The Principles of Content-Based Instruction CBI

1. Pair and group work Both are a hallmark of the communicative classroom. Pair and group work culminate in a reporting stage, with students from each group sharing their ideas or solutions with the rest of the class. 2. Information gap Information gap activities are forms of pair works in which the students are each given pieces of information. Using only language, they must communicate to fill in the missing gaps in that information. 3. Jigsaw Students are first divided into expert groups with each group is given different information. Once the students in each group are familiar with the jigsaw, they are regrouped. Each new group consists of at least one student from each of the previous expert group. Then, students share their expertise to complete the task and report their findings to the rest of the class. 4. Graphic organisers It involves the use of visuals diagrams, tables, clusters, etc that assist in organising information. The teacher may use these graphic organisers to present information or guide students to brainstorm ideas. 5. Discussion and debate They involve opportunities for students to exress their own opinions about topics. 6. Role-play It entails having students act out a situation. Each participant is given information about the role and the situation. Role play would be connected to the overall nit theme or topic in CBI. 7. Survey tasks It engages the students to conduct a poll of people either inside or outside the classroom to determine opinions on a selected topic. These opinions are reported back to others, usually in the form of a chart or table. 8. Process writing It involves having students write multiple drafts of papers. Each draft receives either comment from the teacher or from a peer. Based on these comments, the student writer revises the draft and resubmits it to the teacher for evaluation. 9. Problem solving It involves students working in pairs or groups to arrive at a solution to a given problem. The context of the problem related to the theme students have been studying in the content unit. 10. Sequencing It involves students rearranging events or pieces of information into their logical order. This type of task is especially useful in the teaching of reading and listening. 11. Ranking Ranking involves determining an order of listed items based on their perceived importance. It is often done in pairs or groups, with group members being asked to reach consensus on the ordering. A designated reporter then shares the ranking that has been determined with the class as a whole, often providing a rationale for this ranking. 12. Values clarification It involves students taking a stand agreeing or disagreeing on controversial statements related to a chosen topic. It also involves students to come to consensus and then report on their decision and their discussion t the rest of the class members.

8. Curriculum 2013

Curriculum 2013 is the latest curriculum applied in Indonesia. As the name suggests, this curriculum was applied for the first time in the academic year of 20132014. According to the Regulation of Indonesian Minister of Education Number 70 Year 2013, this curriculum aims to enable students to be faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and affective human in order to be able to take part in their lives. Curriculum 2013 is characterised by the use of scientific approach as its process in every subject. This scientific approach aims to engage students in teaching learning process in order to foster a sense of wonder, encourage observation, push for analysis, and require communication. There are some stages of scientific approach as stated in BSNP 2013.