Description of Place Kinds of Descriptive

2. Function of Mind Mapping

Mind Mapping can help people in many aspects of life. Tony Buzan stated that we can use mind-maps for planning, communicating, being more creative, saving time, problem-solving, remembering, faster learning and so on. 31 On the other hand, Mind mapping has the function in developmental in teaching and learning activity, especially in teaching writing descriptive text in the junior high school. According to Tee there are the following function or useful of mind mapping 32 : 1 Brainstorming – individually and as a group. 2 Summarizing information, and note-taking. 3 Consolidating information from different research sources. 4 Thinking trough complex problems. 5 Presenting information in a format that shows the overall structure of your subject. 6 Studying, retaining and recall information. 7 Promotes meaningful learning instead of memorization.

3. Procedure of Mind Mapping

To make a mind map, Bill Lucas stated that turn a piece of paper through 90 degrees so that its shortest side is vertical. Put the title of your map or a picture in the center and draw an oblong around it. Pick it out the main topics or headings of whatever you are mapping. Draw lines out from your central oblong toward the edge of the page and label the line as you do it. The draw the smaller lines, like branches of the trunk of a tree, from each of your main lines. You can also create twigs off the branches if you think of something else that is part of a branch. Once the basic shape of the map is taking place, you can also annotate the map with colors, question marks, and underlining-anything that helps you make 31 Tony Buzan, Buku Pintar Mind Map, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2005, p. 6 32 Tee. T.K. et al., Buzan Mind Mapping : An efficient Technique for Note-Taking, World Academy Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of social, Management, Economics and Business Engineering Vol:8 No:1, 2014, p. 28. connections 33 . Tony Buzan and Barry Buzan stated in their book The Mind Map Book that the mind mapping uses color and pictures to help constructing your imagination with your style in making mind mapping. Words or pictures, which are in the curvy l ines or branches, will help the students’ memory to make associations.

4. Advantages and Disadvantage of using Mind Mapping

Bill Lucas states, ―I also find that mind map is useful as a method of capturing my thoughts when I am writing an article or preparing a speech‖ 34 . On the other hand, Mind Mapping has a benefit. Especially in teaching and learning there are: a. They automatically inspire interest in the students, thus making them more receptive and cooperative in the classroom. b. They make lessons and presentations more spontaneous, creative and enjoyable, both for teacher and the students. c. Rather than remaining relatively rigid as the years go by the teacher’s note are flexible and adaptable. In these times of rapid change and development, the teacher needs to be able to alter and add to teaching notes quickly and easily. d. Because mind maps present only relevant material in a clear and memorable form, the students tend to get better marks in examinations. e. Unlike linear text, mind maps show no just the fact but the relationship between those facts, thus giving the students a deeper understanding of the subject. f. The physical volume of lecture notes is dramatically reduced. g. Mind maps are especially useful for children with learning difficulties, particularly dyslexia. By freeing the ch ild of the ‘tyranny of semantic, 33 Bill Lucas, Power Up Your Mind, London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2001, p. 123. 34 Ibid., p. 124.

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