Background of the Study

- There’s the man who teaches me the guitar. - I don’t like people who lose their temper easily. - I think you should stay faithful to the person to whom you are married. The students’ difficulties at school can be various. One of them is the learning attitude in the class that is different so that there are some students who can receive the lesson easily and the other can not. Thus, their source difficulties occur while they are receiving the lesson. As M. Alisuf Sabri said that the students’ difficulty here should be defined as an hardship of students in receiving the lesson at school. Thus these learning difficulties occur while they are following the lesson. 6 Commonly, the factors that cause the difficulty in learning consist of two kinds. The first is the student internal factor; the conditions that are inside the students themselves. The second is the student external factor; the conditions that are outside the student themselves. 7 In this case, the writer is interested in analyzing the student’s errors in using adjective clauses with the paper entitled “An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Using Adjective Clauses” A Case Study in the Second Year Students of MAN 4 Cijeruk Bogor. The reason why the writer chooses this title because there are many students who still get difficulty in learning adjective clauses. By knowing these difficulties that are analyzed by the writer, it can help English teachers about how to teach an adjective clause.

B. Limitation of the Study

In order to avoid misunderstanding in interpreting the problem. The writer limits the problem in this “skripsi” only in the student’s difficulties in learning 6 M. Alisuf Sabri, Psikologi Pendidikan, Jakarta: CV. Pedoman Jaya Ilmu, 2007, p. 88, Translated by writer. 7 Muhibbin Syah, Psikologi Pendidikan dengan Pendekatan Baru, Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2007, p. 173, Translated by writer. adjective clauses especially in relative pronouns as subordinate conjugation. These relative pronouns are: who, whom, whose, that, and which, that should be taught in the second grade of senior high school.

C. Formulation of the Study

Based on the statement above the writer would like to formulate the problems as follows: 1. What are the errors faced by the students in using adjective clauses? 2. Why do the students face such difficulties in using adjective clauses?

D. Use of the Study

This Paper is intended to find out the errors faced by the second year students of MAN 4 Cijeruk Bogor, to analyze the reason why the students face the difficulties in using adjective clause, to enlarge the writer’s knowledge in their grammar especially in using relative pronoun as subordinate conjugation in adjective clauses. The writer expects that this paper will be useful for himself, English teachers and everybody who pay attention to learn English may take advantages from this study. In addition, it is also to fulfill one of the requirements of English Department of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

E. Method of the Study

The method that is used in this study is analysis descriptive method carried by data that are found through library research as the base of theoretic and field research. In field research, the writer collects and researches immediately to the location of research in order to find the data needed in this research. As well, they are analyzed by quantitative and presentation. The field research is conducted at MAN Cijeruk Bogor. The writer observes some difficulties and errors found by the second year students in using adjective clauses and analyzes them.

F. Organization of the Writing

This paper is systematically divided into five chapters. The following is a brief description about what each chapter contains. Chapter I is introduction containing background of the study, limitation of the study, method of the study and organization of writing. Chapter II discusses about theoretical framework and consists of three parts. Part A explains about errors which cover the definition of error, the sources of error, the types of error and how to improve error. Part B explains about adjective clauses which cover the definition, the types, the usage, and the difficulties in learning adjective clauses. Part C explains about the factor of students’ difficulties which cover the internal and external factor. Chapter III presents reseach methodology. It consists of place and time of the research, population and sample, techniques of data collecting, and techniques of data analysis. Chapter IV presents research finding. It consists of findings and discussion. Finally, chapter V presents conclusion and suggestion. It is the analysis to answer the formulation of problem. Moreover, suggestion that writer takes. CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK

A. Errors

1. The Definition of Error

According to Brown errors are part of the student’s interlingua, that is the version of the language which a learner has at any one stages of development, and which is continually reshaped as he or she aims toward full mastery. 1 Therefore, Dullay stated that error is the flawed side of learner speech or writing. Those are part of conversation or composition that deviates from some selected norm of mature language performance. 2 The writer tries to concludes that error is a part of foreign language learning process that is made by the students caused by their lack of comprehending in the target language rules. When the students learn about target language, they make plenty of error. It is natural part of language acquisition process. How to know the students’ errors are needed the error analysis. According to David Crystal, error analysis in language teaching and learning is the study of the unacceptable forms produced by someone in learning a language, especially foreign language. 3 Moreover, Sharma stated that error analysis is defined as a process based on analysis of learners’ error with one clear objective; evolving a suitable and effective teaching learning strategy and remedial measure necessary in certain clearly marked out areas of the foreign language. 4 1 Jeremy Harmer, Principle of Language Learning and Teaching, New York: Prentice Hall Regents. P, 170. 2 Heidi Dullay, etal., Language Two, New York: Oxford University Press, p. 139. 3 David Crystal, An encyclopedic Dictionary of Language and Languages, Oxford: Blackwell, 1992, p. 125. 4 S. K. Sharma, Error Analysis: Why and How?, English Teaching Forum, April, 1982, p. 21. 7