The Definition Of Adjective Clauses

children wanted to play soccer. The adjective clause is used to identify which children ran to the open field. 19 b. Nonrestrictive Clauses Nonrestrictive clauses, on the other hand, called additive or appositive relative clauses. It set off by commas in writing and by pauses in speaking. 20 It also called Non-defining relative clauses functioning like noun. As Thomson and Martinet said that non-defining relative clauses are placed after nouns which are definite already. They do not therefore define the noun, but merely add something to it by giving some more information about it. Unlike defining relative clauses, they are not essential in the sentence and can be omitted without causing confusion. Also unlike defining relatives, they are separated from their noun by commas. The pronoun can never be omitted in a non-defining relative clause. The construction is fairly formal and more common in written than in spoken English. 21 The function of nonrestrictive clauses does not limit or identify. they do not affect the intention, nor restrict the number of the nouns or pronouns they modify. 22 A nonrestrictive clause contains additional information which is not required to give the meaning of the sentence. A nonrestrictive clause is set off from the other clause by commas and a restrictive clause is not. Who, whom, and which can be used in restrictive or nonrestrictive clauses. That can be used only in restrictive clauses. Normally, that is the preferred word to use in a restrictive clause, although which is acceptable. 23 According to Michael Swam, non- identifying expressions are often separated from the rest of the sentence by pauses or intonation-changes in speech, and by commas in writing as in the last two examples above. In writing, non-identifying relative clauses are always separated 19 Betty Scramper Azar, Understanding and…, p. 250. 20 Robert Krohn and the staff of the English language institute. English Sentence..., p. 185. 21 A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet, A Practical English Grammar, Oxford: Oxford University press, 1986, Fourth Ed., p. 85. 22 Homer C. House and Susan Emolyn Harman, Descriptive English…, p. 363. 23 Danny R. Cryssco, English Grammar…, p. 177. by commas in this way. Then, one of the way how to determine the different between restrictive and non-restrictive in writing is by seeing the comma . In addition, the other ways taken from the explanation that was stated by Marcella Frank that the non restrictive clauses use of commas when the antecedent is restricted in itself . The antecedents which are used commas as nonrestrictive clauses are a proper noun, one of a kind, and the antecedent identified by the preceding context. Not only three of antecedents that are used commas as non restrictive but also commas used when the antecedent refers to all of a class. for more clear, the writer gives the examples as follows: 1 Antecedent as a proper noun, for example: Professor Wilson, who teaches Chemistry 101, is an excellent lecturer. Commas are used. The adjective clause is not necessary to identify who professor Wilson is. We already know who he is: he has a name. The adjective clause simply gives additional information. 2 Antecedent is one of a kind, for example: His aunt, who lives in California, came to visit him recently. The adjective clause does not single out one aunt from others. He may have only one aunt. 3 Antecedent identified by the preceding context, for example: 4 Late in the evening they sent out for some coffee. The coffee, which had been boiling for along time, tasted rancid 5 Antecedent refers to all of a class, for example: The chair, which were in bad condition, were sent out to be repaired and refinished. All the chairs were in bad condition. 24 Based on the explanation above, the writer take summary by using table in order to be clear where the different between restrictive and non restrictive clauses. 24 Marcella Frank, Modern English…, p. 281. Summary of differences between restrictive and nonrestrictive clause Restrictive Non Restrictive Provides information necessary for identifying a noun in the main clause Provides additional information but information is unnecessary to determining the identity of a noun in the main clause No pauses no comma or special intonation to set off the relative clause from the main clause. Commas in writing and special pauses and intonation in speech set the relative clauses off from the main clause. That is freely used as relative pronoun instead of who m and which e.g.: The teacher whothat uses a good shoes is my friend. That cannot be used as a relative pronoun instead of who m and which , e.g: Ahmad Syarif, that uses good islamic dress, is my teacher. The correct answer: Ahmad Syarif, who uses a good islamic dress, is my teacher. Does not usually modify proper noun, one of a kind, antecedent identified by the preceding context, antecedent refers to all of a class except it modifies some of a class e.g: - The chairs which were in bad condition were sent out to be repaired and refinished. Some chairs were in bad condition; the others were not It may modify proper noun, one of a kind, antecedent identified by the preceding context, antecedent refers to all of a class as well as common nouns, e.g: Husnul, who wears a fez, is the teacher.  His aunt, who lives in California, came to visit him recently.  Late in the evening they sent out for some coffee. The coffee,