Coordinating Support Service Conducting Evaluation Revising the Designed Materials


3. Specifying Learning Objectives

After determining the general purposes, I specify the learning objectives. It should be done in order to achieve certain students’ measurable performances. The specified learning objectives are also known as learning indicators. Learning indicators are the performances the students should be able to demonstrate in order to be categorized as successful in achieving the general purposes.

4. Listing Subject Content

According to Kemp 1977:45, the aim of listing subject content are selection and organizing of the specific knowledge facts and information, skills, and attitudinal factors of any topic. The objectives of the course and the selected topics are considered in the selection and organization of subject contents.

5. Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Instructional Resources

I select teachinglearning activities and instructional resources that will treat the subject content so students will accomplish the objectives. I adjust the materials and methods that support the creation of an effective and efficient teaching learning process Kemp, 1977:55.

6. Coordinating Support Service

I prepare the support services of the study. It includes funds, facilities, and equipment to develop the materials. I provide the instrument of teachinglearning and coordinate the instrument to convey the learning materials. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 33

7. Conducting Evaluation

The evaluation is carried out after the materials designed. The evaluation is needed to revise the designed material so that the designed materials become the appropriate design. The respondent of the preliminary field testing evaluate the materials before the classroom implementation begins. The evaluation is not only done in the preliminary field testing but also done after classroom implementation. The learners will answer the answers of the questionnaires. They will evaluate the material and the teaching learning techniques used in the class.

8. Revising the Designed Materials

According to Kemp’s instructional design model, some revision is needed to improve the designed materials. In this step, I revise the designed materials based on the respondents’ suggestions and criticism obtained from the evaluation step. It should also be noted that the revisions can actually occur in every step so that I could monitor the design and confirm whether the design is already appropriate or not. 34 Determining the goals, topics, and general purposes Specifying learning objectives Listing Subject Content Coordinating Support Service Materials Evaluation Identifying learners’ characteristics Research and information collecting Developing preliminary material design Preliminary field testing Main product revision Main field testing Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and instructional resources Steps of the R D and steps of Kemp’s instructional design The line of the relation of R D and Kemp’s instructional design step The feedback line Figure 2.6 The Relationship of RD and Kemps’ Instructional Design Step 35


In this chapter, I present the research method used in the study, the participants, the instruments, the data gathering techniques, the data analysis technique, and the research procedures of this study.

A. Research Method

According to Borg Gall 1983, educational research and development RD is a process to develop and validate educational products. The term product in this matter does not only mean a material object such as a book, a handout or a film, but a product can also refer to established procedures and processes such as a method of teaching or a method for organizing instruction. Hence, I decided to use R D in conducting the research because the aim was to develop materials for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. R D could also help me to answer the problems which were what the appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital was and how the design affected the nurses. There are some steps adapted from R D a. Research and information collecting In this step I conducted review of literature, need analysis, defined the skills and stated the objectives determining the course sequence.