary and secondary schools?

2. How is the effort of development of Islamic education in implanting the values of religious moral in public schools?

D. The Objectives of Study

In this research there are some goals, the goals of this research as the following:

1. Understanding the concept of Islamic education and the content of development, even the aim of Islamic education development.

2. Understanding the history of the development of Islamic education after reform era.


3. Describing the aim of Islamic education in national education at elementary school and secondary school.

4. Discussing the aim of Islamic education as the challenge to develop Islamic education in school public.

E. The Significance of Study

Beside some goals above, there are some significances of this research, as the following:

1. Getting relevance to this research and discuss a new concept.

2. Offering some ideas to develop Islamic education as benefit at public schools.

3. Building the scientific concept of Islamic education as an effort of constructing moral character whether as individual or nation.

F. The Method of Study 1. Data Source

In this research there are two data sources. First, the researcher collect primary data, namely from regulations and policies which related to the aim of Islamic education in public schools. Especially, the act number 20/2003 on national education system.

The second is the data from secondary source. The data include books and articles such as journals, magazines the other documents related to theme of the research.

2. Technique Analysis the Data

The first, choosing the data from reference whether in primary and secondary sources. The second, collecting the data which relates to problem of study. The third, organizing the data and the last interpreting the data.


3. Data Analysis

According to Sofyan Effendi and Masri Singgarimbun, data analysis is “a process of simplification in the form of words into a more easily read and interpreted”.11

This research uses “library research”. The library research Approach is a process of researching and analyzing documents such as books and articles and others, which related to the problem of research. It means this research only takes data from written sources.12

In accordance with the data, researcher only looks up from regulations, policies and documents. Then the data are collected, organized, analyzed and the last describe the result of research finding.


Saiful Annur, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Analisis Data Kualitatif dan Kuantitatif, (Palembang: IAIN Raden Fattah Press, 2005), Cet I, p. 104.


Mestika Zed, Metode Penelitian Kepustakaan, (Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia, 2008),






A. The Concept of Educational objectives 1. Understanding of the Objective

In accordance with Indonesian Language, the word objective is the aim, direction, bow, intended thing and meant”.1

To quote Armai Arief, the word aim or objective referred to in Arabic as “ghoyat, ahdaf and maqoshid”. In English it means goals, purposes, objectives or aim.2

Terminological the word aim is an achieved expectation after finishing or completing an effort. 3

There are many of the goals, namely:

1. Institutional aim, namely institutional aim such as the goals or expected qualification when he finished a program of education in definite institution of educational.

2. Instructional aim, namely goal or objective which is obtained of teaching a subject which has been planned.


Tim Penyusun Kamus Pusat Bahasa, Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, (Jakarta: Balai Pustaka, 2002), Edisi III, Cet. II, p.1216.


Armai Arief, Pengantar Ilmu dan Metodologi Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Ciputat Press, 2002), p. 15.


3. Curricular aim is the goal or expected qualification of student after finishing a program of lesson.4

According to Hamka, the aim is “an importance and essential thing for human life. By the aim, someone’s life becomes dynamic, systematic, and meaningful”.5

According to M. Arifin, the aim is “an embodied ideal. In educational aim that ideal milieu is visible in the final goals”.6

Thereby, the meaning of aim is a target, achievement, an expectation to reach the ideal atmosphere of life which purposed to embody. In educational definition, the aim is target or competence which could be reached in level of education to become a student has potency in knowledge, skills, and applying Islamic values in their daily life.

2. The Aim of Education

The aim of education is to humanize into human being who has harmony in balancing of values of life and building a civilization for his age.

According to Omar Muhammad al Toumy al Syaibani, the basic concept of educational aim is “intentional by meant of the educational process or educational effort to provide behavioral change whether in individual or social in natural environment where he lives or in the process of educational itself as fundamental activity and fundamental profession in society”.7


Tim Penyusun Kamus Pusat Bahasa, Kamus Besar..., p. 1216.


Samsul Nizar, Memperbincang Dinamika Intelektual dan Pemikiran Hamka Tentang

Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group, 2008), Cet. I, p. 116.


Muzayyin Arifin, Filsafat Pendidikan Islam, (Bandung: Bumi Aksara, 2009), Edisi revisi, Cet. IV, p. 159.


Omar Muhammad Al Toumy Al Syaibani, Falsafah Pendidikan Islam, Terj. dari

Falsafatut Tarbiyah Al Islamiyah oleh Hasan Langgulung (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1979), Cet. I, p. 389.


In Islamic education, the education is an orientation of education based on Islamic values which there are three domains of human as a Caliph in the world:

a. To implant the harmonious and balance relationship between his God. b. To build the harmonious and balance relationship between community. c. To develop the ability to in earth, manage and exploit natural riches

Allah’s creation as human “rahmatan lil alamin”.8

According to Ki Hajar Dewantara that the purpose of education is a natural advocate (support) of children so they can develop their inner life of birth and by nature of each. Knowledge and skill are not objective but a tool (tools) to reach maturity soul will be able to realize the life and livelihood and sacred order, and the benefit to others. The education has to achieve into good integrity and personal capability for a social change in society.9

According to the educational philosophy of Pancasila, the educational aim was in constancy of people’s consultative council (MPR) No. II/1978, the five basic principles (Pancasila) is spirit of all Indonesian, Indonesian’s personality, and view point of Indonesian nation even as a basic nation. Pancasila became the Indonesian’s purpose in life, whether as individual or as social human in relationship between God and nature although an effort in achieving happiness.10

From those statements, the aim of education is to develop potency from what have been had by student, inherit culture or in growth the values, norm, regulation and arrangement in society where ever the student lives.

8 M. Arifin, Filsafat Pendidikan Islam…, (Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara, 1987), Cet. I, p. 133. 9

Fauzi, Metode Pengembangan Pendidikan Afektif Pada Pendidikan Islam Terpadu Studi

Kasus Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta), Dalam situs, Dikutip pada tanggal 3 Maret 2009.


Choirul Fuad Yusuf (Ed.), Kajian Peraturan dan Perundang-undangan Pendidikan


Then the students make these potentials are able to use what has been inherited by culture. It means the students have capabilities in interacted potency with culture inheritance. Even the students can apply the values of Islamic doctrine which useful to personal, society and student environment itself. In accordance with the educational aim in philosophy of Pancasila, as a conclusion that the aim of education is to become Indonesian people who prestigious people, knowledgeable and the last can apply the values of life likes in the five basic principles.

B. The Understanding of Islamic Education

Ramayulis quote from Paul Montoe religious education in the English language known as the religion education, defined as an "activities that aim to produce a religious person. For it must be directed to the moral and character growth. Religion education isn’t only to give religious knowledge of religion doctrine, besides teach religious education, it has to point up in feeling attitude, personal ideals, activities and belief. 11

Islamic education is a conscious effort to prepare the students to believe, comprehend and practice Islamic doctrine by guidance activity, teaching and training by giving the guidance for interfaith to embody the national unity.12

In book Tarbiyatul Islamiyah, Islamic education is interpreted by Moh. Atya al Abrasyi, that is “Forming morals and manners that could produce the people a moral, good men and women who clean spirit, strong will, the ideals of right and the higher moral obligation to know the meaning and practice, respect for human rights, avoiding from bad deed and remembering to Allah in every beginning and finishing the anything”.13


Ramayulis, Metodologi Pengajaran Agama Islam, (Jakarta: Kalam Mulia, 1994), Cet. II,

p. 3.


Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Kurikulum 2004, Studi Kumpulan Pendidikan Agama

Islam SLTP, (Jakarta: 2003) p. 2.


Moh. Athya Al-Abrasyi, Dasar-dasar Pokok Pendidikan Islam. Terj. Dari Tarbiyatul Islamiyah olehBustami. A. Gani, (Jakarta: Bulan Bintang, 1970), p. 103.


The meaning of Islamic education is wide definition, namely an implant the comprehension of Islamic education to grow Islamic values (values of manners) whether for individual or social. Abdullah Darraz mentioned on quote in Hasan Langgulung that the classification of the manners values, as the following:

a. Values of individual manners b. Values of manners in family. c. Values of social manners.

d. Values of manners in state nation. e. Values of religious manner.14

The explanations above can be interpreted that the Islamic education as performing manners or building morals. The role of Islamic education isn’t only in a narrow sense. But educational value is for the entire community and all of people “rahmatan lil alamin

All those definitions in according with the aim of national education, that is education for the nation and developing the whole person who is faithful and devoted to the Almighty God, virtuous noble character who have the knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health, a solid personality and independent and responsible for community and nationhood.15

Analysis from above that Islamic education is the process of trainning and developing the skill of knowledge, mind and character development by formal school. Likes in regulation that Islamic education has the orientation to build good human in national personality, religion and social.

Furthermore the researcher takes a conlusion that Islamic education is a concious and well planning effort to be a faithful and behaving person, knowledgeable and national insight. It means, Islamic education is an effort to


Hasan Langgulung, Asas-Asas Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Pustaka Al-Husna Baru, 2008), Cet.VI, Edisi Revisi, p. 360.


Mawardi Sutejo, dkk, Kapita Selekta Pendidikan Agama Islam, (Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan Kelembagaan Agama Islam Departemen Agama Islam, 1992), p. 6.


guide human who has spiritual, intellectual and morals even has manner values.

C. The Bases of Islamic education.

Islamic education has bases, it means fondation for implementation of Islamic education. By this fondation. As like a building has fondation to make a building can stand strongly. So Islamic education can plays to convey doctrine, gives procces and the get the final aim namely a religious people. Related to this explanation, the Koran and hadith are the sources in Islamic doctrine.

Furthermore the basics of the implementation of Islamic education are: a. Religious Base.

Religious base is based on Islamic doctrine which exist in al-Quran and hadith. Accordance with Islamic teaching that to realize Islamic education is the commandement of God and worship (religious service) to Him.16

In implementation of Islamic education needed a process, it was called by “education”or in the other word are tarbiyah, ta’dib and ta’lim. By the education that the Islamic teaching can be realized by muslim cummunity.

b. Jurisdictional Base.

Islamic education has placed in formal or non-formal of institution education because of that juridis formal or regulation. Now, that subject or stakehoders no from leaders of religion only, but the government has role in realizing Islamic education. The juridical basis of this formal divided into three parts, as follows:


Zuhairini dkk, Metodik Khusus Pendidikan Agama, (Surabaya: Biro Ilmiah Fakultas Tarbiyah IAIN Sunan Ampel Malang, ), Cet VIII, p. 23.


1) Ideal Base.

What was meant of ideal base is the base from national philosophy, namely: Pancasila, believe to the One God. It meant, that all Indonesian have to belief to The One God or have to a religious.17 2) Constitutional Base.

What was meant of institutional is based on UUD/2002 article 29 in 1 and 2 section, explained on:

a) The nation was based on the one God.

b) The nation guaranteed in each citizen to keep belief in their religion owners and to whorship in acordance with his faithful. 18

After reform era there are some regulation which become the fondation to implement Islamic education, they are; the act no 20/2003 on national education system, and goverment regulation No. 55/2007 on religious education.

3) Operational Base.

Operational base is a base which managed the implementation of Islamic education in public schools in Indonesia. According to Tap MPR (People’s Consultative Council) number IV/MPR/1973. Tap MPR No. IV/MPR/1978 and Tap MPR No. IV/MPR/1983 on GBHN, “ in primerly the implementation of Islamic education is included into school curriculum since elementary school until state universities.19 Islamic education in public schools has been oriented to produce and increase the faithfull by giving and educating knowledge, comprehension, experience and students experience on Islamic

17 Zuhairini, dkk, Metodik Khusus…, p. 22. 18 Zuhairini, dkk, Metodik Khusus…, p. 22. 19

Abdul Madjid dan Dian Andayani, Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Kompetensi, (Bandung: PT Ramada Rosdakarya, 2004) Cet. Ke-1, p. 135.


religion, even being moslem dynamic in belief, obedience, nation and state even they are able to continue at level of high education.20 Actually by the operatonal base, there is no inhibition in implementation of Islamic education public schools.

c. Psychological Base.

In accordance with the aim of Islamic education , psycological base is the total comprehension of Islamic values. Psychological base is the base related to psycho aspect in social life. It is importance because the human was faced to everyting which made retlesness so that human need the way of life, whether as individual human or members of social community”.21

From those bases, in religous base that Islamic education is a process to achieve the final aim, it is to get the happiness in the world and hereafter. In basic law, show the implementation of Islamic education is Indonesian ideal to be a prestigous nation. Next, in psycological base the expextation to be a man who are able to comprehend the psycological in social relationship and they are able to apply the religious values in daily. All the bases above had been clear explanation in effort to impement Islamic education.

D. The Aim of Islamic Education

The aim of Islamic education is not only to direct in statistic value, but related to someone personality about all aspect of his life. From this statement, the aim of Islamic education is to become an integrated human. The education can achieve ratio, mental, and the action.

Furthermore in curriculum GBPP 1994, the aim of Islamic education is “to promote the faith,understanding, and student experience on Islamic

20 Abdul Madjid, dan Dian Andayani, Pendidikan Agama…, p. 133.



religion. In order that they become a devout and obedient man to Allah SWT even good manners in individual, social, nation, and state.22

This aim is the clarification of the act No. 2/1989 on national education system, in chapter II article 4. In this act, the aim of Islamic education is to become human who has faithful, obedience, knowledge, good manners, responsibility as a citizen. 23

According to the regulation that Islamic education has the role in national education to reach the aim of national education.

The education well is able to reach at cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspect. In accordance with Hasan Langgulung as a Moslem scholar of education, the good education is able to give contribution to some aspects for human development:

a. The development of intellectual aspect, education was able to help a person to increase, develop, and growth the potencies, hobbies and competencies of ratio and give the knowledge and skills to use ratio that needed in his life.

b. The development of psycho aspect, education was able to help person to learn and refine his heart to feel something and guide to good situation. The education was power and motivation toward into environmental society. A student was able to Feel suffering, adapt to him self and the society.

c. The development of spiritual aspect, education was able to help person to commit in his belief, theology and his knowledge to his God even by Islamic laws, matters and his religion morals. In moral aspect that can realize strong faithful to establish the teaching religion into daily life.24

Meanwhile, according to Mahmud Yunus that the purpose of religious education is to "educate the children, young people and adults to become a true Muslim, firmly believe, good works and noble, so he became one of the


Departemen Agama RI, Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Kurikulum/GBPP Pendidikan Agama

Islam 1994 Sekolah Lanjutan Tingkat Pertama yang Disempurnakan, (Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Kelembagaan Agama Islam, 1999), p. 49.


Departemen Agama RI, Petunjuk Pelaksanaan…, p. 2.


Mahmud Yunus, Metode Khusus Pendidikan Agama, (Jakarta: PT. Hidakarya Agung,, 1983), p. 13.


people who can live on its feet, serve God and devotion to the nation and homeland, and even fellow human beings ". 25

The aim of Islamic education is completed by the act No. 20/2003, it explained that importance of aspect in educational nation namely; to guard in God (obedient) that he is one, good manners, healthy, science, intellect, creative, and to be citizen democratic even responsibility. 26

Finally, the aim of national education in Islamic education is to become people who are religious and obedient people which must apply the order of religion. Secondly, human moralists, good manners, have a strong commitment in life. Third, being healthful people in soul. Fourth, being knowledgeable human. Fifth, someone’s who has capability to actualize the knowledge in daily life. Sixth is creatively human. Seventh become an independent people by dynamic and optimistic attitude. Eight, attention for the nation and state, has spirit of democratic and high responsibility to bring a people into expended ideal.

The researcher takes the understanding that the aim of Islamic education in according with national education is to become a human religious, nation and social.

E. The Development of Islamic Education

1. The Understanding of Islamic Education Development.

Development of Islamic education is not only placing the knowledge aspect or intellectual aspects of students, but how religious education can touch the level of values and attitudes. It means the evaluation is not only to develop religious insight, but to develop the attitude and religious spirit of student which can be practiced in daily.

In spite of that, according to Ichlasul Amal, Islamic education is one of the main supporters of the national education system to improve the

25 Mahmud Yunus, Metode Khusus…, p. 13.


Fuaduddin dan Cik Hasan Bisri, Dinamika Pemikiran Islam di Perguruan Tinggi, (Ciputat: Logos Wacana Ilmu, 2002), Cet. II, p. 57-58.


Indonesian quality. There is balancing between the advance of IPTEK and IMTAQ to conduct intellectual Moslems who have a sense of responsibility and hereafter. The Advance of science and technology has to integrate with religious dimension or on the contrary.

Islamic education is not only about education as knowledge, but also education is personality. Even that, Islamic education was able to develop comprehension; the attitude of believer of religion is in accordance with religious knowledge.27

The development of Islamic education is also an effort to implant ideal values or Islamic and national values in accordance with the ideal of national education.

2. The Aim of Islamic Education Development.

The aim of Islamic education development is to solve the problems which faced in implementation of Islamic education. Islamic education had not gotten proportional allocation yet. The development is one of an effort to increase the quality of Islamic education. Likes mentioned by Directorate General of Islamic Education, Department of Religious Affairs:

a. Islam is taught more to sap when Islam is full of values that must be practiced. .

b. Islamic is only emphasized at formal relationship between human and his God.

c. Lack of development of rationality.

d. The experience of the implementation of the religion is less emphasized.

e. Sense the environment to growth Islamic values this is less supported.

f. Religious teaching methods, lack of a development.

g. Measure the success of religious education is still a formality.


Ahmad Habibullah dkk, Kajian Peraturan Perundang-undangan Pendidikan Agama


h. Religious education is still not being the basis for progress and success of other subjects. Islamic education is not being foundation of student in daily behavior.28

Besides that, the aim of Islamic education is an effort to reach the function of Islamic education at public schools. Therefore the functions of Islamic education, namely:

a. Development function to improve student’s belief and obedience to Allah SWT which has been implant in family environment. The school functioned to continue what he got of the education at home, with guidance, teaching, exercise by optimal in accordance with their growth.

b. Distribution function to contribute the students who have specials talent in religion aspect in order that the talent could be growth optimally, even they can be utilized for themselves or the others people.

c. Correction function to evaluate student’s mistake, lack and weakness in belief, meaningful and his experiences of Islamic doctrine in daily life.

d. Prevention function to adapt the student with his environment or from foreign culture which can danger to him and hamper student’s development to become human integrated.29

Islamic education is to become the student knowledgeable, comprehension and applying Islamic doctrine. In the other meaning that Islamic education is to make people who have capability in intellectual, spiritual, social and emotional.30

Later in the Islamic concept that the primary function of a school is as a medium for the realization of educational objectives based on creed and laws of thought to realize servitude to God and the Oneness of God's

28 Abdul Madjid dan Dian Andayani, Pendidikan Agama…, p. 135.


Departemen Agama RI, Petunjuk Pelaksanaan…, p. 51.


Cerdas spiritual bermakna mampu beraktualisasi diri dengan hati untuk menumbuhkan ketaqwaan dan memperkuat keimanan. Cerdas intelektual bermakna mampu mengaktualisasi untuk olah pikir guna memperoleh kompetensi dan kemandirian dalam ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, kreatif, inovatif, kritis dan imajinatif. Cerdas emosional, olah rasa untuk mampu memahami dan menghayati ajaran agama. Cerdas sosial mampu menjunjung nilai HAM, beraktualisasi melalui interaksi sosial pergaulan sesama teman, guna merasakan empati, simpati,

menjunjung tinggi HAM serta menghargai keragaman.Abdurrahman An Nahlawi, Pendidikan


attitude and develop any talent or potential as human beings, so human nature to avoid distortion.31

F. The School as Institution to Implement Islamic Education 1. The Importance of School

The school is a manifestation of the realization of the implementation of educational goals. In definition of modern social, school is a result of politic-social change which happened in social community. The change has been organized by the government. Then, the political policy direct to the importance of social organization, from this the government has responsibility for all social problems. Furthermore, to response all of social problems, the nation interpret into an institution that it was called “school”. The school is to construct the culture in accordance with national philosophy.

Therefore, Later in the Islamic concept that the primary function of a school is as a medium for the realization of educational objectives based on creed and laws of thought to realize servitude to God and the Oneness of God's attitude and develop any talent or potential as human beings, so human nature to avoid distortion.32

The school as the circle of formal education is mediator to transform culture a community, especially school as transfer in the process of dynamic human culture.33

At least, there are 8 functions of the school, namely “prepared student for a jobs, gave basic skill and set a chance to improve fate, supplied the power of building, help to solve the social problems, transmit the culture, build a human social, and the last transformed cultural”.34


Muhaimin, Pengembangan Kurikulum PAI di Sekolah, Madrasah, dan Perguruan Tinggi,

(Jakarta: PTRajawali Pers, 2009), Edisi I, p. 31.


Abdurrahman An Nahlawi, Pendidikan Islam di Rumah, Sekolah dan Masyarakat,

(Jakarta: Gema Insani, 1995), Cet I, p. 150.


Samsul Nizar, Dasar-dasar Pemikiran Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Gaya Media Pratama,

2001), Cet. I, p. 128.



From those statements, the school as a place to construct behaving person, social people and applying the values of culture even the school as a place to build spiritual people. School has the fundamental function in implementation of Islamic.

Furthermore the fundamental function, as the following: a. The school as a place in simplification and conclusion. b. The school as a place in Purification (holiness) and filter. c. The school as a place to develop the insight and experience of

student by transfer culture.

d. Realize for being bound, integration, harmony, homogeneity between students.

e. The school is a place to validate and organize educational facility and.

f. The school is a place to complete roles of family in giving education. 35

2. The Implementation of Islamic education in Public Schools.

The implementation of Islamic education in public schools was strengthened in the act No. 2/1989. In this regulation, Islamic education is compulsory subject and each level of education must teach religion to student.

In accordance with Sujatmoko that is “Islamic education has to integrate and synchronize with the general science and had to correlate in accordance with the program of general science. And the last Islamic education had to relevance on social change which happened in community”.36

Furthermore, according to Mukhtar Bukhori "religious education in Indonesia, particularly in schools should be able to reflect the three elements namely; guide to support themselves, in order to develop guiding meaningful, and guides in order to glorify life.37


Muhaimin, Paradigma Pendidikan Islam (Upaya mengefektifkan PAI di Sekolah),

(Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2001), Cet. I, p. 89.


Muhaimin, Paradigma Pendidikan Islam (Upaya mengefektifkan PAI di Sekolah),

(Bandung : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, 2001), Cet. I, p. 89.



In the other opinion, Rasydiani which was quoted by Muhaimin, there are some weakness on implementation of Islamic education in public schools, such as about comprehension the subject of Islamic education namely in theology aspect, there had not comprehend of Islamic doctrine; in morals aspect that had not comprehend yet as unity of religious human; in worship aspect had been tough as ritual activity of religion and it less emphasize as a process to construct student personality; fourth in law aspect had been learned as formal law which never change for a long time. And less comprehended the content and advance of Islamic laws; fifth, Islamic doctrine had been tough as dogma and less to develop in rationality and interested knowledge; sixth the orientation of learning Koran was in reading text competency, less comprehension and analyzing of the Koran.38

According to Komarudin Hidayat, the implementation of Islamic education in the school is exact less.39 It can be looked from those indicators, namely; Islamic education is not look as development of religious moral, but it was only knowledge perception; Islamic education is not systematically and principles based on continuity for choosing the subject; then last, the aim of Islamic education is emphasized on Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). 40

The views on top to make view points that should be a challenge for Islamic education that is, the paradigm that must be addressed in the teaching of Islam in schools especially. Beside that, all explanations above, there was indicated the main point of the weakness of Islamic education, namely teaching dogmatic and textual approach.


Muhaimin, Paradigma Pendidikan..., p. 89.


Muhaimin, Paradigma Pendidikan..., p. 90.



The challenge of Islamic education is also associated with the challenges of education in Indonesia in general to improve Indonesian human resources. There are several things that can be understood on the development of Islamic education in schools; First, the competitive era of the result of rising standards of the world of work; Secondly, if declining quality of education and also weak in terms of belief and faith as well as mastery of science and technology; Third, information technology progress led to a flood of information not accessible by both educators and in turn affect educational outcomes; Fourth, the world left behind in terms of educational methodology; Fifth, community development that have been interacting in a variety of social values.

The explanations above is the challenge for Islamic education, it is not only becomes the obligation of the school. But the family, society and the government have the roles to face that challenge. Nonetheless, school is main share in application of education in the school by teacher of religion who directed with application Islamic education demanded to can answer and anticipate some of challenge that.






A. The History of Islamic Education in Regulation of Indonesia

In the history of Islamic education has dynamic position on legislation in national education. In early period of Indonesian freedom, the government wants to put all aspect of Islamic education into one system of education, like Islamic institutions and religious doctrine. But, as the effect of colonization, there was educational dichotomy between Islamic education and general education. Finally, the government had discriminated the religious education affairs and general education.

Reviewing the history of religious (Islamic) education in legislation in Indonesia, researchers divided into several periods:

1. The Dutch Colonization and Japan Period.

As formally, in the Dutch era, Islamic education wasn’t part of subject at public schools, except in law faculties for students’ interesting to study Islamic laws. Even that, the lecturer wasn’t from Moslem scholar but non Moslem, and the book author’s were from non Moslem who has not like the Islamic religion.1 But, informally Islamic education was taught by Moslems leader in Dutch schools.


Ramayulis, Metodologi Pengajaran Agama Islam, (Jakarta: Kalam Mulia, 1994), Cet. II,


Islamic education is supported when Japan was in Indonesia. Japanese government organizes the implementation of Islamic education in public schools. This step is strategy of Japanese government to get attention of Indonesian people which have background of Moslem religion, they can stabilize politic situation. So that Japanese government gets good attention from Moslem society in Indonesia.

From these periods, there are some notes about Islamic education. First the policy of Dutch didn’t become Islamic education as a part of the subject in public schools. Second, general science is neutral. Third, if Islamic education is still taught, so it must be outside from the school schedule, and Islamic education is still voluntary.

While Islamic education in Japan period was getting the attention, Japanese government became Moslem society as political mediator to stabilize Indonesian.

2. First Period of Independence to the Old Order

In this period Islamic education is created some regulation and policies which supported the position of Islamic education in public schools. As the first step, when Ki Hajar Dewantara is being the first ministry of education and culture in Indonesia, he places Islamic education as an important part in public schools, in his circular letter is “Morals education had been existed since Japan Period than it is changed with religious education”.2

But, this circular letter is not strong yet, even it realized as voluntary. Furthermore BP-KNIP, the conference on December 27/1945 about Board Outlines of the National Direction (GBHN), one of results of the conference which it related with Islamic education, there are;


Choirul Fuad Yusuf (Ed.), Kajian Peraturan dan Perundang-undangan Pendidikan


a. In all schools, the lesson of religion had been given to allocated time of the school.

b. Teachers paid by government.

c. At elementary school, Islamic education start at VI class d. The education carried out one week certain at.

e. Teachers were designed by department of religious affair. f. Religious teachers possessed the ability about general

education and general science.

g. The government supplied the books for Islamic education. h. Performed practice for teachers of religion.

i. The quality of Pesantren and Madras has to repair. j. The teaching Arabic language unnecessary.3

Structurally, the result of conference above was given to ministry of religion which approved educational minister. Then was followed by the decree from ministry of religion and ministry PP and K No. 1285/K.7, this decree happened change, because its content was any problems, and the last was followed by the decree number 17678/k in 1951 about 10 points on implementation of Islamic education in public school. In legally Islamic education had been in public school and private school.4

At before, the implementation of Islamic education is organized by the regulation No. 4, 1950 section 20, as the following:

a. In public school was performed Islamic education, parents decided the subjects whether their child would follow the subject or no.

b. The way to carry out the religious lesson in public school was organized in regulation which was specified by minister of education, teaching and culture and minister of religion.5

The implement efforts of Islamic education are not only on those regulations in early period. Because of the regulation issue had been discussed in department. In 1960s Islamic education started to get strong


Abuddin Nata (ed.), Kapita Selekta Pendidikan Islam, (Bandung: Penerbit Angkasa, 2003), Cet I, p. 33.


Choirul Fuad Yusuf (Ed.), Kajian Peraturan..., p. 53



position, namely by the decision of MPRS No II/MPRS/1960 in section 2 point 3, “specified the Islamic education became subject in public schools until state high school, it meant the student has right to reject it, if the parents that in disagreement”.6

The content is partly, it meant there is still exception in receiving learning of Islamic education, namely student. In 1966, the regulation on Islamic education had gotten attention after creating the decree MPRS/XXVII/MPRS chapter I section 2 namely: “MPRS specified Islamic education became subject in public schools start on elementary school until state universities”.7

2. New Era Period.

At this period, there is some situation which reflected the history of Islamic education in national education system. First situation, before specify the regulation No 2/1989. By that position, Islamic education has opportunity to play in achieving the aim of national education. Then, this position is supported by Tap MPR No IV/MPR/ 1973/ jo, Tap MPR No IV/1978 and Tap MPR IV/MPR/1987 on Board Outlines in the National Direction (GBHN) that is; to make good efforts the school facilities continuously which is to develop religious life and belief to One God, complete the Islamic educational curriculum which is from elementary school until state universities in public schools.8

Second, when was created the regulation No.2/1989. This regulation was prepared for development of Islamic education for 50 years since the regulation was legalized.9

In this period, Islamic education has the portion as a compulsory subject in school, likes explained in chapter II on the content of curriculum


Choirul Fuad Yusuf (Ed.), Kajian Peraturan..., p. 53


Choirul Fuad Yusuf (Ed.), Kajian Peraturan..., p. 54


Choirul Fuad Yusuf (Ed.), Kajian Peraturan..., p. 54.



“the content in each level of education there was compulsory subject such as Islamic education, civic education and education of morals Pancasila”.10

Abuddin Nata explained in his book that in preamble the act No. 20/1989 on national education system, at least there are some main ideas about role and function of education. First, the implementation of regulation on national education system is an effort to become a shrewd nation. Second, increasing the Indonesian quality is to realize prosperous and equitable people. Third, completing and increasing in implementation of national education. Fourth, to keep national insurance, develop a social member who has a national conception.11

Third period, after promoting the curriculum 1994/GBPP, this curriculum referred to regulation No. 2/1989 on national education system. According to the regulation, an expected purpose in curriculum 1994 is “Islamic education in public schools has the aim to develop belief, comprehension, and applying the Islamic doctrine and obedience to Allah, the student has good manners in daily personal life, in social, nation, even to continue in high level of education.12

According to Mastuhu there is some interpretations which can be developed from the formulation above, there are:

Firstly, there is strong desire to give provision the basic religion science. The students are able to understand and practice the religious education in daily life. Likes in curriculum 1994, there is expectation in other that they had to understand the subject matters and they can practice ibadah mahdah (worship obligation) such as obligation prayer, optional prayer, fasting, and so on. Furthermore, they had to understand the subject


Haidar Putra Dualay, Pendidikan Islam dalam Sistem Pendidikan Nasional di Indonesia

(Jakarta: Kencana, 2004), Cet. I, p. 151.


Abudin Nata (ed.), Kapita Selekta..., p. 44.


Mastuhu, Memberdayakan Sistem Pendidikan Islam, (Jakarta: Logos wacana Ilmu, 1999),


matters, using the method which is used in practice, habit, memorizing, dogma and ritual. 13

The secondly, after finishing the program, the students have right to study for 9 years. Intensively, the children were given religious modal in social life, nation and state. From the statement above, the development of thought was done continuously. It means, there was used the dialog method and by using explanation based on ratio. Whereas, used traditional method. So, all subject matters aren’t only using the ratio or dialog method, but also needed to use traditional method.14

From the statements above, the aim of Islamic education in public schools is to expect the student who has attitude, ratio, and moral in their social life usually based on religious values. From the argument above, we can understand that role and task of Islamic education in accordance with the content of regulation.

B. Islamic Education in Reform Transition and After Reform

In transition era was created a regulation No. 22/1999 on educational autonomy included Islamic education. After reformation era, the position of Islamic education in the public schools is very good position.

Tap MPR (People’s Consultative Council) No. IV/MPR/1999 about Board Outlines of the Nation’s Direction (GBHN) mandated that “completing the quality of Islamic education in national education system which is supported by good facilities”. As explanation of the Tap, the government approved the regulation number of 25/2000 about program of national building. This regulation is mentioned that the aim of Islamic education at school is to increase the quality of student in comprehension and applying of

13 Mastuhu, Memberdayakan Sistem…, p. 87


Islamic doctrine. So that to excel in belief and obedience, build good manners and good morals.15

To achieve those goals, there are some efforts namely; “completing the subject of Islamic education and giving portion in real daily life and put the subject of moral into relevant subject in educational curriculum”.16

According to regulation number 20/2003 that the position of Islamic education in the public schools is mentioned from some articles, as the following;

a. Article 3, the national education functions are to develop the capability, character, and civilization of the nation for enhancing intellectual capacity and aimed from developing learner’s potentials so that they become persons embodied with human values who are faithful and pious to one God; who posses morals and noble character, good manners, healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent and as citizens are democratic and responsible, etc.17

b. Article 12, every learner has the right and obligatory to get Islamic education in accordance with his religion and imparted by an educators who has the same religion.18

c. Article 36 section 3, that curriculum is organized in accordance with the level of education within the framework of the national unity of the Republic of Indonesia and take the following into account; the enhancement of faith and piety, noble character, student potential, intellect and interest and diversity of the religion’s potential and environment.19 d. Article 37 section 1, the curriculum of Elementary and Secondary Schools

must include: Islamic education, education of civic society,, language and etc; and the section 2 in high education adding about obligatory language


Muhammad Kosim, “Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Umum” dalam TADRIS Jurnal

Pendidikan Islam (Pamekasan: Tarbiyah STAIN) Vol 1, No. 2 2006. p. 133-137.


Muhammad Kosim, “Pendidikan Agama…,” p. 133-137


Departemen Agama RI, Undang-Undang dan Peraturan Pemerintah RI Tentang

Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, 2006), p. 8.


Departemen Agama RI, Undang-undang…, p. 25



matter”. Explanation verse 1 to construct learner for being human believer and being guard to God One even be good manners”.20

To interpret the law No 20/2003, the government created the decree number 19/2005 on National Standard Education. In this regulation, the existence of Islamic education has strengthened by some articles;

1. Articles 6 section 1, the curriculum for general education, vocational and special in level of elementary and secondary schools is consist of; a. all lessons of religion and moral; b. all lessons of civic education and personality; c. all lesson of knowledge and technology; d. all lesson of esthetic; e. all lessons of physical, sport and health.

2. Article 7 section 1, the subject of religion and good manners as the lesson in Elementary/MI/special Elementary/ Packet A, Junior High/ Packet B, Senior High/ Packet C, Senior High in vocational or the other kinds of education are performed by portion and religion activity, civic education, personality, knowledge and technology, esthetic, physical, sport even health.21

Furthermore, to continue the development of Islamic education, the government created the regulation No. 55/2007 about religious education. This regulation is still maintains the importance of the position of Islamic education in national education. Likes mentioned by some articles in this regulation: 1. In chapter I article 1 section 1; Islamic education is the education which

will give knowledge and guide moral, personality, and student skill in applying their religious doctrine.22

2. In chapter II articles II section 1, the function of Islamic education is to build Indonesian people who are faithful and pious to the One God even


Departemen Agama RI, Undang-undang…, p. 155.


Departemen Agama RI, Undang-undang…, p. 156.


Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 55 Tahun 2007, Tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, Di kutip dalam situs http// 55 2007, Tanggal 3 Februari 2010 pukul 22.00 WIB. p. 1


who posse moral and noble character. The people are able to keep peaceful and harmony of relationship between interfaith. 23

3. In chapter II articles II section 2, the aim of Islamic education is to develop student potentials in comprehension and applying religious values which integrate his comprehension in knowledge, technology and arts.24

Based on the regulations above, such as the act No 20/2003 is the first foundation to implement Islamic education in public school. In next decree, Islamic education is explained on government decree No. 19/2005 about the importance of Islamic education. First, Islamic education is as a compulsory subject in Elementary and Secondary School. Second, the implementation of Islamic education is integrated with all of subject non religion and religious activities in every level of education. At the latest decree, Islamic education is strengthened by the regulation No 55/2007. There are explained the purpose and significance of Islamic education.

In Directorate General of Islamic Education that the Islamic education in accordance with national education. They are for development and building character even the nation civilization that prestige to develop student capability, so national education aim in accordance with vision and mission, namely to develop the potency and competence of learner for being human belief and obedient to Allah SWT, good morals, responsibility for himself, for the social, for the nation and for the state. Even get success and blessed by Allah SWT.25

Based on the regulations above, Islamic education is part of national education system to achieve the aim of education. And Islamic education is implemented by formal education. That the aim of Islamic education in public


Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 55 Tahun 2007, Tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, Di kutip dalam situs http// 55 2007, Tanggal 3 Februari 2010 pukul 22.00 WIB. p. 2


Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 55 Tahun 2007, Tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, Di kutip dalam situs http// 55 2007, Tanggal 3 Februari 2010 pukul 22.00 WIB. p. 2


Departemen Agama RI, Laporan Tahunan Direktorat Pendidikan Islam Tahun 2006,





A. Conclusion

The researcher understands all the opinions, ideas, and scientific argues which have been formulated in writing or policies of government. At the last, researcher analyzes the aim of Islamic education at level elementary and secondary schools. So the researcher achieves the point of examining the purpose of Islamic religious education at the level of primary and secondary schools.

Thereby, the conclusion which has been taken on analyzing of Islamic education, as the following:

1. The purpose of Islamic education at elementary school level is to provide basic skills and developing personal and diversity attitudes which are prepared to continue at level of higher education. And then, the aim of Islamic education at secondary school is to increase the potencies which have gotten the process of education at elementary school. Beside developed religious attitude in personality, also emphasized the development of social diversity. Islamic education at general school

especially elementary and secondary school isn’t to be student as Moslem

leader but likes mandated by national education, Islamic education is ethical building.



2. The aim of Islamic Education before reform era has not reached yet the level an attitude of appreciation the other religion. But after reform era, Islamic education has reached the level to respect the others.

3. After reform era, Islamic education is not change in the scope and goals, the aim of Islamic education before reform era is still to become human excel in individual and social values. But the researcher looks some development of implementation of Islamic education. First, the regulation is still maintains the position of Islamic education in public schools whether as compulsory subject or as the importance subject in implanting religious values. Second, in applying the religious values there has been reformed in performing Islamic education in the school. Namely, to implant religious values is through creation the religious atmosphere. Creating the religious atmosphere is to perform Islamic education in public school in interactively, inspirational, creative activity. Third, Islamic education is also reflected as school culture. The student can apply the Islamic values as cultural activities. The student can do interaction among themselves and, all teachers and who has the school environment.

B. Recommendation

Hope in this research is one to make the idea or ideas and to contribute to the development of a scientific assessment of the dynamics of education in Indonesia, especially for the development of the PAI in school.

1. For educational practitioners or academics, Islamic education needs to develop and evaluate. And the last, for the following researcher other. 2. The government as policymaker that the education need to evaluate

continuously to correct the aim which is not reached yet and find the new aim to reform Islamic education. An expectation of the nation is importance to develop the nation morality.

3. The family, school and social community as center of education must integrate an Islamic education in family, school and social.


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Jonson Harianto was born in Tanjung Agung on January 17, 1987. He is the fourth son of six children of Hartoni and Desmiati. He comes from PAGARALAM SOUTH SUMATRA. He started his education from elementary school at SDN Tanjung Agung No 05. (Now it is SDN 15) from 1993/1994 up to 1998/1999.

He continued to SMPN 2 Pajar Bulan Lahat Sub District from 1999/2000 up to 2002/2003. Then he continued to Islamic Boarding Schools of Al-Ittifaqiah for three years. Furthermore, he continued to the highest level Islamic State University Syarif Hidayatullah, he studied in Islamic Education Department of Tarbiya and Teachers Training from 2005 up to 2010.

He has some organization experiences. He joint with some organizations started from junior High school as a staff of sport department, at class two of junior high school as a vice chief of students organization at SMPN 2 Pajar Bulan in 2000-2001. At Senior high school he joint as a staff of worship department in OSPI (Student Organization of Islamic Boarding School). Furthermore he joint as secretary general of OSPI, and the last as a Chief of Student Organization of Islamic Boarding School.

When he was in Islamic state university, he joint with some organization, such as in HMI (Islamic Association of University Students) as a member and as staff of Karya Usaha Department. In campus he joint in Student Department (BEM) as a secretary of students affairs. He also follows the Students Government in PARMA as a General Secretary of DPF (Students Council in faculty of Tarbiya), now, he as a staff of DPP in state University Syarif Hidayatullah. He also follows in the Arts Organization, such as POSTAR as human relationship Department. He also as members of Student Arts (LST), it is one of Element in POSTAR of Tarbiya up to now.