No. Kategori b. Kompetensi Bidang Inhouse sebanyak 105 program diikuti 2.441 peserta Antara Lain: Bidang Teknik, Operasi dan Komersial Penanggulangan Kebakaran Tingkat D Sertiikasi Kemenaker RI, Gas Talk 1 Book Review Introduction to World Class Gas System Management, Safety Profesional, Pengawas Konstruksi Pipa PE Batch 1 GAS Talk 2 Brings Energy to You, Penyambungan Pipa Galvanis, Calon Asesor Kompetensi, Gas Talk 3 Book Review Introduction to The World Class GSM, Effective Selling Skills, LIFO High Performance Selling, Gas Talk 4 Book Review of GSM Financial Planning, Energy Management, Workshop PraCEPAt, Audit Internal Integrasi Sistem Keamanan dan SMK3, Proses Safety Information, Business Knowledge of PGN Group, Basic and Technical LNG Training, The Technical Development for Sales and Customer Management, Insiden Investigasi, Peer Educator Pencegahan dan Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis HIV AIDS dan Penyalahgunaan Narkoba di Tempat Kerja, Teknik Investigasi Security Basic Safety c. Bidang Keuangan Update PSAK Tahun 2016, Oracle Hyperion, The Secret of Managing Accounts Receivable, Tax Planning Vs Crative Accounting, Manajemen Risiko Keuangan PGN, Simulasi Bisnis Apple and Oranges Business Finance for Everyone, Workshop Tax Amnesty d. Bidang Administrasi Umum Protokol Profesional, Strength Revolution, Retired Planning Program, Learning Week-Creative and Innovative Thinking, Training for Trainer, Awareness ISO 14001:2014 dan Pengenalan ISO 14001:2015, Workshop International Position Evaluation IPE, Audit Internal Sistem Manajemen ISO 14001 dan OHSAS 18001, Workshop Strategic Workforce Planning, General Affair Profesional, Integrated Marketing Communication, Interpretasi Pemahaman dan Pendalaman Sistem Kinerja Berbasis KPKU BUMN, Good Corporate Governance GCG, Awareness ISO 9001:2015, Strategic Workforce Planning Workshop 2, LIFO® Method for Problem Solving and Decision Making Skills, Personal Branding With Social Media, Asesor KPKU BUMN, ONE PGN ProCISE for World Class PGN Group, Management Service Skills for General Affair, Enhancing Government Relations Through B2G Approach, Amazing Slide Presentation, Workshop Valuasi Aktuaria PGN Group, Corporate Event Management, Pelatihan dan Sertiikasi Pengadaan Barang Jasa Pemerintah, Workshop E-Tendering dengan Aplikasi SPSE 4.0 3 Public Training sebanyak 97 program diikuti 254 pekerja a. Dalam Negeri KPI dan Kontrak Manajemen Berbasis Kinerja Unggul Malcolm Baldrigde, Audit Internal Tingkat Lanjutan, Workshop Implementasi RPP Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup dan RPP Kebijakan Energi Nasional Dua Hari, International Conference Business Economics Social Science and Humanities BESSH, Penyusunan Kontrak Payung Pengadaan dan E-Catalog Pengadaan BarangJasa , 1st Indonesia Human Capital Summit 2016, Certiied PSAK Review, Pipeline Security Management, Radiographic Interpreter Level II Training Certiication Course, Financial Modelling in Excel, Ahli K3 Umum, Gas Indonesia Summit 2016, IndoHSSE 2016, Oracle Database 11g : Program with PLSQL, Mediasi 2016, Welding Inspector, Workshop Mekanisme Perizinan Pertanahan, Pendidikan Dasar Penilaian I Bidang Properti, Effective IR in Practice, CSWIP - Welding Level 2 International Certiication, Audit Internal Tingkat Lanjutan II, Training Sertiikasi Advance Flow –X, Workshop Sehari Forensik Digital, Seminar Indonesia Marketeers Festival : Selling Yourself, Menang di Era MEA, Holding Company Management “Leading and Driving the Right Way”, Workshop “The Next Level of HR Champion”, Pemahaman Dasar