Research Setting Research Data



A. Research Setting

Madrasah Aaliyah Negeri MAN 2 Yogyakarta is located on K.H. Ahmad Dahlan street, number 130, Ngampilan, Yogyakarta 55261. The vision and missions of MAN 2 Yogyakarta are as follows: The vision of MAN 2 Yogyakarta is as follows: To create faithful, knowledgeable, and generous students The missions of MAN 2 Yogyakarta is as follows: 1. To create MAN Yogyakarta 2 as “The Real Islamic School’ 2. To create a dynamic condition in order to develop the students’ potentials heard, heart, hand 3. To boost passion of reading and learning 4. To increase foreign language abilities 5. To grow enthusiasm of excellence 6. To appreciate achievements 7. To grow the willingness to do good things Fastabiqul Khairat 8. To develop life skill extracurricular activities 9. To apply democratic and participative management The total number of X, XI, XII classes are 24 classes consisting of 2 majors, natural and social sciences, in which there are 546 students. There are 546 teachers in total at MAN 2 Yogyakarta involving 46 PNS teachers and 10 honorary teachers. There are 28 staffs including 10 government employees PNS 65 and 10 honorary staffs. The school accreditation is A with score 98.04 2014. The facilities, such as white boards, board markers, erasers, fans, and LCD, are complete enough to facilitate the whole teaching and learning processes at MAN 2 Yogyakarta. The classrooms are in good and clean conditions for teaching and learning processes. There are a headmaster room, teacher rooms, a library, a praying room, an administration room, a counseling room, a canteen and toilets. The school also facilitates students’ skills and interests with extracurricular activities, such as Students’ Association OSIS as the main activity, while the rest are Red Cross, students’ business center, sport basketball, volleyball, and karate, and religious activities.

B. Research Data

This research was carried out in order to find the quality The Analysis of Test Items of Economics-Accounting Final Examination of Even Semester for Grade XI IPS Students of MAN 2 Yogyakarta in Academic Year 20152016 seen from validity, reliability, difficulty level, discrimination index, and distractor aspects. The data were the test items of Economics Accounting Final Examination of Even Semester containing 40 multiple choice questions. The data were processed using Anates Version 4.09 to figure out the validity, reliability, difficulty level, discrimination index, and distractors. 66

C. Research Result