Principles of Learning Outcomes Evaluation

11 a To stimulate learners’ activities in achieving educational program. b To seek and find the causal factors of learners’ success in an educational program. To sum up, the purpose of evaluation is to know to what extent success learners have achieved during a particular period so that teacher can make decision about it. Teacher can tell learners’ lacks thus they can make improvement, for instance by replacing learning method or reexplaining learning materials learners have not understood.

c. Principles of Learning Outcomes Evaluation

According to Suharsimi Arikunto 2009: 24, there are one general principle of evaluation, which is tringulation or interrelation among three components namely: 1. Learning objectives 2. Learning activity 3. Evaluation The triangulation is illustrated by Suharsimi 2009: 38-40 with the following diagram : Objectives 12 Learning Evaluation Figure 1. Triangulation The explanation of the interrelation among three components is as follows: 1 The relationship between learning objectives and learning activity Learning activity planned in the form of lesson plan written by teacher refers to the objectives which are going to achieve. The arrow showing the relationship between both directs towards the objectives. It means that learning activity orientates towards learning objectives, yet directs from learning objectives towards learning activity, showing direction from learning objectives towards learning activity afterwards. 2 The relationship between learning objectives and learning evaluation. Evaluation is collecting data to measure to what extent the learning objectives have been achieved. The arrow directs learning evaluation towards learning objectives. The preparations for evaluation tool refers to the learning objectives already determined. 3 The relationship between learning activity and learning evaluation. 13 Besides referring to learning objectives, learning evaluation must refer or be suited to the learning conducted. For example, if learning activity conducted by teacher emphasizes on skill, the evaluation had to measure learners’ skill level, not their knowledge instead. Anas Sudijono 2011: 31 argues that the evaluation of learning outcomes is considered being successful if the implementation is based on these three basic principles. a. Holistic Principle Means that evaluation cannot be conducted separately, but must be done completely, holistically, or comprehesively. b. Sustainability Principle Means that evaluation must be conducted regularly and repeatedly from time to time. c. Objectivity Principle Means that in its implementation, evaluator must always think and act properly, according to the reality, remain neutral. Daryanto 2007: 19 explains several principles evaluators must consider when conducting evaluation such as. 1 Cohesion, evaluation planning must be determined at the time teaching unit is made so that it can be suited harmonically to the instructional objectives and learning materials that will be presented. 14 2 Learners’ involvement, learners need evaluation in order to know how far they are successful in their active learning. 3 Coherence, evaluation must be related to the learning materials already delivered in the learning process and suited for areas of skills will be measured. 4 Pedagogy, evalution is necessary to be implemented as an improvement of both attitude and behavior viewed from pedagogic aspect. 5 Accountability, it is necessary to inform to what extent the succes of learning program is to the parties concerned with education as accountability. Therefore, evaluation principle is not only about the interrelation among learning objectives, learning activity, and evaluation but also about the students’ involvement in learning and at last teacher will make accountability to the parties concerned so that they c an tell students’ progress.

d. Techniques for Evaluating Learning Outcomes