The Previous Relevant Studies

Table 3.1 Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Control Group Design Group Pretest Dependent variable Posttest C X 1 Treatment X 2 D Y 1 - Y 2 The table 3.1 shows there were different treatments between experimental and controlled class. The experimental class was taught by Mind Mapping technique and the controlled class was taught without by using Mind Mapping Technique.

B. Place and Time

This research was conducted at MTs. Yayasan Mathla ’ul Anwar Nurul Kamal YAMANKA. This school is located on Jl. LETKOL Atang Sendjaja, Bantar Sari, Rancabungur, Bogor. This research was carried out for 2 month in January- February 2015.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population of the research was the seventh grade students. It was consist of 4 classes and 112 students. Each class consists of less than 25 students, starting from 7A up 7D.

2. Sample

This research used purposive cluster sampling to determine the sample. Based on the English teachers’ suggestion, the research should be conducted at the seventh grade of class 7C and 7D, MTs. Yayasan Matla ’ul Anwar Nurul Kamal YAMANKA, in first grade of academic year 20142015. Each class has 25 students, so total of students is 50 students. In conclusion, the experiment is will be done in two classes, and which, 7C as the Experiment Class and 7D as the Controlled Class.

D. Instrument of the Research

The instrument of this research was a written test. It used to know how well the students already mastered in learning writing of descriptive text also to prove the effect of mind mapping technique on students’ writing of descriptive text.

E. The Technique of Data Collecting

The techniques used in collecting data of this research were as follows: 1. Pre-test The pre-test was given to the students for both experimental and controlled class in the beginning of attending 7C and 7D to know the students’ basic knowledge of the material that will be taught. 2. Post-test The post-test was given to both experimental and the controlled class after the treatment finished. The writer applied mapping technique for experiment class and applied conventional technique for control class. Then the writer compared the result of the two classes.

F. The Technique of Data Analysis

The last step of this research was data analysis. In analyzing the data taken from both classes experimental class and controlled class, the writer used analytical scoring rubric. The Analytical scoring was adopted from Hughes used in this research to analyzing the data related to studen ts’ test of writing ability. There are five components presented in the analytical scoring rubric for writing, they consist of grammar, vocabulary, mechanics, fluency and form organization. The following table was the analytical scoring rubric used in analyzing the students’ paragraph writing: 4 4 Hudges, Arthur, Testing for Language Teachers second edition, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2003, p. 101. Table 3.2 Rubric for Assessing Students’ Writing Adopted from Hughes Components of writing Scores Indicators Grammar 6 Few noticeable errors of grammar or word order 5 Some errors of grammar or word order which do not, however, interfere with comprehension 4 Errors of grammar and word order fairly frequent; occasional re-reading necessary for full comprehension. 3 Errors of grammar and word order frequent; efforts of interpretation sometimes required on reader’s part. 2 Errors of grammar and word order very frequent; reader often has to rely on own interpretation. 1 Errors of grammar and word order so severe as to make comprehension virtually impossible. Vocabulary 6 Use of vocabulary and idiom rarely distinguishable from that of educated native writer 5 Occasionally uses in appropriate terms or relies on circumlocutions; expression of ideas hardly impaired. 4 Uses wrong or inappropriate words fairly frequently; expression of ideas may be limited because in adequate vocabulary.

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