Data Collection Procedures Language Choice of members of Resimen Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara


4.1 Analysis

In this chapter, there are 15 members who filled questionnaire that indicate the relationship between the Resimen Mahasiswa activity with language choice. Actually, the populations are all of the members of Resimen Mahasiswa that consists of 30 students of University of Sumatera Utara that join in Resimen Mahasiswa. As what Nawawi says 2001:141 “Populasi adalah keseluruhan obyek penelitian yang dapat terdiri dari manusia, hewan, tumbuh-tumbuhan, gejala-gejala, nilai test atau peristiwa-peristiwa sebagai sumber data yang memiliki karakteristik tertentu di dalam suatu penelitian. The overall population is the object of research which can consist of humans, animals, plants, symptoms, test scores or events as a source of data that have certain characteristics in a study . Meanwhile Sugiyono 2005: 90 states that “Populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri atas subyek dan subyek yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti untuk dipelajari kemudian ditarik kesimpulan”. Population is the generalization region consisting the subjects and subjects that have certain qualities and characteristics defined by the researchers to be learned then deduced. The fact is these 15 samples are they are who do language choice during the observation. Sugiyono 2005: 91 stated that “Sample adalah bagian dari jumlah dan karakteristik yang dimiliki oleh populasi tersebut.” Sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by this population. Mardalis 2007: 51 says that “Sampling atau sampel berarti contoh, yaitu sebagian dari keseluruhan individu 27 yang menjadi obyek penelitian”. Sampling or sample means the sample, which is part of the overall individual who becomes the object of research. In other words, the study of sample will essentially more economical than the study population. The writer also has provided the data needed to compare the correlation between Resimen Mahasiswa activity with language choice. Based on the research objections, the discussion in this chapter include : i the relationships about language choice between commandant to members, and members to commandant, members to members in Resimen Mahasiswa, ii the reasons why Resimen Mahasiswa using language choice in daily communication, iii the effects of joining Resimen Mahasiswa towards members in language choice.

4.1.1 Verbal communication between commandant to members of Resimen

Mahasiswa of University of Sumatera Utara. No. Activity Question Answer 1. Apel Ceremony Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan untuk perintah hadir melaksanakan kegiatan Apel di MENWA pada anggota… a. Diberitahukan kepada seluruh angggota agar diwajibkan hadir untuk mengikuti Apel seperti biasa. b. Apel hari ini wajib dilaksanakan seluruh angggota. c. Hari ini seluruh anggota wajib datang Apel tanpa terkecuali. 2. Rapat Meeting Ungkapan apa yang biasa kamu ungkapkan, saat rapat ada anggota yang tidak berkeperilakuan baik … a. Dalam ruangan silahkan keluar jika ada kepentingan lain. b. Kalian yang bicara di depan atau saya yang duduk disitu. c. Harap diperhatikan arahan di depan, tidak ada kegiatan tambahan yang lain.