The Data gathering techniques for research and information collecting The Data gathering technique for preliminary field testing The Data gathering techniques for main field testing

39 whether the materials were appropriate for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital or not and whether the materials were able to be implemented in Panti Rapih Hospital or not. 3. Instrument for main field testing In this step, I used questionnaire and interview. I distributed questionnaire to the nurses in order to obtain feedback from them. I didn’t only use the feedback to know how the materials affected on them but also to revise the materials. I also interviewed three nurses in order to get suggestions. These nurses consisted of the cleverest, the most passive and the ordinary student. These interviews were used to obtain some detail information on how the materials affected them.

D. Data Gathering Techniques

The techniques were explained based on the steps used in this research as follow:

1. The Data gathering techniques for research and information collecting

The questionnaire was distributed to 30 nurses from 17 different departments. Each department got 1 to 3 questionnaires. I distributed them to 17 different departments because I wanted the nurses who answered the questionnaire became the subjects of the next step which was the main field testing. Since I only gave one questionnaire to one division, it would be easy for the nurses to arrange the schedule for the main field testing. They answered several questions about the materials and skills that they needed to study. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40 I interviewed the Vice Director of Nursing Department after distributing the questionnaire so that I could ask some questions that were not asked or stated in the questionnaire. I conducted the interview in Panti Rapih Hospital. The questions were about the activities that nurses did in the hospital, the situation in the hospital, and the English skills required by the nurses in the Panti Rapih Hospital.

2. The Data gathering technique for preliminary field testing

In the preliminary field testing, I distributed a questionnaire to the Vice Director of Nursing Department who had clear description of the situation in Panti Rapih Hospital. The aim of this step were to know whether the materials were appropriate for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital or not, whether the materials were able to be implemented in Panti Rapih Hospital or not, and also asking for suggestions and feedback. The suggestions were to revise the materials in order to make it as appropriate as possible for the learners.

3. The Data gathering techniques for main field testing

After revising the materials, I implemented the materials in Panti Rapih Hospital. I implemented one unitchapter of the materials. There were two meetings that were used to implement the materials. In the last meeting, I gave questionnaires to the nurses in order to obtain feedback from them. Besides questionnaires, I also conducted an interview in order to obtain suggestions. There were three nurses who were interviewed. They consisted of the cleverest, the most passive and the ordinary students. I recognized the characteristics of these nurses PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 41 from the teaching and learning process in the class. These interviews were used to obtain some information on how the materials give affected them.

E. Data Analysis Technique