Islamic Education in Reform Transition and After Reform

31 matters, using the method which is used in practice, habit, memorizing, dogma and ritual. 13 The secondly, after finishing the program, the students have right to study for 9 years. Intensively, the children were given religious modal in social life, nation and state. From the statement above, the development of thought was done continuously. It means, there was used the dialog method and by using explanation based on ratio. Whereas, used traditional method. So, all subject matters aren’t only using the ratio or dialog method, but also needed to use traditional method. 14 From the statements above, the aim of Islamic education in public schools is to expect the student who has attitude, ratio, and moral in their social life usually based on religious values. From the argument above, we can understand that role and task of Islamic education in accordance with the content of regulation.

B. Islamic Education in Reform Transition and After Reform

In transition era was created a regulation No. 221999 on educational autonomy included Islamic education. After reformation era, the position of Islamic education in the public schools is very good position. Tap MPR People’s Consultative Council No. IVMPR1999 about Board Outlines of the Nation’s Direction GBHN mandated that “completing the quality of Islamic education in national education system which is supported by good facilities”. As explanation of the Tap, the government approved the regulation number of 252000 about program of national building. This regulation is mentioned that the aim of Islamic education at school is to increase the quality of student in comprehension and applying of 13 Mastuhu, Memberdayakan Sistem…, p. 87 14 Mastuhu, Memberdayakan Sistem…, p. 87 32 Islamic doctrine. So that to excel in belief and obedience, build good manners and good morals. 15 To achieve those goals, there are some efforts na mely; “completing the subject of Islamic education and giving portion in real daily life and put the subject of moral into relevant subject in educational curriculum”. 16 According to regulation number 202003 that the position of Islamic education in the public schools is mentioned from some articles, as the following; a. Article 3, the national education functions are to develop the capability, character, and civilization of the nation for enhancing intellectual capacity and aimed from developing learner’s potentials so that they become persons embodied with human values who are faithful and pious to one God; who posses morals and noble character, good manners, healthy, knowledgeable, competent, creative, independent and as citizens are democratic and responsible, etc. 17 b. Article 12, every learner has the right and obligatory to get Islamic education in accordance with his religion and imparted by an educators who has the same religion. 18 c. Article 36 section 3, that curriculum is organized in accordance with the level of education within the framework of the national unity of the Republic of Indonesia and take the following into account; the enhancement of faith and piety, noble character, student potential, intellect and interest and diversity of the religion’s potential and environment. 19 d. Article 37 section 1, the curriculum of Elementary and Secondary Schools must include: Islamic education, education of civic society,, language and etc; and the section 2 in high education adding about obligatory language 15 Muhammad Kosim, “Pendidikan Agama Islam di Sekolah Umum” dalam TADRIS Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Pamekasan: Tarbiyah STAIN Vol 1, No. 2 2006. p. 133-137 . 16 Muhammad Kosim, “Pendidikan Agama…,” p. 133-137 17 Departemen Agama RI, Undang-Undang dan Peraturan Pemerintah RI Tentang Pendidikan, Jakarta: Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam, 2006, p. 8. 18 Departemen Agama RI, Undang- undang…, p. 25 19 Departemen Agama RI, Undang-undang …, p. 26. 33 matter ”. Explanation verse 1 to construct learner for being human believer and being guard to God One even be good manners”. 20 To interpret the law No 202003, the government created the decree number 192005 on National Standard Education. In this regulation, the existence of Islamic education has strengthened by some articles; 1. Articles 6 section 1, the curriculum for general education, vocational and special in level of elementary and secondary schools is consist of; a. all lessons of religion and moral; b. all lessons of civic education and personality; c. all lesson of knowledge and technology; d. all lesson of esthetic; e. all lessons of physical, sport and health. 2. Article 7 section 1, the subject of religion and good manners as the lesson in ElementaryMIspecial Elementary Packet A, Junior High Packet B, Senior High Packet C, Senior High in vocational or the other kinds of education are performed by portion and religion activity, civic education, personality, knowledge and technology, esthetic, physical, sport even health. 21 Furthermore, to continue the development of Islamic education, the government created the regulation No. 552007 about religious education. This regulation is still maintains the importance of the position of Islamic education in national education. Likes mentioned by some articles in this regulation: 1. In chapter I article 1 section 1; Islamic education is the education which will give knowledge and guide moral, personality, and student skill in applying their religious doctrine. 22 2. In chapter II articles II section 1, the function of Islamic education is to build Indonesian people who are faithful and pious to the One God even 20 Departemen Agama RI, Undang-undang …, p. 155. 21 Departemen Agama RI, Undang-undang …, p. 156. 22 Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 55 Tahun 2007, Tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, Di kutip dalam situs httpwww.dikti.go.idtatalaksanauploadpp 55 2007, Tanggal 3 Februari 2010 pukul 22.00 WIB. p. 1 34 who posse moral and noble character. The people are able to keep peaceful and harmony of relationship between interfaith. 23 3. In chapter II articles II section 2, the aim of Islamic education is to develop student potentials in comprehension and applying religious values which integrate his comprehension in knowledge, technology and arts. 24 Based on the regulations above, such as the act No 202003 is the first foundation to implement Islamic education in public school. In next decree, Islamic education is explained on government decree No. 192005 about the importance of Islamic education. First, Islamic education is as a compulsory subject in Elementary and Secondary School. Second, the implementation of Islamic education is integrated with all of subject non religion and religious activities in every level of education. At the latest decree, Islamic education is strengthened by the regulation No 552007. There are explained the purpose and significance of Islamic education. In Directorate General of Islamic Education that the Islamic education in accordance with national education. They are for development and building character even the nation civilization that prestige to develop student capability, so national education aim in accordance with vision and mission, namely to develop the potency and competence of learner for being human belief and obedient to Allah SWT, good morals, responsibility for himself, for the social, for the nation and for the state. Even get success and blessed by Allah SWT. 25 Based on the regulations above, Islamic education is part of national education system to achieve the aim of education. And Islamic education is implemented by formal education. That the aim of Islamic education in public 23 Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 55 Tahun 2007, Tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, Di kutip dalam situs httpwww.dikti.go.idtatalaksanauploadpp 55 2007, Tanggal 3 Februari 2010 pukul 22.00 WIB. p. 2 24 Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 55 Tahun 2007, Tentang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan, Di kutip dalam situs httpwww.dikti.go.idtatalaksanauploadpp 55 2007, Tanggal 3 Februari 2010 pukul 22.00 WIB. p. 2 25 Departemen Agama RI, Laporan Tahunan Direktorat Pendidikan Islam Tahun 2006, Jakarta, 2007, p. 3. 35 schools is to apply the education in “tafaqquh fiddin” in developing student potential to become human good morals, belief and obedience to Allah. 26

C. The Purpose of Policy on Islamic Education in School.