Integrated listening and speaking materials for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital based on collaborative learning.



Putri, Margarita Riana Gama. 2009. Integrated Listening and Speaking Materials Based on Collaborative Learning for Nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Most foreigners tend to come to Panti Rapih Hospital as one of the recommended hospitals in Yogyakarta to check and to keep their health. Nurses working in Panti Rapih Hospital are required to communicate in English fluently. Listening and speaking skill are important to master for the nurses since listening and speaking are two skills needed to achieve successful communication. Even though these skills are considered as the important skills, the nurses do not master these skills.

Considering these problems, I developed the appropriate integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. There were two problems formulated in the problem formulation i.e. (1) What is the appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital? and (2) How do the designed materials affect the nurses?.

Answering the formulated problems, I employed the adaptation of Kemp’s instructional design model as the realization of Educational Research and Development (R&D) method. The steps of Kemp’s instructional design models were used as the means of developing materials. The theories of collaborative learning were considered for developing materials. The appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital became the first answer of the problems formulation.

In this study, the second purpose was finding out the effects of the designed materials. To achieve it, one of the three materials which was Influenza (unit 5) was implemented to the nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. The materials being developed were High Blood Pressure (unit 1), Nutritious Food (unit 2), and Influenza (unit 5).

After conducting main field testing, I obtained data of the effects to the learners. The effects were (1) the designed materials encouraged the nurses to develop their listening and speaking English skills, (2) the nurses found the interesting method in studying English which was through group learning, (3) the interesting topics had successfully encouraged them to speak English confidently in the class, and (4) the designed material motivated the nurses to communicate with English. It is expected that this study could give benefits to everyone who deals with English teaching.

Key words: instructional design, integrated materials, collaborative learning, nurses.



Putri, Margarita Riana Gama. 2009. Integrated Listening and Speaking Materials Based on Collaborative Learning for Nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih merupakan salah satu rumah sakit yang tepercaya di Yogyakarta. Oleh karena itu, sebagian besar orang asing cenderung datang ke rumah sakit ini untuk memeriksakan kesehatan mereka. Perawat-perawat di Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih dituntut untuk dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan-kemampuan bahasa khususnya bahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai oleh para perawat untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik adalah listening (kemampuan untuk mendengarkan) dan speaking (kemampuan untuk berbicara). Kedua kemampuan ini penting karena kemampuan ini menunjang keberhasilan dalam berkomunikasi. Walaupun kemampuan ini penting untuk dikuasai, para perawat di Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih tidak menguasai kemampuan ini.

Oleh karena permasalahan tersebut, saya ingin mengembangkan materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang ideal yang mengintegrasikan kemampuan listening dan speaking menjadi satu kesatuan materi pembelajaran berdasarkan collaborative learning untuk perawat-perawat di Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih. Dua permasalahan yang telah dikemukakan di perumusan masalah adalah (1) Apakah yang disebut sebagai materi pembelajaran yang sesuai yang mengintegrasikan kemampuan listening dan speaking dalam satu kesatuan unit pembelajaran berdasarkan prinsip dari collaorative learning untuk perawat-perawat Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih? dan (2) Bagaimana materi tersebut memberikan pengaruh kepada para perawat?

Untuk menjawab kedua permasalahan tersebut, saya mengadaptasi model perancangan instruksional yang dikembangkan oleh Kemp sebagai wujud dari metode penelitian Educational Research and Development (R&D). Langkah-langkah dari metode R&D tersebut adalah (1) pengumpulan data dan penelitian, (2) pengembangan materi awal, (3) pengujian awal di lapangan, (4) perbaikan materi/produk, dan (5) pengujian materi/produk yang utama.

Langkah-langkah perancangan instruksional yang dikembangkan oleh Kemp digunakan sebagai alat untuk merancang materi. Materi pembelajaran yang sesuai yang mengintegrasikan kemampuan listening dan speaking dalam satu kesatuan unit pembelajaran berdasarkan prinsip dari collaorative learning untuk perawat-perawat Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan pertama.

Selain membuat materi yang ideal, tujuan dari penelitian ini juga untuk mengetahui pengaruh-pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari materi yang telah dibuat. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, saya menerapkan materi kepada perawat-perawat Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih. Materi-materi yang dibuat antara lain High Blood Pressure (unit 1), Nutritious Food (unit 2), dan Influenza (unit 5). Walaupun



terdapat tiga materi yang dikembangkan namun hanya satu yang diterapkan yaitu Influenza (unit 5).

Setelah menerapkan materi bahasa Inggris di kelas, saya memperoleh data-data yang merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang kedua. Pengaruh-pengaruh yang ditimbulkan adalah (1) materi yang dibuat memberikan semangat kepada para perawat untuk lebih mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka, (2) para perawat menemukan cara yang menarik untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris yaitu dengan belajar secara berkelompok, (3) topik-topik yang menarik sudah membuat para perawat mampu berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan percaya diri di kelas, (4) materi yang dibuat memotivasi para perawat untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris.

Semoga penelitian ini dapat memberikan masukan kepada setiap orang yang berhubungan dengan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

Kata kunci: desain instruksional, materi terpadu, pembelajaran secara kolaboratif, perawat-perawat.





Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Margarita Riana Gama Putri Student number: 041214004








Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Margarita Riana Gama Putri Student number: 041214004








I honestly declare that this thesis, which I have written, does not contain the work or parts of the work of other people, except those cited in the quotations and the references, as a scientific paper should.




Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma : Nama : Margarita Riana Gama Putri

Nomor Mahasiswa : 041214004

Demi pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan, saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma karya ilmiah saya yang berjudul :



beserta perangkat yang diperlukan (bila ada). Dengan demikian saya memberikan kepada Perpustakaan Universitas Sanata Dharma hak untuk menyimpan, me-ngalihkan dalam bentuk media lain, mengelolanya dalam bentuk pangkalan data, mendistribusikan secara terbatas, dan mempublikasikannya di Internet atau media lain untuk kepentingan akademis tanpa perlu meminta ijin dari saya maupun memberikan royalti kepada saya selama tetap mencantumkan nama saya sebagai penulis.

Demikian pernyataan ini yang saya buat dengan sebenarnya. Yogyakarta, 07 September 2009

Yang menyatakan



ROMANS 5: 3-4

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

I dedicated this thesis to

MY BELOVED JESUS CHRIST my father, Yosef Bambang S. my mother, Catharina Sri Subardiyah

my brothers, Yustinus Bambang A.K.P. and Stefanus Bambang Beta F.N. my sister, Mrs. Emanuela Nina M.

my beloved, Mr. Pungki Tri Priyono my dearly loved, Wihelmina Alni Putri



Putri, Margarita Riana Gama. 2009. Integrated Listening and Speaking Materials Based on Collaborative Learning for Nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

Most foreigners tend to come to Panti Rapih Hospital as one of the recommended hospitals in Yogyakarta to check and to keep their health. Nurses working in Panti Rapih Hospital are required to communicate in English fluently. Listening and speaking skill are important to master for the nurses since listening and speaking are two skills needed to achieve successful communication. Even though these skills are considered as the important skills, the nurses do not master these skills.

Considering these problems, I developed the appropriate integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. There were two problems formulated in the problem formulation i.e. (1) What is the appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital? and (2) How do the designed materials affect the nurses?.

Answering the formulated problems, I employed the adaptation of Kemp’s instructional design model as the realization of Educational Research and Development (R&D) method. The steps of Kemp’s instructional design models were used as the means of developing materials. The theories of collaborative learning were considered for developing materials. The appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital became the first answer of the problems formulation.

In this study, the second purpose was finding out the effects of the designed materials. To achieve it, one of the three materials which was Influenza (unit 5) was implemented to the nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. The materials being developed were High Blood Pressure (unit 1), Nutritious Food (unit 2), and Influenza (unit 5).

After conducting main field testing, I obtained data of the effects to the learners. The effects were (1) the designed materials encouraged the nurses to develop their listening and speaking English skills, (2) the nurses found the interesting method in studying English which was through group learning, (3) the interesting topics had successfully encouraged them to speak English confidently in the class, and (4) the designed material motivated the nurses to communicate with English. It is expected that this study could give benefits to everyone who deals with English teaching.

Key words: instructional design, integrated materials, collaborative learning, nurses.



Putri, Margarita Riana Gama. 2009. Integrated Listening and Speaking Materials Based on Collaborative Learning for Nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih merupakan salah satu rumah sakit yang tepercaya di Yogyakarta. Oleh karena itu, sebagian besar orang asing cenderung datang ke rumah sakit ini untuk memeriksakan kesehatan mereka. Perawat-perawat di Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih dituntut untuk dapat berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris. Kemampuan-kemampuan bahasa khususnya bahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai oleh para perawat untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik adalah listening (kemampuan untuk mendengarkan) dan speaking (kemampuan untuk berbicara). Kedua kemampuan ini penting karena kemampuan ini menunjang keberhasilan dalam berkomunikasi. Walaupun kemampuan ini penting untuk dikuasai, para perawat di Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih tidak menguasai kemampuan ini.

Oleh karena permasalahan tersebut, saya ingin mengembangkan materi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang ideal yang mengintegrasikan kemampuan listening dan speaking menjadi satu kesatuan materi pembelajaran berdasarkan collaborative learning untuk perawat-perawat di Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih. Dua permasalahan yang telah dikemukakan di perumusan masalah adalah (1) Apakah yang disebut sebagai materi pembelajaran yang sesuai yang mengintegrasikan kemampuan listening dan speaking dalam satu kesatuan unit pembelajaran berdasarkan prinsip dari collaorative learning untuk perawat-perawat Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih? dan (2) Bagaimana materi tersebut memberikan pengaruh kepada para perawat?

Untuk menjawab kedua permasalahan tersebut, saya mengadaptasi model perancangan instruksional yang dikembangkan oleh Kemp sebagai wujud dari metode penelitian Educational Research and Development (R&D). Langkah-langkah dari metode R&D tersebut adalah (1) pengumpulan data dan penelitian, (2) pengembangan materi awal, (3) pengujian awal di lapangan, (4) perbaikan materi/produk, dan (5) pengujian materi/produk yang utama.

Langkah-langkah perancangan instruksional yang dikembangkan oleh Kemp digunakan sebagai alat untuk merancang materi. Materi pembelajaran yang sesuai yang mengintegrasikan kemampuan listening dan speaking dalam satu kesatuan unit pembelajaran berdasarkan prinsip dari collaorative learning untuk perawat-perawat Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan pertama.

Selain membuat materi yang ideal, tujuan dari penelitian ini juga untuk mengetahui pengaruh-pengaruh yang ditimbulkan dari materi yang telah dibuat. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, saya menerapkan materi kepada perawat-perawat Rumah Sakit Panti Rapih. Materi-materi yang dibuat antara lain High Blood Pressure (unit 1), Nutritious Food (unit 2), dan Influenza (unit 5). Walaupun



terdapat tiga materi yang dikembangkan namun hanya satu yang diterapkan yaitu Influenza (unit 5).

Setelah menerapkan materi bahasa Inggris di kelas, saya memperoleh data-data yang merupakan jawaban dari pertanyaan yang kedua. Pengaruh-pengaruh yang ditimbulkan adalah (1) materi yang dibuat memberikan semangat kepada para perawat untuk lebih mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris mereka, (2) para perawat menemukan cara yang menarik untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris yaitu dengan belajar secara berkelompok, (3) topik-topik yang menarik sudah membuat para perawat mampu berbicara menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan percaya diri di kelas, (4) materi yang dibuat memotivasi para perawat untuk berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris.

Semoga penelitian ini dapat memberikan masukan kepada setiap orang yang berhubungan dengan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

Kata kunci: desain instruksional, materi terpadu, pembelajaran secara kolaboratif, perawat-perawat.




I would like to express my gratitude to the Lord. He has given me so much energy to accomplish this thesis. It was difficult when I was working on my thesis without His blessing. Because of His blessing, He gave me capabilities to accomplish this thesis.

Doing this thesis was a great job not only for me but also for every one who had supported me not to give up easily. Hence, I would like to be grateful to my thesis sponsor, Mr. Gregorius Punto Aji, S.Pd., M.Hum., for his willingness to spare his time for the consultations and to share his knowledge. He has given me remarkable motivation, criticism, and suggestions in order to compose a qualified thesis.

My deep gratitude was also purposed to nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital, Mr. Mateus Sujarwa, and all staff in Panti Rapih Hospital that allowed me to conduct my study. They had given me the opportunity to implement my designed material. I particularly would like to thank Mr. Mateus Sujarwa for his suggestions, his advice, and his criticism that made my designed material better.

I would like to thank Mbak Danik and Mbak Tari for their great services during my study at PBI, Sanata Dharma. Their smile and their sincere services inspired me so much.

Besides those who has stated above, I would like to express my sincerely gratitude to Pungki Tri Priyono, S.Pd. for his endless love and support. He never forgot to motivate me in each step on my life. His honest affection and his



everlasting attention have successfully motivated me to work on my thesis and to work on my job as a teacher diligently.

My mother, Mrs. Catharina Sri Subardiyah and my father, Mr. Yosef Bambang Supriyadi were my inspiration. They have given me countless love. I would like to thank for their willingness to grow me up and to give everything that I need for my study. Here, I want to express my gratitude to Mr. Yustinus Bambang A. K. P., Mr. Stefanus Bambang B. F. N., and Mrs. Emmanuela Nina M. for their motivation.

For my friends, I would like to be grateful to Patricia Angelina, Yuseva Rini, Agnes Cahya, Arsita Nindya, Anggraeni Suryana, and the others whom I can’t mention here for the spirit, joy, and willingness to help me to accomplish this thesis.

At last, I would like to apologize for any mistakes I’ve made in conducting my thesis. I wish my thesis will be useful for everyone who reads this.

Margarita Riana Gama Putri










ABSTRAK... vii







A. Background of Study ... 1

B. Research Limitation ... 5

C. Problem Formulation ... 5

D. Research Objectives ... 5

E. Research Contribution... 6

F. Definition of Terms... 6

1. Integrated Materials... 6

2. Collaborative Learning... 7

3. Nurses ... 7


A. Theoretical Description... 8

1. Instructional Design ... 8

a. Meanings of Instructional Design... 8



2. English for Specific Purposes ... 15

a. ESP Definition ... 15

b. ESP Categories ... 16

c. ESP Material Development ... 17

3. Collaborative Learning... 19

a. Definition... 20

b. Characteristics of Collaborative Learning... 20

c. Learning Based on Collaborative Learning... 22

d. Group Work Techniques ... 23

4. Theory of Listening... 24

a. The Nature of Listening... 25

b. Listening Process... 25

c. Principles in Developing the English Listening Materials ... 26

5. Theory of Speaking ... 27

a. The Nature of Speaking... 28

b. Principles of Teaching Speaking... 28

6. Learner Characteristics... 29

B. Theoretical Framework ... 31


A. Research Method... 35

B. Research Participants ... 36

C. Instruments... 38

D. Data Gathering Techniques... 39

E. Data Analysis Technique ... 41

F. Research Procedure... 41


A. The Ideal Design of The Integrated Listening and Speaking Materials Based on Collaborative Learning for Nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital... 44



1. Learners’ Characteristics and Needs... 46

2. Goals, General Purposes and Topics ... 49

3. Learning Objectives ... 53

4. The Integrated Listening and Speaking Learning Activities for the Material Design... 58

a. Pre-Activity ... 58

b. Main Activity ... 59

c. Post Activity... 62

d. Vocabulary and Grammar Focus ... 68

5. Feedback for Material Design... 69

a. Description of the Respondents ... 69

b. Data Presentation of Preliminary Testing ... 69

6. Evaluation and Revision of the Designed Material ... 70

B. The Effects of the Design of Integrated Listening and Speaking Materials Based on Collaborative Learning for Nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital... 71

1. Field Testing – Classroom Implementation... 71

a. Description of Field Testing... 73

b. Data Presentation ... 74

2. Discussion of Effects ... 76

3. Evaluation of Field Testing ... 78


A. Conclusion ... 80

B. Suggestions ... 82




Table 4.1 Learners’ Characteristics... 47

Table 4.2 Learners’ Needs ... 49

Table 4.3 List of Topics and Language Functions ... 50

Table 4.4 The Basic Competences ... 51

Table 4.5 The Learning Indicators ... 54

Table 4.6 List of Listening Task Used ... 61

Table 4.7 List of Speaking Task Used ... 62

Table 4.8 Variety of Learning Activities... 63

Table 4.9 List of Field Testing Schedule ... 72

Table 4.10 Data Presentation of the Results of the Field Testing Questionnaires... 74




Figure 2.1 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model (Kemp, 1977: 9)... 13 Figure 2.2 The ELT Diagram (Hutchinson and Waters, 1994: 17) ... 16 Figure 2.3 The ESP Diagram (Hutchinson and Waters, 1994: 17) ... 17 Figure 2.4 Factors of Affecting ESP Course Design

(HutchinsonandWaters,1994:22) ... 18 Figure 2.5 The Relationship of R&D and Kemp’s Instructional Design




Appendix 1 : Letters

1. Letter of Permission to Panti Rapih Hospital... 87

2. Letter of Permission from Panti Rapih Hospital ... 88

3. Letter of Affirmation from Panti Rapih Hospital... 89

Appendix 2 : Instruments 1. Research and Information Collecting Questionnaire ... 90

2. List of Questions for Interviewing the Vice Director of Nursing Department ... 95

3. The Result of the Vice Director of Nursing Department Interview 97 4. Preliminary Field Testing Questionnaire ... 98

5. Field Testing Questionnaire ... 100

6. List of Questions for Interviewing the Nurses ... 103

7. The Result of the Nurses Interview... 104

Appendix 3 : Syllabus and Lesson Plans ... 105

1. Syllabus ... 105

2. Lesson Plans... 112

Appendix 4 : Materials’ Outline... 116

Appendix 5 : Integrated Listening and Speaking Materials Based on Collaborative Learning for Nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital... 122



This chapter provides the background information and the rationale for the study. It also introduces and describes the nature and the content of the study.

A. Background of Study

One occupation that enables people to meet various people from various backgrounds is as a nurse. The nurses working in hospitals always meet various people including foreigners. As stated on (2009), a hospital which is recommended to check the health by people in Yogyakarta is Panti Rapih Hospital since people in Yogyakarta believe that Panti Rapih Hospital is a good hospital. Hence, foreigners consider Panti Rapih Hospital as the recommended hospital to help them to cure their illness and to maintain their health. Nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital need to be able to communicate with English because they are enquired to provide best services to the foreigner patients.

Unfortunately, Fransiska Army who is a nurse in Panti Rapih Hospital stated that most of the nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital found some difficulties in speaking and comprehending to the foreigners. The nurses encounter some difficulties to communicate with English. They can only utilize some sentences that are regularly used in daily conversations such as ‘Good morning’, ‘What is your name?’, ‘How are you?’, etc. In general, there are two major problems


related to English. First, if foreigners come to ensure their health, the nurses cannot comprehend what the foreigners want. The nurses just assume what the foreigners imply from the foreigners’ gesture. Second, when they have recognized what the foreigners imply, they encounter some difficulties to explain clearly what the foreigners have to do.

Considering these problems, I concluded that it is important for the nurses to be able to communicate fluently with foreigners. Comprehending the meanings of English sentences and giving information needed using correct sentence patterns are going to be the purpose of the designed material for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital.

Listening is important to master because the nurses should be able to comprehend what the foreigners indicate and want. When the nurses serve or treat the foreigners in the hospital, the nurses must comprehend the meanings uttered by foreigners. The nurses surely do not want to acquire wrong information in order to avoid misinterpretation. Understanding the utterances of the foreigners is also the important thing in obtaining some information from the foreigners. They should also master speaking skill in order to respond the foreigners and to convey information correctly. Hence, I concluded that listening and speaking skill were the skills they needed to acquire.

Before conducting this study, I have read some studies of other research related to designing materials for nurses. In the first research on Designing a Set of Integrated English Instructional Materials for the Second Semester Students of Notokusumo Academy of Nursing written by RA. Marda Yuantika Haninggarjati


(2003), she made integrated materials for nurses studying at the nursing academy. Other researches which also focus on designing materials for academic nurses are Yohanes Nanang Marjianto’s research (1999) on Designing a Set of English Instructional Materials for the First Year Students of the Nursing Academy, Ella Yuavita’s research (2006) on Designing a Set of Supplementary Reading Materials for the Students of Panti Rapih Nursing Academy, and Pius Marmanta’s research (2005) on Designing English Instructional Speaking Materials for Bethesda Nursing Academy Students.

From the previous study, I found that there is no one who developed English instructional materials for professional nurses and all researchers focus on designing a set of instructional English materials for the students of nursing academy. Beside the information above, I discovered that most theses do not provide the materials that are important to master by nurses. Based on the information obtained, I would like to develop English materials that are adjusted to the nurses’ needs.

Mateus Sujarwa as the Vice Director of Nursing Department stated that nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital need to master listening and speaking skill since the nurses had to give best services to the patients and visitors including the foreigners. He said that to be able to communicate well nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital had to master the listening and speaking skill. The materials which are going to develop are different from the materials for the nursing academy. He said that the materials should give more practices in speaking English and in listening to foreigners.


Mateus Sujarwa also stated that writing and reading skill were not really important to master. Writing skill is rarely used since the front desk officers have organized any letters in English. When the nurses write the symptom, they will write in Indonesian. If the patients ask, the nurses will explain orally. Reading skill is not considered as one of the important skills to master since the nurses will read everything in Indonesian. Even though the instructions of medical tools in the hospital are written in English, the nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital have been trained to use the tools.

In this study, I will design integrated listening and speaking materials since the nurses need to understand what the foreigners indicate and what they want. Moreover, the materials are purposed to make nurses fluent to communicate in English. By having an ability to communicate in English, nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital have given a good service to the foreigners. The method of learning used in developing English material for nurses is collaborative learning since this method provides the opportunity to practice English during the learning activities. Collaborative learning is considered as the appropriate method since through this method the nurses are asked to study together. Through group learning, the nurses will easily comprehend the designed materials so that they achieve the learning objectives easily. I hope the designed materials help the nurses to explore their skills and learn more about English in health topics.

The nurses who become the subjects of this study are the nurses who work in the hospital because they have to master English in order to avoid the


misinterpretation between the nurses and the foreigners. These kinds of nurses usually work in every department in the hospitals.

B. Research Limitation

Since the nurses have to master and to be fluent in English, I define the problems on designing integrated listening and speaking materials based on the principle of collaborative learning theory. The materials that will be designed are the integrated listening and speaking materials and the method used is only collaborative learning. The subjects are only nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital.

C. Problem Formulation

The problems that I want to examine are:

1. What is the appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital? 2. How does the designed material affect the nurses?

D. Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are

1. To design the appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. 2. To find out how the design affects the nurses.


E. Research Contribution

This research is expected to answer to the problems stated in the problem formulation clearly. By designing materials for nurses, I want the teacher, the course developers and the next researchers to have clear description and explanation on how to develop materials. By designing these materials, nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital are expected to be able to speak English and also to be able to give responses to the people who speak English.

F. Definition of Terms

In the definition of terms, there are some explanations of several terms used in the research. I hope the readers will understand some terms that are used in this research so that they will understand what I mean.

1. Integrated Materials

Integrated materials are the materials that are made by combining grammar, vocabulary and two skills such as speaking and listening. In this study, I will combine two skills that are very important to master. Even though I will only focus on two skills, in this study there will be more than two skills applied in the learning activities in order to achieve the objectives. It reflects what happen in a real world where interactions involve multiple skills. Due to the principle of integrated materials, the content of the material will influence the decisions on selecting and sequencing skills.


2. Collaborative Learning

According to Wiersema (2000), collaborative learning means the process of learning together within community of individual learners such as students and students, students and teachers, or even teachers and students who are teaching each other.

Smith (1992) stated that collaborative learning is an umbrella term for a variety of educational approaches involving joint intellectual effort by students, or students and teachers together. Usually, students are working in groups of two or more, mutually searching for understanding, solutions, or meanings, or creating a product. Collaborative learning activities vary widely, but most centre on students’ exploration or application of the course material, not simply the teacher’s presentation or explication of it.

3. Nurses

There are several types of nurses that are usually divided into several types of groups depending on where they work. In this study, the nurses who are the objects of the study are working in the hospital. Hospital nurses, the largest group, are staff nurses who provide bedside nursing care and carry out the medical regimen prescribed by physicians. They also supervise licensed practical nurses and aides. Hospital nurses are typically assigned to one area such as surgery, maternity, pediatrics, emergency, ICU, or oncology, but they sometimes rotate among departments.




Before designing materials for nurses in hospital, I need to know some theories related to the topic of this study. This chapter provides the explanations of the steps or terms used in this study such as the instructional design, the field that the study deals with (English for Specific Purposes/ESP), the learner characteristics (especially nurses) and the method used in designing the materials (collaborative learning).

A. Theoretical Description 1. Instructional Design

a. Meanings of Instructional Design

Instructional design is the systematic process of translating general principles of learning and instruction into plans for instructional materials and learning approach and procedure that can be applied (Smith and Ragan, 1993).

Berger and Cam (1996) said that there are seven meanings of instructional design. They are

a) Instructional design as a process is the systematic development of instructional specifications using learning and instructional theory to ensure the quality of instruction. It is the entire process of analysis of learning needs and goals and the development of a delivery system to meet those needs. It includes


development of instructional materials and activities; and tryout and evaluation of all instruction and learner activities.

b) Instructional design as a discipline that branch of knowledge concerned with research and theory about instructional strategies and the process for developing and implementing those strategies.

c) Instructional design as a science is the science of creating detailed specifications for the development, implementation, evaluation, and maintenance of situations that facilitate the learning of both large and small units of subject matter at all levels of complexity.

d) Instructional design as reality is the design that can start at any point in the design process. Often a glimmer of an idea is developed to give the core of an instruction situation. By the time the entire process is done the designer looks back and her or him checks to see that all parts of the "science" have been taken into account. Then the entire process is written up as if it occurred in a systematic fashion.

e) Instructional system is an arrangement of resources and procedures to promote learning. Instructional design is the systematic process of developing instructional systems and instructional development is the process of implementing the system or plan.

f) Instructional technology is the systemic and systematic application of strategies and techniques derived from behavioural, cognitive, and constructivist theories to the solution of instructional problems.


b. Kemp’s Instructional Design Model

There should be a procedure when teachers or designers are designing materials for the learners. Kemp (1977) wrote that instructional technology is a procedure that is applied to instructional planning. It means the systematic design of instruction, based on knowledge of the learning process and on communications theory, taking into consideration as many factors and variables of the particular situation as possible, so that successful learning will result (Kemp, 1977: 7).

Kemp (1977) also propose some procedures defined as instructional design in order to help the designers, the material developers, or the teachers in considering materials while making materials and doing learning and teaching process. There are eight steps in instructional design.

1) Determining the Goals, Topics, and General Purposes

It is important for teachers, designers, and material developers in determining instructional design to consider the goals of the system, list the topics, and state the general purposes for teaching each topic.

2) Identifying Learners’ Characteristics

The designers enumerate the important characteristics of the learners for whom the instruction is to be signed. Recognizing the learners’ characteristics is important since the teachers, the designers, and the material developers are able to identify the learners’ capabilities, needs, and interests.

When designing the material design, it is important to elaborate the learner characteristics in order to compose ideal material designs. Kemp (1977: 19)


propose the learners’ characteristics that the designers, the material developers, or the teachers need to know. The learners’ characteristics which are needed to obtain are the academic factors and the social factors. The factors included in the academic factors are number of students, academic background, level of intelligence, study habits, motivation for studying the subject, and expectation of the course. The social factors consist of age, special talents, and relations among learners.

3) Specifying Learning Objectives

Learning requires active effort by the learners. Hence, the learning objectives must be stated in terms of activities that will best promote learning (Kemp, 1977: 23). Good teachers have always to state the learning objectives of the instructional design to the learners. Realizing the learning objectives make the learners aware of the achievement of the instructional design.

4) Listing Subject Content

The subject content specified must relate to the objectives and to the learners’ need (Kemp, 1977: 43). The subject content comprises the selection and organizing of the specific knowledge (facts and information), skills, and attitudinal factors of any topic.

5) Pre-assessment

This step aims to know the background knowledge of the students’ on the topics. Teachers or designers develop pre-assessments to determine the students’ background and present level of knowledge about the topic.


6) Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Instructional Resources

The teachers select teaching/learning activities and instructional resources that will treat the subject content so students will accomplish the objectives. The teachers could adjust the materials and methods that support the creation of an effective and efficient teaching learning process (Kemp, 1977: 55).

7) Coordinating Support Service

The support services include funds, facilities, equipment, and personel whose time must be scheduled for participation in the instructional plan (Kemp, 1977: 84). The designers provide the instrument of teaching/learning and coordinate such support service as instrument to convey the learning materials. 8) Conducting Evaluation

The objectives indicate what the evaluation should be. By stating the objectives clearly, you have assured measuring directly what you are teaching (kemp, 1977: 91). The teachers evaluate students’ learning to make sure whether the learning objective has been achieved or not.

The instructional design model is a flexible process. There is interdependence among eight steps explained above. The designers can start with whichever step and move to the other steps (Kemp, 1977: 9). The steps described in the figure 2.1 illustrate that there are eight parts or steps that can affect each other. The broken lines in the figure indicate the revisions of elements made necessary by evaluation data gathered on learners’ accomplishment o objectives. Here is the figure that describes the relationship of each step in the plan to the other steps.


Goals, Topics,

and General Purposes

Evaluation Learner


Support Learning Services REVISE Objectives


Learning Subject Activities, Content Resources


Figure 2.1 Kemp’s Instructional Design Model (Kemp, 1977: 9)

Kemp (1977: 59) also propose ten principles of the learning process to be followed. The ten principles are

a) Pre-learning preparation

The students should have prepared the material they are going to discuss in class.

b) Motivation

They should have motivation and if they haven’t, the teacher should motivate them before or during the teaching-learning process. Students’ interests can be maintained by providing a variety of learning experiences.


c) Individual differences

The students learn at various rates and within a class or group. Therefore, learning experiences should be designed so that students may proceed at their own paces and possibly on their own levels of ability, using materials that are most appropriate for them.

d) Instructional conditions

Making clear objectives and sequences learning activity can help the learners to be successful learners. Students can acquire more information and retain it longer when they have meaningful objectives and the objectives that are systematically organized. It means that content should be organized sequentially from simple to complex.

e) Active participation

Learning must be performed by the students and not by the teacher. A teacher organizes and makes materials for students.

f) Successful achievement

As students find out they are successful, they experience satisfaction that motivates them to continue their efforts.

g) Knowledge of results

Motivation of learning can be raised by giving the result during the lesson. When the results are positive, students are reinforced for continued effort.


h) Practice

Closely associated with success and the knowledge of results is need to provide opportunities for students to use their newly acquired knowledge and skills in many situations.

i) Rate of presenting material

The rate ad amount of material to be learned at any one time or in any one lesson must be related to the complexity and difficulty of the material in terms of the abilities of students.

j) Instructor’s attitude

A positive attitude on the parts of the teacher and any assistant can influence the attitudes of students toward the acceptance of new instructional procedures.

By considering the ten principles of learning process, the designers, the material developers, or the teachers start to develop the instructional design.

2. English for Specific Purposes

It is needed to know in what subject or field our thesis is made. Hence, I provide some theories related to ESP, the meaning of ESP, the categories, the material development, the syllabus design and the material development.

a. ESP Definition

According to Hutchinson and Waters (1994), English for specific purpose (ESP) is an approach to language teaching which aims to meet needs of particular


learner. It means that an ESP teacher should make materials depend on what the students need.

Besides the meaning above, Hutchinson and Waters (1994) show what ESP is not. First, ESP is not a matter of teaching ‘specialised varieties’ of English. Second, ESP is not just a matter of science words and grammar for scientists. The last one, ESP is not different from any other language teaching that should be based on the principles of effective and efficient learning.

b. ESP Categories

Hutchinson and Waters (1994) wrote that in language teaching, there is a relation between English language teaching (ELT) and ESP. ESP is one branch of English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Beside ESP, EFL has another branch that is General English (GE) which is usually studied for exam purposes. However, EFL is one of the English language teaching (ELT) branches and the other branches are English as mother tongue (EMT) and English as a second language (ESL). For making it clear, Hutchinson and Waters (1994: 17) drew the English language teaching (ELT) diagram bellow.

Figure 2.2 The ELT Diagram (Hutchinson and Waters, 1994: 17)




In Hutchinson and Waters’ book titled English for Specific Purposes, they were explained that ESP itself has some branches; they are English for Science and Technology (EST), English for Business and Economics (EBE), and English for Social Science (ESS). Hutchinson and Waters (1994) also said that every branch can be divided into two branches called English for academic purposes (EAP) and English for occupational purposes (EOP). The EAP of EST is English for medical studies (EMS) and the EOP of EST is English for techniques (E.Tech.). The EAP of EBE is English for economics (EE) and the EOP of EBE is English for Secretaries (ES). The last one is ESS, the EAP of it is for psychology (EP) and the EOP of it is English for teaching (ET).

Hence, there is a diagram that describe about English for specific purposes that was written by Hutchinson and Waters (1994: 17). From this diagram, you can see the relation between ESP and the branches of ESP.

Figure 2.3 The ESP Diagram (Hutchinson and Waters, 1994: 17)

c. ESP Material Development

The teacher of ESP should be creative to make materials because sometimes, there are no course books to be followed. Hutchinson and Waters





(1994) wrote that designing material is a matter of asking questions in order to provide a reasoned basis for the subsequent process of syllabus design, material writing, classroom teaching and evaluation.

To know all reasons, we need to ask some questions that can be answered by conducting research. In English for Specific Purposes written by Hutchinson and Waters (1994), we can see the diagram that describes the basic questions before we design ESP material.


Language Learning

Description Theories







nature of parti cular target &



WHO? WHY? WHEN? WHERE? Needs analysis


The diagram above shows that there are three main headings shown some questions: language description, theories of learning and need analysis. In language description, there is written ‘what?’. It means that we can formulate some questions related to language description using ‘what questions’ such as what the student needs to learn, what aspects of language will be needed and how they will be described, what level proficiency must be achieved and what topics areas will need to be covered. Then, those questions will help the teachers to develop a syllabus.

However, in the learning theories part, we can see a word question ‘how?’ that includes some questions which can help teachers in designing method used in teaching/learning process. The questions are how the learning will be achieved, what learning theory will underline the course and what kind of methodology will be employed.

In the last parts of the basic questions is need analysis that consists of four word questions: who, why, where and when. Those four questions can be developed into several questions: why the student needs to learn, who is going to be involved in the process, where the learning process takes place is, when the learning to take place is, how much time is available and how it will be distributed.

3. Collaborative Learning

Collaborative learning is a method of learning used in developing materials in this study. This part explains what collaborative learning is. I provided the


definition of collaborative learning, the techniques used in collaborative learning, and the practical teaching based on of collaborative learning.

a. Definition

According Wiersema (2000), collaborative learning is not merely a series of teaching techniques. Collaboration means the process of learning together within community of individual learners such as students and students, students and teachers, or even teachers and students who are teaching each other. According to Imel (1991), collaborative learning assumes that knowledge is socially rather than individually and constructed by communities and that the shaping and the testing of ideas are a process in which anyone can participate.

Smith (1992) also stated that collaborative learning is an umbrella term for a variety of educational approaches involving joint intellectual effort by students, or students and teachers together. Usually, students are working in groups of two or more, mutually searching for understanding, solutions, or meanings, or creating a product. Collaborative learning activities vary widely, but most centre on students’ exploration or application of the course material, not simply the teacher’s presentation or explication of it.

b. Characteristics of Collaborative Learning

In this study, collaborative learning is seen as a teaching/learning techniques method. Since it is a teaching/learning method, collaborative learning has at least four general characteristics (Imel, 1991). They are:


Knowledge is created, not transferred. Knowledge is located in the community rather than in individual.

b) Shared authority among teachers and students

The hierarchy between the teacher and the learner is eliminated. c) Teachers as mediations

A successful mediation helps students connects new information to their experiences and to learning areas and also helps students how to learn and figure out to do.

d) Heterogeneous grouping of students

Background, learning experiences and perspectives are examples of differences happened in a classroom. Through these differences, students will have more knowledge and they will learn from multiple context.

Theroux (2004) also wrote some characteristics of collaborative learning as follows:

a) Collaborative learning is a student centred environment. Power and responsibility are primarily student centred.

b) Students are in control of their own learning. The students are the decision makers. Students evaluate, make decisions and are responsible for their own learning.

c) The teacher is a facilitator and guide.

d) Learning may be co-operative, collaborative or independent. e) Students work together to reach a common goal.


g) The way information is processed and used is most important.

h) Students master knowledge by constructing it. Content is learned in a relevant context.

Beside some characteristics suggested by Theroux (2004), Ronkowski (1998) said that collaborative learning also has six strengths. They are:

a) Collaborative learning can provide students with the opportunity to think for themselves

b) Students and teachers can compare their thinking with others c) Students can conduct research project

d) They can investigate subject matter with fellow students e) They can practice using higher level cognitive skills

f) This method can provide activities that encourage students to think logically based on their own beliefs

c. Learning Based on Collaborative Learning

Panitz (1996) suggests that collaborative learning as a method of teaching in a classroom is appropriate for adult learners since this method is more student centred method. The learners have to be active either inside of the class or outside of the class.

According to the characteristics of collaborative learning explained above, the teacher acts mediator in the class. A successful mediator helps students connects new information to their experiences and to learning areas and also helps students how to learn and figure out to do. With contextual materials, the learners will get some new information in health or medical terms. They may use the


information or the knowledge for further needs related to their job. They may also use it to enrich their knowledge of a sickness.

Since the learners are active in or outside the class, they have to work in group to make it easy. They can help each other, so the purpose of learning can be achieved. In this part, we can see that the learners are allowed to explore their own idea. They get opportunity to think by themselves. Learning outside the class will help them to learn better inside the class. They will be motivated by their friends. The performance in the class will also be better. It encourages the learners’ motivation.

d. Group Work Techniques

Learning through learning together in a group is not merely learning in a group discussing some issues or topics in the group. There are some types of group learning that can bring a maximum result if the technique is implemented in an effective way. They are

1) Role-play

Nunan (2003: 57) stated that role-play is an excellent activity for speaking in the relatively safe environment of the classroom. Role-play gives learners practice speaking in the target language before they must do so in a real environment. In the role play, students are given particular roles in the target language.


According to Nunan (2003: 57), simulation is more elaborate than role-play. In a simulation, props and document provide a realistic environment for language practice.

3) Discussion

Discussion involves opportunities for students to express their own opinion about topics (Nunan, 2003:210).

4) Jigsaw

Jigsaw is one of the variations of information gap. Jigsaw activities are a bidirectional or multidirectional information gap (Nunan, 2003:56). Each person in a pair or group has some information the other persons need. The learners must use the target language to share the information.

5) Pair and group work

Pair and group work are a hallmark of the communicative classroom (Nunan, 2003:209). In pair or group work, the teacher first present the task, then divides students and sets a time limit for completion of the task. Pair and group work culminate in a reporting stage, with students from each group sharing their ideas or solutions with the rest of the class.

4. Theory of Listening

Listening is an important skill. Learners should acquire this skill in order to achieve successful communication. Listening provides the perfect opportunity to enable learners to acquire good speaking habits as a result of the spoken English they absorb and to help the learners to improve their own pronunciation


(Harmer, 2001: 228). Hence, it is important to comprehend the elements of listening.

a. The Nature of Listening

Listening is defined as a receptive skill. Listening requires people to receive and understand information come. Since listening is a receptive skill, learners can listen to and understand things at a higher level than people can produce. Hence, people usually assume listening as a passive skill. Unfortunately, this assumption is not true. In fact, listening is very active. When people listen, they not only process what they hear but also connect it to other information they already know. They are “creating meaning” in their own minds by combining what they hear with their own ideas and experiences (Nunan, 2003: 24).

b. Listening Process

There are two kinds of listening processes to comprehend the oral text. They are bottom up and top down processes. Bottom up processing is the use of incoming data as a source of information about the meaning of the message. The listeners grasp the information they hear such as sounds, words, clauses, and sentence so that they obtain the meanings. The top down processing is the use of background knowledge in understanding the meaning of the message. The listeners use their prior knowledge about some topics, situations, characters, places, or events to catch the meaning of what they hear (Nunan, 2003: 26-27).

Nunan (2003: 28) points out that to be successful in listening does not merely depend on one of the listening processing stated above. By combining


these kinds of processing, the learners can recognize the words and sentences they hear and they can crate situations in their minds.

c. Principles in Developing the English Listening Materials

According to Rivers (1980: 18), in developing the instructional listening materials, there are some principles to consider. These principles are as follows: 1) Listening materials should fit to the learners’ level proficiency. The materials

should be relevant to the learners’ background knowledge of the language and the learners’ level of competence.

2) Listening materials should be as natural as the situation in the real life communication. This means that the learners need materials which could be practiced in real life communication.

3) It is necessary to think about the sounding of the speech and its effects to the learners’ ability to comprehend the message.

4) Teachers should consider the length of the recordings to be presented to the students.

Besides considering the principles of developing the materials, it is also important to take into account the basic framework of designing a listening skills lesson. According to Peachey (2002: 3-6), the basic framework to construct a listening skill lesson can be divided into three stages.

1) Pre-listening

It is the stage during which teachers help students to prepare to listen. There are certain goals that should be achieved before students attempt to listen to any text. There are motivation contextualization, and preparation.


2) While-listening

It is the stage during which teachers help to focus students’ attention on the listening text and guide the development of students’ understanding of the text.

Listening to a foreign language is a very intensive and challenging activity. Therefore, it is important to give the students ‘breathing’ or ‘thinking’ space between listening. It can be done through giving the students chances to compare their answers with their peers before they listen again. By doing so, they can have a chance not only to have some break from the listening, but also to check their understanding with their peers and reconsider before listening again.

3) Post listening

It is the stage that aims to help the students integrate what they have learned from the text into their existing knowledge. There are two common forms that post-listening tasks can take. These are reaction to the content of the text and analysis of the linguistic features of the text. Besides, it is also necessary to provide the students with the activities to review the overall lesson.

5. Theory of Speaking

Speaking needs to master since people convey meanings verbally by speaking. Through speaking people are able to utter what they want and mean verbally. It is important to master speaking skill since a successful communication happens when people can convey their meanings to others.


a. The Nature of Speaking

Speaking is a one of the productive skills instead writing. Speaking is stated as a productive skill since speaking consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. Although speaking is totally natural, speaking in a language other than our own is anything but simple. For many years, teaching speaking involved providing students with the components of the language, in hopes that they would eventually put them all together and speak. Unfortunately, actual conversations didn’t sound like the textbook dialogues (Nunan, 2001: 48). b. Principles for Teaching Speaking

It is important for teachers to comprehend the principles for teaching speaking in order to achieve the learning objectives successfully. There are five principles of teaching speaking that should be considered.

1) Be aware of the differences between second language and foreign language context

2) give students practice with both fluency and accuracy

3) Provide opportunities for students to talk by using group work or pair work, and limiting teacher talk

4) Plan speaking tasks that involve negotiation for meaning

5) Design classroom activities that involve guidance and practice in both transactional and interactional speaking


6. Learner Characteristics

According to Oxford Advance Learner’s Dictionary, a nurse is a person who trained to help a doctor to look after sick or injured people. There are six nurse characteristics that are written in The characteristics are a) Nurses give people medicine and emotional support to patients and their

families, treat wounds, ask patients about their symptoms and keep detailed records, watch for signs that people are sick, and help doctors examine and treat patients.

b) Nurses help people to give tests to find out why people are sick. Some also do lab work to get test results.

c) In hospitals or laboratories, nurses teach people how to take care of themselves and their families.

d) Some nurses teach people about diet and exercise and how to follow doctors' instructions.

e) Many nurses work in doctors' offices. They help with medical tests, give medicines, and dress wounds. Some also do lab and office work.

f) Many nurses spend a lot of time walking and curing for people who have diseases that they can catch too the sick so they have to be careful in order to stay safe.

Being a nurse who works in hospitals, laboratories, or offices should have been an adult because they have to be able to cure people. According to Hamer (2001) adult language learners have special characteristics:


b) They have expectations about the learning process, and may already have their own set patterns of learning.

c) Most adults tend to be more disciplined than some teenagers and they are often prepared to struggle on despite boredom.

d) They come to class with a various experiences so that the teacher can make various activities with them.

e) Unlike young children and teenagers, they have a clear understanding of why they learn and what the objectives are.

Harmer (2001) also wrote that a good teacher should consider those five characteristics when he is teaching adults. Besides involving his students in indirect learning through reading, listening, and communicative speaking and writing, the teacher should also allow the students to use their intellects to learn consciously where this is appropriate. A teacher of adult language learners should encourage the students to use their own life experience in the learning process.

Nurses generally fall into several main groups, depending on where they work: in hospitals, in private practice, in private homes, etc. Hospital nurses, the largest group, are staff nurses who provide bedside nursing care and carry out the medical regimen prescribed by physicians. They also supervise licensed practical nurses and aides. Hospital nurses are typically assigned to one area such as surgery, maternity, pediatrics, emergency, ICU, or oncology, but they sometimes rotate among departments.


B. Theoretical Framework

The study deals with designing the appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. To answer two problems stated in the problem formulation, I employed the adaptation of Kemp’s instructional design model as the realization of Educational Research and Development (R&D) method.

1. Identifying Learners’ Characteristics

In this step, I identify the important characteristics of the learners in order to obtained data for specifying the learning objectives. It is important to elaborate the learner characteristics in order to compose ideal material designs.

2. Determining the Goals, Topics, and General Purposes

I consider the goals of the system, list the topics, and state the general purposes for teaching each topic. The learners’ characteristics are used as the basic data in formulating the goals and general purposes. The term standard competence is used to refer to the goals of the whole instruction. Selecting topics were performed after determining the goals so that the topics chosen were appropriate for the learners. The general purposes are developed after specifying the standard competence. Basic competence is used to refer to the general purposes of the designed materials.


3. Specifying Learning Objectives

After determining the general purposes, I specify the learning objectives. It should be done in order to achieve certain students’ measurable performances. The specified learning objectives are also known as learning indicators. Learning indicators are the performances the students should be able to demonstrate in order to be categorized as successful in achieving the general purposes.

4. Listing Subject Content

According to Kemp (1977:45), the aim of listing subject content are selection and organizing of the specific knowledge (facts and information), skills, and attitudinal factors of any topic. The objectives of the course and the selected topics are considered in the selection and organization of subject contents.

5. Selecting Teaching Learning Activities and Instructional Resources

I select teaching/learning activities and instructional resources that will treat the subject content so students will accomplish the objectives. I adjust the materials and methods that support the creation of an effective and efficient teaching learning process (Kemp, 1977:55).

6. Coordinating Support Service

I prepare the support services of the study. It includes funds, facilities, and equipment to develop the materials. I provide the instrument of teaching/learning and coordinate the instrument to convey the learning materials.


7. Conducting Evaluation

The evaluation is carried out after the materials designed. The evaluation is needed to revise the designed material so that the designed materials become the appropriate design. The respondent of the preliminary field testing evaluate the materials before the classroom implementation begins. The evaluation is not only done in the preliminary field testing but also done after classroom implementation.

The learners will answer the answers of the questionnaires. They will evaluate the material and the teaching learning techniques used in the class.

8. Revising the Designed Materials

According to Kemp’s instructional design model, some revision is needed to improve the designed materials. In this step, I revise the designed materials based on the respondents’ suggestions and criticism obtained from the evaluation step. It should also be noted that the revisions can actually occur in every step so that I could monitor the design and confirm whether the design is already appropriate or not.


Determining the goals, topics, and general purposes

Specifying learning objectives

Listing Subject Content

Coordinating Support Service

Materials Evaluation Identifying learners’

characteristics Research and information


Developing preliminary material design

Preliminary field testing

Main product revision

Main field testing Selecting Teaching Learning

Activities and instructional resources

Steps of the R & D and steps of Kemp’s instructional design The line of the relation of R & D and Kemp’s instructional design step

The feedback line



In this chapter, I present the research method used in the study, the participants, the instruments, the data gathering techniques, the data analysis technique, and the research procedures of this study.

A. Research Method

According to Borg & Gall (1983), educational research and development (R&D) is a process to develop and validate educational products. The term product in this matter does not only mean a material object such as a book, a handout or a film, but a product can also refer to established procedures and processes such as a method of teaching or a method for organizing instruction.

Hence, I decided to use R & D in conducting the research because the aim was to develop materials for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital. R & D could also help me to answer the problems which were what the appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital was and how the design affected the nurses.

There are some steps adapted from R & D a. Research and information collecting

In this step I conducted review of literature, need analysis, defined the skills and stated the objectives determining the course sequence.


b. Develop preliminary material design

The second step was to prepare the instructional materials and handbooks. The materials were collected based on the data obtained from the need analysis. I interpreted and made conclusions on the materials and skills that the learners have to develop. After interpreting the data, I started to design the materials. In this step, I also chose teaching techniques that were appropriate for the learners. c. Preliminary field testing

This was the third step of the study. In this third step, I used questionnaire given to the Vice Director of Nursing Department in order to know whether my materials were appropriate for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital or not and to know whether my materials can be implemented in Panti Rapih Hospital or not.

d. Main product revision

After conducting the preliminary field testing, I used the results of the evaluation to revise the materials before the implementation.

e. Main field testing

Main field testing was the step of classroom implementation of the designed materials. It was conducted in Panti Rapih Hospital. The purpose of this step was to find out how the design affected the nurses.

B. Research Participants

The subjects who were involved in this study were

1. The participants in the research and information collecting step were 30 nurses in the Panti Rapih Hospital and the Vice Director of Nursing


Department. The nurses ranged from 23 to 41years old. These nurses were the participants of the need analysis. Hence, the research used purposive sampling, especially homogeneous sampling, to choose the subjects. According to Ary, Jacobs, and Razavieh (2002: 429), typical case sampling selects units that are considered homogeneous in attitudes, experiences, and so on.

In conducting need analysis, I also interviewed the Vice Director of Nursing Department in order to know the real condition of the nurses that could not be asked in the questionnaires.

2. The participant in the preliminary field testing step was the Vice Director of Nursing Department who knew what the nurses of Panti Rapih Hospital needed to learn more in English and also what method which was appropriate for them. The purpose of this step was to know whether my materials were appropriate for the nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital or not and to know whether my materials were able to be implemented in Panti Rapih Hospital or not. 3. The participants in main field testing were 11 nurses of Panti Rapih Hospitals.

There were three nurses who I interviewed. These nurses consisted of the most active, the most passive and the ordinary learner. I knew the characteristics of these nurses from the teaching and learning process in the class. These interviews were used to obtain some information on how the materials affected the nurses.


C. Instruments

This study used two instruments. They were interview and questionnaire. I used questionnaire as one of the instruments because I wanted to tap into the knowledge, opinions, ideas and experiences of the learners (nurses). In the questionnaire, the questions were set out in a very systematic way, and the questionnaire was answered by reading the questions, and then ticking responses, or writing short answers.

Ary (1979: 175) said that there are two types of questionnaire which are close form and open form. In this study, I distributed questionnaires which combined these two types of questionnaires. The uses of each instrument were explained bellow.

1. Instrument for the research and information collecting

The instruments used to conduct the need analysis were both questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was distributed to 30 nurses from various divisions. The interview was used in need analysis because I needed to know the real condition of the nurses that could not be asked in the questionnaires. The questions were about the activities that nurses did in the hospital, the situation in the hospital, and the English skill required by the nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital.

2. Instrument for preliminary field testing

Questionnaire was distributed after the materials were designed. This questionnaire was given to the Vice Director of Nursing Department who had clear description of the situation in Panti Rapih Hospital, so he could define


whether the materials were appropriate for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital or not and whether the materials were able to be implemented in Panti Rapih Hospital or not.

3. Instrument for main field testing

In this step, I used questionnaire and interview. I distributed questionnaire to the nurses in order to obtain feedback from them. I didn’t only use the feedback to know how the materials affected on them but also to revise the materials. I also interviewed three nurses in order to get suggestions. These nurses consisted of the cleverest, the most passive and the ordinary student. These interviews were used to obtain some detail information on how the materials affected them.

D. Data Gathering Techniques

The techniques were explained based on the steps used in this research as follow:

1. The Data gathering techniques for research and information collecting The questionnaire was distributed to 30 nurses from 17 different departments. Each department got 1 to 3 questionnaires. I distributed them to 17 different departments because I wanted the nurses who answered the questionnaire became the subjects of the next step which was the main field testing. Since I only gave one questionnaire to one division, it would be easy for the nurses to arrange the schedule for the main field testing. They answered several questions about the materials and skills that they needed to study.


I interviewed the Vice Director of Nursing Department after distributing the questionnaire so that I could ask some questions that were not asked or stated in the questionnaire. I conducted the interview in Panti Rapih Hospital. The questions were about the activities that nurses did in the hospital, the situation in the hospital, and the English skills required by the nurses in the Panti Rapih Hospital.

2. The Data gathering technique for preliminary field testing

In the preliminary field testing, I distributed a questionnaire to the Vice Director of Nursing Department who had clear description of the situation in Panti Rapih Hospital. The aim of this step were to know whether the materials were appropriate for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital or not, whether the materials were able to be implemented in Panti Rapih Hospital or not, and also asking for suggestions and feedback. The suggestions were to revise the materials in order to make it as appropriate as possible for the learners.

3. The Data gathering techniques for main field testing

After revising the materials, I implemented the materials in Panti Rapih Hospital. I implemented one unit/chapter of the materials. There were two meetings that were used to implement the materials. In the last meeting, I gave questionnaires to the nurses in order to obtain feedback from them. Besides questionnaires, I also conducted an interview in order to obtain suggestions. There were three nurses who were interviewed. They consisted of the cleverest, the most passive and the ordinary students. I recognized the characteristics of these nurses


from the teaching and learning process in the class. These interviews were used to obtain some information on how the materials give affected them.

E. Data Analysis Technique

After I collected the data from the questionnaire, I knew that all of the answers were actually the learners’ need. From the questionnaire, I interpreted and concluded on the materials and skills which the learners had to develop and also considered what the most appropriate teaching techniques of the English materials were. After that, I started to design the materials in an attractive form.

The data in the form of percentage were described and explained in the discussion part. After making a table and converting the data into percentage, I analyzed the results and explained all of the results in table form. This explanation was considered as the need analysis description.

F. Research Procedure

Since the research aimed to design the appropriate design of the integrated listening and speaking materials based on collaborative learning for nurses in Panti Rapih Hospital and to find out how the design affects the nurses, the research was done in six steps. The six steps of conducting this research were: 1. Research and information collecting

a. I sent the research proposal to Panti Rapih Hospital.

b. I searched for the theory of ESP and instructional design in the library. c. I made questionnaires for obtaining learners’ characteristics and needs.


Fun Working

Task 2

Listen to the listening passage carefully!

Bellow is the beginning of the listening passage that you are going to listen.

Task 3

What’s the main idea of the listening passage you’ve heard?

Task 4

Listen again and fill in the blanks! Discuss the answer with your partner!

1. Last month, I was not feeling _______. I was under ______________. I thought I had caught a cold. I had a _____________ nose, _____________ eyes, a __________ throat and a cough. I felt ____________ and run down. I was in poor ______________ because I had not been ________ enough rest.

2. My friend _________ me to the doctor. I told the doctor I thought I had ___________ with a cold. When the doctor saw me, she immediately wanted to ________ some tests. She said that medical tests would help her ____________ why I was sick. The doctor also asked when I had my last physical. I do not get yearly check-ups. But I probably should get _____________________ by a doctor every year.

3. My body _______ all over. I also had severe ___________ -- a real splitting headache. And I was running __________. My body temperature was higher than normal.


Now, the VOA

Special English program, Words and Their Stories. (MUSIC)

Many professions have their own words and expressions……….

……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ……… ………


become sicker because then surely I would be at death’s door.

5. Then the nurse _________ my blood. She used ________ to take a small amount of ______ from my arm. She sent it to a ___________ for tests. The nurse also took my _____________. She used a _________ to measure my body temperature.

6. Now, I am _________ on my feet. I am ____________ healthy again. Even better, ___________ has given me a clean ________ of health. She says that I am ______________ cured. I am back to normal and I feel ________. In fact, I _______ on top of the world. My friends say I now _________ like the picture of __________. 7. At one point, I ___________ out. That’s right, I was out cold. I lost

-________________ and my friend had to bring me around. He used _______ water on my face to __________ my consciousness.

8. The doctor _______ me I had ______________, or the _______. But she told me I would ________ soon. She said I was over the worst of the disease. She told me to ______ at home and to ____________ from other people because the flu can _________. It is ______________.

9. Thankfully, I did not have to go ________________. I did not need _______________. Instead, I did just what the doctor ___________. I went home and did exactly what was needed to become ________ again. Soon, I was __________. I was pulling through and ____________ from my sickness.

10. Many professions have their own words and expressions. This is true for the ________________. ________ use many ____________ terms that most people do not understand. But there are also expressions we use every day to tell about a person’s ________. Let me explain.

Learn the Sentence!

Work in group consisting of three people! Comprehend the sentences presented in the table carefully at home!

If you want to describe the condition of your patients, you may use these


S + V

2 I felt tired and run down. I had a runny nose

S + was/were+ adj.

My body was hurt all over. I was under the weather

S + did not(didn’t) + V


I didn’t have a cough. I didn’t get enough rest.

S + was/were not

(wasn’t/weren’t) + adj.


If you want to ask the condition of your patients, you may use these rules:

Wh. Questions did + S +




What did you feel last night? How did it happen?

Wh. Questions was/were

+ S + adj.?

Why were you sweaty all of the night?

Did + S + V



Did you drink the medicine regularly?

Was/were + S + adj.?

Were you exhausted yesterday?

Task 5

Work in group consisting of three people! Make some sentences based on the notes given at home!

Give examples of the expressions used to describe patients’ condition!

1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________

Give examples of the expressions used to ask patients’ condition!

1. _________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________

Take a deep lesson!

Task 6


Let us speak!

Task 7

Answer these questions briefly and clearly with your partner!

Tell your experiences in describing someone’s health to the doctors!

Describe some illnesses that you know or that you familiar with?

Task 8

Read this conversation in pair! Nurse : Good morning, Sir.

What did you feel last night?

Mr. Joe : I got headache last night. It was a terrible headache. Nurse : Yup…. I’ll write it. You may have additional medicine. Mr. Joe : Thanks for your help.

Nurse : That’s ok. It’s better for you to take a rest, Sir.

Task 9

Make two conversations based on your experiences in the hospital with your partner! The conversation is about describing conditions of your patient.

You tell that description to the doctor.

You should put the pattern of how to ask the condition of your patient. You should put the pattern of how to describe the condition of your patient.


Task 10

Perform the conversation you have made in front of the class!

Take a deep lesson!

Write down what you have learnt so far!



Azar, Betty Schampfer.1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Beare, Kenneth. 2009. Asking for Information, (, accessed on March 31, 2009)

Beare, Kenneth. 2009. Giving Advice,

(, accessed on March 31, 2009)

EMIS. 2009. High Blood Pressure (Hypertension), (, accessed on March 31, 2009)

Gilbert, Sue. What are the most nutritious fruits and vegetables?,

(, accessed on March 31, 2009)

HIT Hypertension Influence Team. 2009. Blood Pressure Measurement With

Electronic Blood Pressure Monitor,

(, accessed on March 31, 2009)

Hutchinson, Tom., Waters, Alan. 1994. English for Specific Purposes, A Learning Centred Approach. Great Britain: Cambridge University Press.

Kemp, Jerrold E., Ed. D. 1977. Instructional Design, A Plan for Unit and Course Development (second addition). Belmont: Fearon-Pitman Publishers Inc.

Moss, Jill. 2007. Medical Terms: A Clean Bill of Health From the Doctor, (, accessed on May5,2007)

Srinivas, Hari. 2009. Four Collaborative Learning Strategies, (, accessed on May18, 2009)