Research Objectives Research Limitation Research Benefits Thesis Organization

commit to user 7 BILINGUAL TOURISM BOOKLET OF SURAKARTA. B. Problem Statement Based on the research background stated above, the following problem statements are proposed: 1. What are the techniques applied in translating Indonesian cultural terms into English? 2. How is the translation quality in translating the Indonesian cultural terms into English in terms of accuracy and acceptability?

C. Research Objectives

The objectives of the research are: 1. To describe the techniques applied in translating Indonesian cultural terms into English. 2. To explore the translation quality in translating the Indonesian cultural terms into English in terms of accuracy and acceptability.

D. Research Limitation

The main objectives of this research are to describe the techniques of translation applied and translation quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability in translating the Indonesian cultural terms into English. The data analyzed are in terms of words and phrases level only. The research is focused on the English translation of the Indonesian cultural terms. Additionally, the translation quality in this case is only focused on the accuracy and acceptability of the translation product. Accuracy means how accurate the original message is conveyed into the target text, while acceptability commit to user 8 refers to how natural or acceptable the target text for the target readers is.

E. Research Benefits

It is expected that this study will be beneficial for: 1. Translators The findings in this study is expected to be used as an input in translating a cultural –based text Indonesian - English and vice versa in order to have better quality by applying the good techniques in a translation process. 2. Students of English Department This research is expected to improve the ability of the English Department students in translating a cultural–based translation text to be qualified especially in terms of accuracy and acceptability. 3. Other researchers This research is expected to be able to provide any information in the field of translation, especially when they want to analyze similar aspects of the bilingual tourism booklet.

F. Thesis Organization

The thesis is organized as follows: Chapter I: Introduction This chapter covers Research Background, Problem Statement, Research Limitation, Research Objectives, Research Benefits, and Thesis Organization. Chapter II: Literature Review This chapter consists of Definition of Translation, Principles of Translation, Process of Translation, Types of Translation, Translation Techniques, Translation Techniques in translating Cultural Terms, Accuracy and Acceptability, Problems commit to user 9 of Equivalents, Cultural Terms, Problems in translating Cultural Terms, and Bilingual Tourism Booklet. Chapter III: Research Methodology This chapter covers Type of Research, Data and Source of Data, Sample and Sampling Technique, Research Procedure, Technique of Data Collection, and Technique of Analyzing Data. Chapter IV: Data Analysis This chapter consists of Introduction, Data Analysis, and Discussion Chapter V: Conclusion and Suggestion This chapter consists of Conclusion and Suggestion Bibliography Appendices commit to user